11 Benefits of Reforestation and Their Definition, Types, and Their Purpose!

Benefits of Reforestation – Shrinking forest area poses a threat to the survival of all living things. With the existence of less forest areas caused by deforestation on a large scale without being accompanied by sustainable reforestation efforts.

According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Indonesia has forest with an area of ​​133,300,543 hectares in 2017. However, every year Indonesia’s forest area continues to grow by around 684,000 per year.

This reduction in forest area is the result of various irresponsible activities, for example the conversion of forests to agricultural and plantation lands, forest fires, illegal logging, settlements and so on.

Definition of Reforestation

Reforestation is the process of replanting trees in areas affected by natural disturbances such as forest fires, drought and pest attacks or unnatural ones such as logging, mining, clearing of agricultural land and development.

By planting trees in areas that have been deforested or degraded, reforestation helps the environment by ensuring or accelerating the re-establishment of healthy forest structures by regenerating the forest canopy and conserving biodiversity in ecosystems.

In addition, reforestation can provide not one but two solutions to the crisis on this earth. Reforestation offers one of the best ways to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, turning it into solid carbon through photosynthesis and storing it in tree trunks, branches, roots and soil.

Reforestation can also prevent loss of endangered habitat and provide protection for more than 1 million species of plants and animals.

Reforestation is useful for improving the quality of human life by absorbing pollution and dust from the air, rebuilding natural habitats and ecosystems, and preventing global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.

One interesting example of reforestation efforts in the Garut area is asking each newlywed to plant 10 trees and 50 trees for divorced couples.

Types of Reforestation

Reforestation can occur naturally and reforestation managed by humans. The following are types of reforestation:

1. Natural reforestation

In natural reforestation, an area is left undisturbed by human activities. Seeds in the ground or brought to the area by winds and running water germinate and grow. Forests are rebuilt in time according to the succession of plant species that are characteristic of that geographic area.

2. Managed Reforestation

In managed reforestation, people are trying to rebuild the forest. However, managed reforestation can lead to debate about whether reconstructed forests have as much biodiversity as the original forests or forests that have regenerated naturally.

For example, some forests have been replanted with only one tree species, while other tree species have been prevented from regrowing, giving rise to a forest monoculture that resembles agriculture.

Types of Forest Reforestation

There are also several types of forest reforestation, including:

1. Protected forest

Protected forest is a forest that needs to be developed and maintained as a forest with permanent vegetation cover for hydrological purposes.

2. Nature reserve forest

Nature reserve forest is a forest that needs to be maintained and fostered by a diversity of plant and animal species.

3. Forest tourism

Forest tourism is a forest that is maintained with the intention of developing education and recreation.

4. Conservation forest

Conservation forest is a forest that is maintained for the existence of a variety of germplasm types and a place for the life of certain animal life.

5. Production forest

Production forest is a forest area designated as the need for regional expansion and development such as agricultural and plantation transmigration.

Reforestation Benefits

Reforestation efforts will provide various benefits for the balance of nature. The benefits of reforestation include:

1. Hydrological benefits

Trees that grow in forest areas have the ability to store water in the soil. The more trees that grow, the more water will be stored. We will feel these benefits during the dry season, where the intensity of rain decreases. By utilizing water reserves from the ground, a shortage of water supply for life will not occur.

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In addition, another benefit that is felt during the rainy season is avoiding the risk of flash floods. This is because the trees in forest areas are able to block water from the highlands and store it in the ground.

2. Orological benefits

Preserving forests by reforestation can provide orological benefits, namely the ability to withstand soil erosion so that they are not prone to landslides and fall.

3. Ecological benefits

Reforestation will provide ecological benefits in the form of environmental balance. If the number of trees in the forest area decreases either due to illegal logging or other reasons, there will be potential disasters such as landslides, flash floods and global warming.

4. Climatological benefits

Through the process of photosynthesis, trees recycle carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. A good forest area will reduce air pollution and maintain sustainability.

5. The benefits of endhapis

The forest area is a place to live, shelter and breeding ground for various animals. If the tree population decreases, of course the habitat of animals living in forest areas will be damaged.

6. Aesthetic benefits

Trees also have aesthetic or beauty benefits. Apart from restoring the function of the forest, planting trees in a neat and orderly manner also has an aesthetic effect and can be used as a means of nature tourism.

7. Protective benefits

Trees provide protection for humans, especially in everyday life. Trees can also be a wind barrier, sun shade, sound absorber and dust barrier in the surrounding environment. The benefits of tree sustainability also have a greater impact such as preventing floods, erosion and landslides.

8. Hygienic benefits

Related to the process of photosynthesis in plants in the form of the process of changing carbon dioxide into oxygen. It also provides hygiene benefits. Toxins in the air will be absorbed by plants and produce better air. In addition, tree roots also provide benefits as a water filter which makes the quality of groundwater better and maintained.

9. Educational benefits

Forest areas consisting of trees or plants that live in them, as well as various animals that live in the area can be used as learning facilities for future generations.

10. Recreational benefits

Nature tourism cannot be separated from forest tourism. Forest areas whose sustainability is maintained can be used as natural recreational facilities.

11. Economic benefits

Trees in forest areas or plantations can provide economic benefits. Leaves, fruit, stem roots and sap produced from the forest can be traded. Of course this utilization must be balanced with replanting so that the forest is not depleted and damaged due to over-exploitation.

Reforestation Goals

The main goal of reforestation is to restore the functions and benefits of the forest so that it returns to how it was when it was still lush and green. The following are some of the objectives of reforestation, namely:

1. Preserving forests and the environment

An important goal of forest reforestation activities is to preserve the environment. Forests function to absorb rainwater, produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. If the forest is maintained, environmental sustainability will also be maintained.

2. Increasing natural resources in the forest

Forests are also places that provide various raw materials for humans. For example, wood for buildings, food sources and so on. If the forest is maintained, then these resources will be more abundant and maintained.

3. Improving business results

Forests indirectly play a role in increasing business results. Forests are able to prevent global warming and store water reserves. Both of these functions are very useful in agricultural cultivation and other business fields.

For example, mangrove forests and mangroves in shady and well-maintained coastal areas will increase fish and shrimp production in ponds.

4. Maintaining biodiversity

Forests are a habitat for a variety of animal and plant species. If the forest is sustainable, the plants and animals that live in it will be protected.

The difference between Reforestation and Greening

Reforestation according to PP RI No. 35 of 2002 is an effort to plant forest tree species in damaged forest areas in the form of vacant land, reeds or shrubs to restore forest function.

Meanwhile, reforestation is an activity to restore critical land outside the forest area in a vegetative and civil technical way to restore land function. In other cases, reforestation is a planting activity carried out on vacant land so that the fertility of the land can be maintained, enhanced and restored.

Reforestation activities are carried out on critical land outside the forest area so that the function of the land can be improved. Meanwhile, reforestation is an attempt to improve degraded land by replanting trees in forest areas.

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The most striking difference is in the aspect of the area. Reforestation is carried out on land which is a forest area that has been determined by the government, while reforestation is carried out on empty land or critical land outside the forest area.

Reforestation and Greening Equations

The important thing about the existence of the reforestation movement and the reforestation movement is the similarity of the two. In general, these two movements are the same as the activity of planting trees somewhere, the goal is to make environmental sustainability better than before. For planted trees there is no difference.

The trees used in the afforestation and reforestation processes can be selected uniformly, because the goal is to get the best function. Tree roots function as natural water storage besides wood which has a million benefits for the environment and has dense fruit during the harvest season.

Characteristics of Areas in Need of Reforestation

Forest areas that need to be reforested urgently require further research and development. However, some of the characteristics and characteristics of areas that require reforestation can be noted, namely:

  1. Degraded forest area
  2. Empty land which is usually filled with reeds and shrubs
  3. Deforested area
  4. Areas of forest that have been logged
  5. Vacant land in forest area

Criteria for Suitable Trees for Reforestation

Selection of potential trees for reforestation is not easy. Many things must be considered, such as ecological, economic, social factors and also the time needed to achieve the desired results.

The following are criteria for suitable trees to be planted for reforestation activities, namely:

  1. Able to grow in the open in full sun. So it includes intolerant and pioneer tree species.
  2. Able to compete with reeds and other weeds. So, choose a tree that grows fast in height and is aggressive.
  3. If it is burned or trimmed/slashed, the tree can easily sprout again.
  4. In accordance with the state of the soil that is thin and poor in nutrients and drought resistant.
  5. Seeds or vegetative parts for breeding are easy to obtain and easy to store.

Examples of trees suitable for planting include Ficus benjamina (banyan), Pinus merkusii, Lagerstroemia sp and Tectona grandis. For reforestation in mangrove forests and mangroves, we can use Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia marina (White fire).

Causes of Reforestation

The following are several reasons why reforestation should be carried out, including:

1. Preserving natural resources

Elements of the biophysical environment that are real and have the potential to meet human needs in order to maintain their survival. So the act of exploitation must be accompanied by norms for the use and preservation of natural resources.

2. Environmental pollution

Environmental pollution must be a serious concern in the current era, increasing industrial activities such as mining have disrupted many living ecosystems. Therefore we have to do reforestation ( go green ).

3. To increase natural resources and conserve

Natural resources must be continuously conserved in order to meet the needs of human life. Therefore, it is very necessary to do reforestation.

4. To preserve forests and prevent flooding

Forests must be preserved so that the availability of oxygen on this earth can be maintained, so reforestation activities must be carried out. In addition, reforestation can prevent flooding.

Steps to Realize Reforestation Efforts

The following are several steps to achieve reforestation, including:

  • Preparation, including determining reforestation target locations, preparing implementing organizations, compiling activity timelines and division of labor, clearing reforestation areas of conflicts so that planting can run smoothly through planting plans, preparing materials and measuring instruments (GPS/theodolite measuring instruments, compasses, altimeters etc.) and determine the cropping pattern.
  • Make holes for plants according to the planting pattern and prepare basic fertilizer.
  • Plant seeds must be in good health and meet the standards and must first be planted in a temporary container. Plants that can be used for reforestation include the following:
    • Teak (Tecronagrandis)
    • Jelutung (Dyeracostulata)
    • Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba)
    • Sungkai (Peronemacannescens)
    • Meranti (Shoresp)
    • Candlenut (Aleuritesmolucua)
    • Tusam / pine (Pinus merkusii)
  • The plant seeds are removed from the temporary container and then transferred to the holes that have been made and given fertilizer.
  • Carry out intensive plant maintenance to clean the plant area from flammable materials.
  • Carry out periodic surveillance to detect fire hazards early so that appropriate action can be taken.
  • Increasing community participation in forest protection, among others, through information and counseling activities.


That is an explanation of the meaning of reforestation and its benefits for the environment. Reforestation is urgently needed in Indonesia, especially in areas prone to landslides and floods. Besides that, we also need lots of clean air sources to breathe. I hope this article inspires you!

Hopefully this explanation can add to our insights about reforestation. Let’s increase our concern for the environment together, Sinaumed’s. If Sinaumed’s is still confused, still needs references related to the full meaning and benefits of reforestation, you can visit sinaumedia’s collection of books at sinaumedia.com .