10 Functions of the Lungs With Their Parts

Lung Function – The lungs are important organs in the human body. Many tasks and functions that must be performed by the lungs. One of them is breathing. However, there are many other functions of the lungs. This article will discuss the meaning of the lungs, parts of the lungs, lung function and tips on maintaining lung health.

Definition of Lungs

The lungs are respiratory or respiratory organs in the body. The lungs are related to the respiratory system and circulation or circulation of blood. The lungs are in the bodies of vertebrates that breathe using air. The function of the lungs is to exchange oxygen from the inhaled air. From oxygen to carbon dioxide. The lungs are one of the organs that affect health. When lung function is disrupted, the body’s health will also be affected by the disorder.

Human lungs are two in number, or a pair. However, the right and left lungs have different characteristics from one another. For example, the adult right lung normally weighs about 375-600 grams. Meanwhile, the left lung of an adult usually weighs around 325-550 grams. The right lung has three lobes. Meanwhile, the left lung only has two lobes.

Parts of the Lungs

1. Pleura

The first part of the lungs is called the pleura. The pleura is a thin, double-layered membrane that lines the lungs. The lining that is in the respiratory system will secrete fluid. This fluid is pleural fluid or can be called serous fluid.

The function of the serous fluid is to lubricate the interior of the cavities in the lungs. This aims to keep the lungs from being irritated when they expand and contract during the breathing process.

The pleura in the lungs consists of two layers. First, the deep or visceral pleural layer. This layer is next to the lungs. Second, the outer layer or called the parietal. This layer is the layer that lines the chest wall. Meanwhile, the area between the two layers is called the pleural cavity.

2. Bronchus

The next section is the bronchi. Bronchus is a branch of the windpipe that is after the windpipe or trachea, and is before the lungs. Bronchus has a function to ensure that air enters properly, as an airway. The air is ensured to enter from the trachea to the alveoli. This part of the respiratory system functions to prevent bacterial infections. So it will not cause disease.

3. Bronchioles

The next section in the lungs is the bronchioles. Each main bronchus in the lungs divides or has branches. These branches into even smaller bronchi. The small bronchi have small glands and cartilage in their walls. These smaller bronchi will eventually divide into smaller tubes. These tubes are called bronchioles. Bronchioles are the smallest branches of the bronchi that do not have glands or cartilage in them.

Bronchioles are branches of the bronchi that function as air distributors. Air from the bronchi to the alveoli will be channeled through the bronchioles. In addition, the function of the bronchioles in the lungs is to control the amount of air. Air entering and leaving will be controlled when the breathing process is in progress.

4. Alveoli

Alveoli are the parts in the lungs. Alveoli are hollow cavities in the lungs surrounded by tiny capillaries. Alveoli function as a place where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. After oxygen is absorbed, blood will flow carbon dioxide to the alveoli to be exhaled. The exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the thin walls of the alveoli and capillaries.

Lung Function

1. Respirator

The main function of the lungs is as a respiratory organ in the human body. The lungs have a major role in the process of carrying air. Air is carried from the atmosphere and flows into the bloodstream in the human body. After this process, air will flow throughout the body and work according to its function.

The function of the lungs in this case is to be responsible for adding oxygen. oxygen to and gives off a carbon dioxide that comes from the blood. Inside the pulmonary ventilation, air is inhaled through another part of the body. These body parts are the nasal and oral cavities, or from the nose and mouth.

After that the air will move towards the pharynx and larynx. Then it goes to the trachea and ends and processes in the lungs. The process will produce air and the air will be exhaled. This exhaled air will change, from oxygen to carbon dioxide. The air will return through the same path as the entry process earlier.

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2. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

The next function of the lungs is as a place of exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide. In the lungs, oxygen that enters the body will be exchanged with carbon dioxide waste. The exchange will occur through a process in the lungs. This process is called external respiration.

These processes are part of the breathing process. This breathing process occurs through many microscopic sacs. The amount can reach hundreds of millions of bags. These microscopic sacs are known as alveoli. Oxygen from the inhaled air diffuses from the alveoli into the surrounding pulmonary capillaries.

This process binds to the hemoglobin molecule in the red blood cells. Then it will be pumped through the bloodstream. Meanwhile, deoxygenated carbon dioxide from the blood diffuses from the capillaries to the alveoli. Furthermore, it will be released through breathing.

3. Secretion of other substances

Excretion is a process of removing metabolic waste products and toxins in the human body. The next function of the lungs is the secretion of substances in the body. The lungs do not only work in the breathing process, but several other bodily functions. Substances that enter the body can be excreted through the lungs.

The function of the lungs as excretory organs is to carry out a disposal of waste substances from the human body. The residue is in the form of gas. The lungs are called excretory organs because they also produce waste products. The waste product of the body’s metabolism is carbon dioxide. Therefore, the lungs also have a function as excretory organs in the human body.

Substances such as alcohol, water and pharmacological agents can be absorbed properly then carried out the excretion process. The average exhaled water in one day is one liter of water. Anesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide and ether can be absorbed and also exhaled by the lungs.

4. Organs of metabolism

The next function of the lungs is for the body’s metabolic organs. The lungs are included in the metabolic organs. This is because the lungs are involved in the transformation, synthesis, storage and degradation of many other substances. Including fibrin, pulmonary surfactant and other molecules. The molecule also has a variety of other functions. Such as angiotensin, prostaglandin and histamine.

5. Protector of organs

Another important function of the lungs is to protect the other organs of the body. The organs of the body that are protected by the lungs, for example, are the liver. The day organ is an organ that is located under the two sides of the lungs. This allows the lungs to organ the liver. When experiencing a shock, the liver will be protected thanks to the lungs.

Another organ that gets protection from the lungs is the heart. The lungs can protect the heart. It occurs when the heart experiences a collision. The lungs will function as shock absorbers for the heart when the heart, when the body experiences an impact.

6. Infection protector 

The lungs also have other functions such as protecting against infection. This lung function is referred to as the ciliary escalator. The lungs will protect the body from infection that enters. The incoming infection is usually carried by air into the body. The infection can be bacteria or dust. The infection will later be trapped in the mucus layer that is on the mucosal surface of the respiratory tract.

One of the parts of the lungs that function to prevent infection is the bronchi. The bronchi will protect the human body from incoming infections carried by the air. This is because the bronchi have layers composed of various types of cells. One of them is a ciliated or hairy cell. This cell also has mucus. Inside these cells, the bacteria that enter will be trapped so they don’t get into the lungs.

7. Blood pH controller

The lungs can also function as a controller of blood pH in the human body. The lungs have an influence in regulating the levels of acids and bases in human blood. If the pH measurement of human blood is not balanced, it will have an impact on the disruption of the work of the organs of the human body.

However, things like that can be overcome by the lungs. Lungs that function and work properly, will make the blood pH normal. Normal blood pH in the human body ranges from 7.35 to 7.45.

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The opposite will also happen if the lungs have problems. When the lungs are not functioning or running properly then it will interfere with this function. There will be respiratory alkalosis and respiratory acidosis. Such a condition is a condition where the pH of human blood is unbalanced.

8. Blood collection

The lungs also function as a place to collect blood. The amount of blood that is accommodated in the lungs is erratic. This is because it adapts to the conditions of the human body itself.

The function of the lungs as a blood reservoir is also useful when doing strenuous activities. For example, like exercising. When exercising, the lungs will help other organs, such as the heart. So that the work of the heart becomes more efficient.

9. Sound creation process

Structures in the upper respiratory tract of the human respiratory system can create sound. These sounds are known as phonations. During the breathing process, air will flow from the lungs to the larynx or “voice box”. When speaking, the muscles in the larynx move the arytenoid cartilages.

These arytenoid cartilages push the vocal cords together. When the male sound is pushed together, the air passing between it will make it vibrate. After that, a sound will appear.

Greater tension on the vocal cords will cause the vibrations to vibrate more rapidly. As a result of that will create a sound with a high pitch. Vice versa, the voltage tends to be lower will make the vibration slower. So the tone will be lower.

10. Supports the sense of smell

The lungs also function to support the sense of smell. The process of smell starts from the olfactory fibers that line the nasal cavities inside the nose. When air enters through these cavities, some of the chemicals in the air bind and activate the receptor system, the nerves in the cilia.

Stimulus or stimulus of this organism will send a signal to the brain. Then the neurons will pick up signals from the nasal cavity. The signal will be picked up through the hole in the ethmoid bone. After that it will go to the olfactory bulb. The signal then travels from the olfactory bulb, along the first cranial nerve. Towards the olfactory direction in the cerebral cortex.

Lung Health Tips

The human body does have an innate system for maintaining healthy lungs. However, there are several important things that must be considered and done to help maintain lung health. There are several things that can be done to help reduce the risk of lung disease or simply to relieve the symptoms. The following are some healthy things and tips that can be done to maintain lung health:

  • No smoking . Smoking is the main cause of lung disease. Examples include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or lung cancer. Not only quitting smoking, it is better to stay away from cigarette smoke is something that needs to be done. Passive smokers who inhale cigarette smoke also have the same risk of disease as active smokers.
  • Lots of hand washing . Wash your hands using soap and running water. Washing hands can avoid the risk of being infected with bacteria and viruses. Especially before eating, after eating and after defecating.
  • Avoid air pollution . Air pollution can cause irritation to destroy tissue in the lungs. In fact, air pollution at low levels can also cause health problems.
  • Sports routine . Try to exercise regularly. Doing physical activity, such as sports will maintain lung health. Do it regularly for at least 30 minutes a day. In addition, exercise will help manage stress and maintain emotional stability.

That’s some information about the lungs. For Sinaumed’s, don’t forget to maintain lung health, OK? Find health tips and other interesting information at www.sinaumedia.com . sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will always provide interesting book recommendations for Sinaumed’s.

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Author: Wida Kurniasih

Source: various sources