11 Examples of Patriotism and Their Definitions, Values ​​and Characteristics!

An Example of Patriotism – Indonesia is well known as a country that was able to become independent after being colonized for a very long time. Every Indonesian citizen at that time who participated in the fight against the colonialists was considered to have patriotism within him. In fact, not a few of them have been considered heroes thanks to their past services.

Then, what exactly is meant by patriotism? Well, if you don’t know it yet, then you can watch this article till the end, Sinaumed’s. In this article, we will discuss further about understanding, to examples of patriotism.

The Definition of Patriotism

Of course, before discussing patriotism further, it is better for us to discuss the meaning of patriotism first. Patriotism comes from the words “patriot” and “ism” which mean heroism or heroism, or also heroism and patriotism in English. The sacrifice can be in the form of property or a person’s soul and body.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), patriotism is an attitude that is willing to sacrifice everything for the glory and prosperity of the homeland.

Patriotic are people who practice patriotism, namely people who have a feeling of love for the Motherland, so they are willing and brave to sacrifice for the survival of the nation and state. So, it is necessary for us to increase the attitude of patriotism in everyday life, yes, Sinaumed’s.

So, it can be said that patriotism is a feeling of love and loyalty to the nation and country which can evoke an attitude of willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and state.

The spirit of patriotism is one of the things that becomes a provision to maintain the survival of a country. Therefore, the spirit of patriotism needs to be instilled in order to be able to defend the nation’s noble values ​​and to be able to defend the country from various threats and disturbances that come from within and outside the country.

One of the spirit of patriotism is reflected in how Indonesian fighters never gave up in facing the invaders during the war for independence.

With the spirit of patriotism, they have dared to fight and are willing to sacrifice their property, property, and even their lives to be able to free their country from the invaders. With the achievement of this independence, it is appropriate that the spirit of patriotism must be instilled to fill the independence of this country.

This is because in the current era colonialism and colonization can be carried out by other countries but not in a similar way to what was experienced in the pre-independence era.

In addition, currently the Indonesian state is also facing various challenges, namely the decline in public morality, the fading values ​​of nationalism and patriotism, a national identity that is starting to be neglected and the issue of national disintegration getting stronger. With these challenges, the spirit of patriotism should be maintained so that the independence and survival of this country is maintained.

On the other hand, after seventy-five years of Indonesia’s independence, developments continue to occur. Along with the times, information and communication technology is also growing. This is the cause of the birth of the phenomenon of globalization which is an effort to unify global society from various sides, both orientation, lifestyle and culture.

Understanding Patriotism According to Experts

1. Staub

Patriotism is a person’s attachment to his group regarding ethnicity, nation and political parties. He argued that there are two types of patriotism, namely:

  • Blind patriotism is patriotism as attachment to the country regardless of anything. The hallmark of this type of patriotism is not questioning everything, being loyal and intolerant of criticism.
  • Constructive patriotism is patriotism that supports criticism and questions from its members in order to achieve changes in a better direction for the welfare of its members.

2. Budiyono

Patriotism is an attitude that seeks to maintain independence by all means including sacrificing body and soul.

3. Richard Aldington

Patriotism is a sense of collective responsibility that lives and is certainly needed in every form of collective life at the local and international levels.

4. Blank and Schmidt

According to Blank and Schmidt it is different, they state that nationalism is more nuanced in dominating and highlighting superiority over other nations, while patriotism is more about love and loyalty.

5. Suprapto et al (2007: 38)

Suprapto, et al stated that patriotism is the spirit of love for the motherland or the attitude of someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for the glory and prosperity of his homeland.

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6. Bakry (2010: 144)

Patriotism is the soul and spirit of love for the motherland that complements the existence of nationalism. A group of people who inhabit Indonesia’s land must unite, truly love and be willing to sacrifice to defend the Indonesian homeland as an independent nation. Furthermore, that patriotism as part of nationalism in Indonesian nationalism.

7. Wijayanto J (2017: 411)

Patriotism is an understanding of a person’s love for his nation and country which is displayed in a heroic or heroic manner.

8. Sulianti (2018: 50)

Patriotism is an understanding of love for the motherland and willingness to be prepared to uphold human values.

9. Samidi & Kusuma (2020 : 31)

The notion of patriotism is expressed as a psyche that risks full loyalty in devoting oneself to the country.

Patriotism Values

Based on the definitions that have been described regarding values ​​and patriotism, it can be said that the value of patriotism is a reference or principle that reflects love for a group or nation and a willingness to uphold human values.

Patriotism includes proud attitudes towards the nation’s achievements, pride in the nation’s culture, a desire to maintain national characteristics and the nation’s cultural background. There are several values ​​of patriotism, namely loyalty, courage, self-sacrifice and love for the nation and country. The following is a complete explanation of the values ​​of patriotism.

a. Courage

According to KBBI, courage has a steady heart and great confidence in facing danger, difficulties and is not afraid. We must maintain that the truth is lost and not lost, if we die and not die, we should not be half-hearted or timid in doing work.

If you dare to say, should dare to do too. Courage in patriotism can be exemplified by always having the courage to defend their country when their country is right, daring to defend their country when their country is threatened.

b. Willing to sacrifice

Willing to sacrifice as an attitude of doing everything in order to achieve something you want even though working very hard can even harm yourself. In the value of patriotism, it is willing to make sacrifices such as protecting one’s beloved country, willing to sacrifice life in adversity to fight for the rights and integrity of one’s country. According to KBBI, willingness to sacrifice is an attitude that expresses devotion, loyalty and so on.

c. Never give up

Never give up as a form of personality of someone who is persistent, tirelessly rising from one failure to another and finally achieving success. Someone who never gives up will do the same thing even though they have failed before. In addition, someone who never gives up always tries to provide answers to the challenges faced.

d. Social solidarity

Solidarity or social solidarity is a social concern to help others who need help with empathy and compassion. The impact of this social solidarity is such as a high sense of empathy for fellow friends, helping each other and working together in goodness, taking care of each other’s brotherhood in order to build the nation’s future.

Solidarity or social solidarity is also referred to as the existence of mutual trust, shared ideals, solidarity and a sense of responsibility among individuals as members of a group because of shared emotional and moral feelings.

e. Tolerance

Tolerance comes from the Latin toleration, which means leeway, gentleness, lightness and patience. In general, tolerance refers to an open attitude, graceful, voluntary and gentle. Tolerance also comes from another Latin word, tolerare” which means restraint, being patient, respecting other people’s opinions, being open-minded towards people who have different views or religions.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, tolerance is being tolerant (appreciating, allowing, allowing) attitudes (opinions, views, beliefs, habits and behavior) that differ or conflict with one’s own views.

f. Self-confident

Confidence is an attitude of confidence in one’s own ability to fulfill every desire and hope. Confidence can be useful for motivating yourself and training yourself to face all the problems that will be faced. In patriotism, everyone must have self-confidence, because everyone must have self-confidence to fight for a country.

Therefore, tolerance is an attitude of patience and refrain from disturbing or harassing religion or the belief system and worship of adherents of other religions.

Instilling patriotism values ​​can be done through various media or activities, including through educational curricula, social activities to literary works. Therefore, many writers have tried to convey these values ​​through literary works. By conveying values ​​through literary works, it is hoped that this will convey a message and instill a spirit of patriotism in today’s young generation.

Literary work is a work that comes from human creativity and its contents can reflect human life in general. This is because the conflicts contained in literary works also often occur in the real world and vice versa. Literary works can also be said as the result of the author’s creativity which is intended for everyone. in the work contains many lessons that can be learned and learned.

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So, with the value of patriotism is one of the values ​​that writers usually want to convey and insert in their literary works. Every citizen is of course supposed to instill the values ​​of patriotism in himself. This value needs to be instilled and taught when someone is getting an education.

Patriotism Traits

The characteristics of patriotism as follows:

  1. Patriotism is open so that we can also see the nation in the context of the world, are willing to be involved in it and are willing to learn from other nations for the betterment of the nation.
  2. Patriotism makes us feel that we have a self-identity, so that we can see, accept and develop the character and personality of the nation.
  3. The sense of love for the Motherland is a national cultural value and is an important capital for the struggle to achieve the nation’s ideals.
  4. Patriotism can create a sense of solidarity with others, so as to achieve national prosperity.
  5. Patriotism can make a person able to see the strengths and weaknesses of his country and nation
  6. Patriotism can make a person able to see the strengths and weaknesses of his country and nation.
  7. There is sympathy for the nation. A patriotic person is able to love his nation and country without expecting personal gain for himself. This can create a sense of solidarity within a person in order to achieve the welfare of the nation.

Patriotism goals

Here are some goals of patriotism, as follows:

  1. Understanding embraces a sense of love for the Motherland and the nation, aims to create harmonious and harmonious relations and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among fellow citizens.
  2. Patriotism also fosters a sense of love for the Motherland and the nation in every citizen so that the country can face various existing threats.
  3. Patriotism aims to eradicate extremism or excessive demands on the rights and obligations of citizens, both individuals and groups.
  4. Patriotism aims to maintain the unity and integrity of the country from threats, both threats from within and from outside.

Types of Patriotism

1. Blind Patriotism

Blind patriotism is a form of love for the country and nation without considering the views of others. This understanding is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • Have a loyal attitude.
  • Intolerant of criticism.
  • No positive evaluation.

2. Constructive Patriotism

Constructive patriotism is a feeling of love for the Motherland and nation by considering and supporting the views of others. This type of patriotism is characterized by the following features:

  • There is a demand for the loyalty and love of the people by considering input and criticism.
  • There is a positive evaluation.
  • Appreciate human values.

As for the characteristics of a patriotic are as follows:

  • Love the motherland and nation.
  • Never give up.
  • Willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and the state.
  • Have a renewal spirit.
  • Always prioritizing national unity and integrity above personal and group interests.

Attitudes That Do Not Reflect Patriotism

Here are 4 attitudes that are not in accordance with patriotism, namely:

1. Selfishness

Egoism, namely selfish attitude without regard to the interests of others.

2. Extremism

Extremism, namely the attitude of stubbornly defending one’s position by justifying various means to achieve personal goals.

3. Terrorism

Terrorism is an act that aims to create panic, an atmosphere of insecurity and panic in society.

4. Separatism

Separatism is an attitude that wants to separate itself from a group.

Example of Patriotism

Now that Indonesia has become independent from the invaders, so the form of patriotism is no longer by taking up arms or putting up physical resistance. A patriot can show love for the motherland in a different way. The following are several forms and examples of patriotism and love for the motherland and nation, including:

  1. The first example of patriotism is of course participating in democratic activities, for example by voting in general elections.
  2. Volunteer for community service or run for election to government office.
  3. Purchasing and using domestically made products, both for primary and secondary and tertiary needs.
  4. Maintaining the preservation of the nation’s culture and not promoting foreign culture.
  5. Obey the regulations that apply in the life of society, nation and state.
  6. Respect and value teachers, parents and the people around us.
  7. Maintain and maintain public facilities so that they can be used continuously.
  8. Preserve and maintain environmental sustainability.
  9. Making Pancasila as a way of life in the life of the nation and state.
  10. Participating in and honoring the activities of the national day ceremony.
  11. Participate in social service activities to help underprivileged communities.

Those are the meanings, values ​​and examples of patriotism that every Indonesian citizen should have in the life of the nation. Come on Sinaumed’s, be a person who has a strong spirit of patriotism! I hope this article inspires you!

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