10 Benefits of Deliberation in Society

10 Benefits of Deliberation in Society – The benefits of deliberation in society are numerous. It can be said that deliberation is a middle way for various differences of opinion from the community. Deliberation can solve problems fairly.

Indonesia is a country with many customs and cultures. Therefore, the people are also different. This is what makes so much difference in society.

To reach a fair agreement, the community often uses deliberation. However, the benefits of deliberation are not only that. This article will discuss 10 benefits of deliberation in society.

What is Deliberation?

Deliberation is a joint effort to resolve a problem or issue. Deliberations can be carried out by community groups, organizations or an institution.

Deliberation according to KBBI is a joint discussion with the intention of reaching a decision on solving the problem. Deliberation is carried out through a negotiation. In addition, deliberations can also be carried out through the opening process.

Deliberation is part of democracy. Therefore, deliberations are still often held in the community. From young people to old people.

Deliberation in Arabic comes from the word “shawara-tasy’uru-deliberation” or “shura”. The word contains the meaning of instructions, signs, advice and consideration.

Etymologically, deliberation is a noun or masdar verb. Deliberation means giving each other a hint, a hint, a consideration. Deliberation has a reciprocal and mutual meaning.

Deliberation features

There are several characteristics of deliberation, including the following:

  1. Deliberations are carried out based on the interests of many people or together.
  2. The results of deliberation decisions can be accepted with common sense.
  3. The results of the deliberation decisions are in accordance with Conscience.
  4. All opinions given during deliberations can be understood.
  5. All opinions given during the deliberation will not burden any members of the deliberation.
  6. Deliberations must prioritize moral considerations.
  7. Deliberation comes from a noble conscience.

1. Practice Expressing Opinions

Deliberation is something that is done together. Generally, deliberations are carried out by a group. Both in a family, and in a society.

Everyone who is in the meeting must have ideas and ideas. It could be that one person with another person has different ideas. The ideas that everyone has will later be expressed when they have the opportunity to speak.

One of the benefits of deliberation is to practice expressing opinions. Examples such as deliberations conducted by the family. In the conversation, family members will take turns to speak.

It is at this time that children are trained to express their opinions. Opinions expressed by children will be taken into consideration for the purpose of this deliberation. Through this, children will be trained to dare to speak.

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Another example can also be illustrated when deliberating on school organizations. Students who conduct deliberations will also practice speaking. Generally, when holding an organizational meeting, everyone is asked to speak.

Situations like this will train students to speak. Starting from fellow organization friends. Students will be able to express their opinions well in public.

2. Mutual Value

The benefits of subsequent deliberations also have a shared value. Deliberation is not just a discussion activity. However, at the same time friendly activities.

Through deliberation, brotherly relations among fellow members will become closer. The differences that exist will be brought together in deliberations. This is because in a deliberation it is recommended that members be open to each other.

Through this mutual open attitude, a sense of togetherness will grow. Deliberation is an activity that has a goal. This will make each member aware that what is decided is a common goal.

3. Problems can be quickly solved

The next benefit of deliberation is that it can solve problems quickly. When a big problem occurs, it will be difficult to solve if only one or two people. However, if you do it with many people it will feel lighter.

This is one of the benefits of deliberation. Everyone who is part of the deliberation will take part in solving the problem. This is what makes the problem can be quickly resolved.

If solving a problem with many people will get different points of view. Everyone must have a different idea. This will make more consideration in solving the problem.

4. Decision Results Benefit All Parties

Before making a final decision, there are several things to consider. This includes having to comply with a joint decision. All members also may not be forced on the final decision.

In addition, there are other things that are no less important. The results of deliberation decisions must benefit all parties. No party may be disadvantaged from the final outcome of the deliberations.

Beneficial for all parties is done so that the end result can be accepted by all. So that the results can be implemented by all members of the deliberation. If there is one member who feels disadvantaged, then the deliberation does not work properly.

Someone who leads the deliberation must be a firm person. Cannot defend anyone or neutral. This is intended so that no party is harmed.

5. Decision Results Have a Value of Justice

Deliberation can be said as a process of hearing. When conducting deliberations, each member must listen to the opinions of other members. Decisions taken must be based on mutual agreement.

The agreement reached must not have an element of coercion. Before making a decision, it must be confirmed in advance whether all members have agreed. If you have agreed, then the decision can be taken.

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Decisions in deliberations are decisions taken together. Therefore, all members must share responsibility. That is the consequence of deliberation.

Deliberation benefits

6. Unite Different Opinions

The benefit of the next deliberation is that it can unite different opinions. When conducting deliberations, everyone’s opinions or ideas are different. Everyone has their own opinion.

Sometimes, to put it together takes effort that is quite difficult. That’s because everyone thinks that his opinion is appropriate. Everyone will think that his opinion is the best.

To unite any differences of opinion, a deliberation is held. In deliberations, we don’t look for who has a good idea. However, it will be negotiated about the best thing to do.

It is through this deliberation that any differences can unite. This is the beauty of deliberation. Any differences will be received, collected and then reviewed together. After that will reach the final decision.

7. Draw the Right Conclusion

The final result or decision taken after deliberation is a decision that has been weighed. This decision is considered correct and valid. So that each member must carry out the final decision that has been reached.

8. Prevent Mistakes

The benefits of deliberation can also find or draw conclusions that are considered correct. Through deliberations, a group can listen to the opinions of each of its members. This will prevent an error from occurring.

9. Avoid Reproach

Deliberation is something that is done together. Through deliberation, each member will avoid various criticisms and wrong responses from others. This is because the process and results of the deliberation are things that have been discussed and reviewed jointly by all members of the deliberation.

10. Creating Emotional Stability

Deliberation is not an activity for arguing. However, deliberation is an activity that requires members to be open to each other. Through this openness, members are asked to express their opinions.

This will make emotions become trained. Each member will be asked to respect the opinions of other members. This will keep the emotional level between fellow members stable.

Those are the 10 benefits of deliberation in society. Until now, deliberation is still an inherent part of society.

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Author: Wida Kurniasih

Source: from various sources

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