What is Mindset? Definition, Types, and Tips for Developing It

Understanding Mindset – Young people are often asked to improve their mindset or mindset so that they are successful in the future. So far, what we know, mindset or mindset is about what we believe. But, will this really affect our success or failure?

Indeed, beliefs play an important role in determining what we want and whether we will achieve it. But what is a real mindset and how deeply does it influence our success?

Definition of Mindset

Sinaumed’s , it seems that mindset is very important for our present and future. However, we certainly have to know the meaning before implementing it in life. What is mindset ?

These mindsets are the various beliefs that coalesce and ultimately shape the way we perceive things, the world, and ourselves. Given this definition, it makes sense that mindset will ultimately influence the way we think, feel, and behave in various situations. Consciously, we always act according to what we understand, right?

Mindset is defined as a set of attitudes or beliefs that we hold. This mindset will influence our perception and how we live in the world. Even though we have one overall mindset , it can be made up of many smaller thought patterns.

Some of those little mindsets might help us increase our well-being and success. Meanwhile, other mindsets hinder our ability to do so. Therefore, developing a certain mindset can go a long way in helping us achieve our goals, enjoy life, and be more successful.

According to Literature

There are various passages that define mindset . Here are some of them!

According to M. Yunus SB in the book Mindset Revolution: Optimizing Unlimited Brain Potential (2014: 38) explains the definition of mindset . “Mindset—also known as a mindset—is the way the brain and intellect receive, process, analyze, perceive, and make conclusions about information that enters through our senses. That mindset works like a horoscope in our head. When we drift in the ocean of information, the mind seeks direction by holding on to preconceived thought patterns. That mindset is to keep the mind on the path that has become our belief and supports the achievement of the goals we choose.”

Whereas in the book Mindset Revolution for Smart Teen by Fani Kartikasari (2009:11) it is stated that ” mindset is a mindset that will determine action. This action will bring us closer (or even further away) from our dreams and goals. So, it is very important for us to have a ‘star mindset’, which will lead us to become real stars!”

Why is Mindset Important?

Mindset alias mindset is often regarded as the most important factor that will affect our lives. The reason is, things that become a mindset or that we always think about from time to time will have a direct impact on our character and attitude, not the other way around.

Therefore, it is important to know how important the right mindset is .

Seemingly small things can make a big difference, mindset is the main difference between those who succeed and those who don’t. So, if you are serious about achieving success in any area of ​​life, you must learn to master that area and set the right mindset .

Here are the main reasons for the importance of mindset in life:

  1. Develop healthy self-esteem
  2. Formulate the perspective of a winner
  3. Take advantage of self-motivation
  4. Helping to face adversity in some way
  5. Achieve the underlying goals

Kinds of Mindsets

There are two types of mindset that are most popular today: fixed mindset and growth mindset ( fixed and growing mindset ). When we have a fixed mindset , we believe that all the abilities we have are basic and fixed so that they cannot be changed. This mindset also leads to the belief that we don’t have to try because the present intelligence is enough to help us become successful.

Meanwhile, having a growth mindset means we believe that effort and persistence can change ourselves and our abilities. Generally, people who have this mindset don’t immediately believe that everyone can become a genius like Einstein or Mozart. It takes effort and persistence to get it.

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Here’s an example of the difference between a fixed and growth mindset :

Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
I don’t know if I’m smart or not. If not, then yes. I can learn to do whatever I want.
That is me. I and no one else can change it. I am a person who continues to grow in the process.
If you have to work hard, you actually have no ability. The more you challenge yourself, the smarter you will become.
If I don’t try, then I won’t fail. I only fail when I stop trying.
The job position was completely beyond my capabilities. The job position looks challenging. I will try to apply.

Apart from the fixed mindset and growth mindset , actually there are still various kinds of mindsets that we need to learn. What are they?

1. Positive Mindset

From its name, we can immediately know that a mindset like this means a mindset that focuses on positive or good things instead of thinking about negative things. People who have this mindset can use strategies such as gratitude, introspection, and finding good things that can increase their positive emotions.

Sinaumed’s, this kind of attitude usually tends to be optimistic and expects the best. Of course this is good for your own well-being and success. Because, building and expanding positive emotions can lead us to success in professional life and social relationships.

2. Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurial Mindset is clearly defined as an entrepreneurial mindset. This is very helpful for those who want to become entrepreneurs, but it is also a very useful mindset for all of us in the modern world.

This is because modern life often experiences almost constant changes. Certainly, the kinds of skills required for entrepreneurship are those that are most useful in adapting to and coping with rapid change and uncertainty. That’s why an entrepreneurial mindset is an important mindset to develop.

According to the book on the entrepreneurial mindset (Gold & Rodriguez, 2018), this mindset consists of several important skills including:

  • Do not feel strange with the risk
  • Creative & innovative
  • Think critically & be able to solve problems
  • Initiative & independent
  • Have communication and collaboration skills
  • Future oriented
  • Acknowledge opportunities
  • Flexible & have the ability to adapt

These skills are thought to aid academic and career success. Of course, this was a wide range of skills and most likely no one would have the high level of all of them. Because of this, it is perhaps most beneficial to develop the skills we are weak at.

3. Scarcity Mindset

Apparently, the idea of ​​this mindset emerged as a mindset of scarcity, which is an experience found to be common among those living in poverty. A scarcity mindset is the belief that something will never be enough. It arises as a result of past or present experiences when nothing is sufficient.

Researchers believe that scarcity changes how people allocate attention. For example, when money starts to run low, every bill that comes to the house seems more pressing and threatening. This can happen because humans are designed to pay more attention to threats and negative things than positive things.

As we know, lack of money can take a lot of people’s mental resources. In short, having less of something leads to a greater focus on it (Shah, Mullainathan, & Shafir, 2012).

In fact, this scarcity mindset is changing the way we make decisions and solve problems. When we focus so much on present deficiencies, we can fail to allocate attention to the long term. As a result, we make decisions that prioritize immediate needs at the expense of long-term needs.

Eventually, we get so caught up in this cycle of short-term thinking that in the long-term plan, we’re worse off.

Even though research on the scarcity mindset has been around poverty, there’s no reason that it shouldn’t apply to other areas of life. If we lack other basic needs such as safety, health, love, self-respect, freedom, or respect, we may focus too much on unmet needs, and we may focus less on ensuring other needs are met in the future.

Some studies have even shown that scarcity of time results in a scarcity mindset . When we are really busy, we meet immediate needs at the expense of time for the long term. More specifically, busyness produces a crisis mentality that leads people to resolve current crises while failing to prevent future crises.

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All wrong, right? So, overall, the scarcity mindset continues to focus on how to have a better future.

4. Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset is the opposite of a scarcity mindset. This can be helpful when we are no longer in a crisis situation. The more crises we experience, the more our brains can get stuck thinking in ways that have protected us in the past, even if these mindsets no longer serve us.

For example, it is useless if we are no longer in poverty but are still constantly worried about paying the bills.

There is no point if we have found a good partner and are still worried that they don’t love us. It doesn’t help if we have had lighter lives and are still focused on dealing with crises rather than planning for the long term. These are the times when a mindset of abundance or contentment is necessary.

​When we have successfully overcome challenges and pressures, then we learn that the scarcity mindset strategy is successful. However, if we are in a lower stress context, the same strategy is less likely to be the best. We need to recognize that we are safe and that our needs are being met so we can focus on the future and how to ensure that our needs continue to be met.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset

Sinaumed’s , we already know the kinds of mindsets that many people can have. What do you think is the dominant mindset in you?

We know that the growth mindset is often echoed as the perfect mindset and must be developed. So, how do you develop a growth mindset? Here’s the review!

1. Reflect Yourself

Take time to acknowledge, reflect on, and embrace all of our failures. Recognizing the areas we need to improve is a stepping stone in cultivating a growth mindset . Hiding all our shortcomings will only hinder the ability to achieve success.

2. Find Purpose

A growth mindset coupled with strong goals and unwavering determination will convince us that there is always another way to achieve our goals. So, take some time to reflect and find our purpose!

3. Find a Challenge

Part of developing a growth mindset is destroying negative perceptions of a challenge. Embrace the challenges that exist and see them as useful learning experiences that we will never get again. Elbert Hubbard once stated, “The biggest mistake you can make in life is to constantly fear that you will make one.”

4. Grow Enthusiasm

Stoicism is the ability to persevere through obstacles to achieve a meaningful end goal. Hang on. It gives us that inner urge to keep moving forward and fulfill our commitments!

5. Record Goals

People with a growth mindset realize that once one goal is accomplished, they have another goal to pursue. Set clear and realistic goals based on passion and goals. Also make sure to give yourself enough time to thoroughly conquer those goals.

6. Change Attitude

The fixed mindset tends to harbor negative attitudes, is pessimistic, and can’t do anything about it. Stop those thoughts now. The power of positive and optimistic thinking can instantly change moods that not only inspire us, but also those around us.

7. Ask for Constructive Feedback

People with a growth mindset will proactively seek feedback from their co-workers, friends, and leaders. This is an opportunity to discover lessons, learn from mistakes, and work on skills that will help in the long term.

8. Train Yourself

Mental and physical activity is another part of the growth mindset recipe . Meditation, walks, or even stretching allow us to focus on the moment, blend in with our surroundings, and bring clarity to cloudy thoughts.

9. Appreciate Our Journey

An important factor when building a growth mindset is seeing the value in the journey. When we get hung up on results, we miss valuable learning moments that can enhance overall professional development. Someone with a growth mindset sees beauty in struggle.


Having a growth mindset within is very important for the ‘development’ process itself. Moreover, if Sinaumed’s is a young person who wants a lot of experience in a career or even starting a business. Certainly, we must have a growth  mindset that