What is Branding? Here’s what it means and the difference with marketing

In every business, every company definitely needs marketing to market a product. In addition, companies also need branding so that a product can stick in the minds of consumers. Because of this, some people who are not familiar with business think that branding and marketing have the same meaning. What exactly is branding?

Simply put, branding is the name of a business run by a company. While marketing is a strategy to build a business brand name. Want to get to know branding in full? Or want to know the difference between branding and marketing? Come on, see the full explanation below.

Getting to Know What Branding Is

The term branding comes from the word brand which means brand. So, what is branding that companies do in running their business? Branding is an image so that a product can attract and stick in the minds of consumers. You could say that branding can be interpreted as a form of company communication with targeted consumers.

The main purpose of a branding is to introduce the company’s brand. In addition, branding also aims to build a positive image and reputation of the company so that it is always good in the eyes of consumers. The company’s image can build consumer confidence in the company.

The easy understanding, what branding is can be seen from a name, logo, and slogan of a company that is attached to the minds of consumers. It can be said that branding tends to always attract consumers to return to a product marketed by the company. Generally, branding is done by new companies whose names are not well known to the public.

The goal is none other than to introduce the company’s products and get as many consumers as possible. If the company has a good brand, then the company will be easy to sell products. So, the company can get many advantages. One of them is getting a lot of income.

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Branding Functions in a Business

In a business run by a company, branding activities are needed. This is because branding has many functions in a business. Here is the full review.

1. As a Differentiator

The first function of branding in a business is as a differentiator. Every product that has a strong brand, consumers will find it easy to distinguish it from other company brands. In addition, branding can also provide a marker and characteristic of a product. Thus, the company’s products can always be remembered by consumers.

2. For Promotion And Attractiveness

If a product has a strong and well-known brand, then it will be an attraction for consumers. Thus, the product will be easier to promote to the public. In this case, the function of what branding is very important for a company’s business.

3. Build Company Image

Another function of branding is to build a corporate image. If a company has a good image, then the company’s products will be easily recognized by others. A good image can also show that the quality of the company’s products is unquestionable.

4. Market Control Tool

After branding activities are carried out, the company’s products will have a known name. Of course, this will make it easier for the company to control the market. This market control can be done because the wider community already knows and remembers the company’s products well.

5.To Influence Consumer Psychology

The last function of branding in business is to influence consumer psychology . If a product already has a strong brand, consumers will trust and consider the company professional. This is clearly different from products that do not have a brand. Consumers will clearly look down on the eyes because they lack confidence.

Getting to Know Marketing in Brief

Before knowing the difference between marketing and branding, you should first know what marketing is. Marketing comes from the word market with the meaning of market. Marketing is a marketing activity to form the relationship between companies and consumers. Forming company-consumer relationships can be done through advertising, selling products, or creating products according to market desires.

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Marketing is clearly different from branding. Branding is more of an activity to introduce the brand of a product. But marketing focuses on selling a company’s product. You could say that the main purpose of marketing is to increase the sales value of a product.

Difference between Branding and Marketing

In a business run by a company, branding and marketing have a close relationship. However, branding and marketing are clearly very different. The most visible difference between branding and marketing is the timeframe for implementation.

To build a brand that can be known by the wider community, it takes a long time. Based on this, it is very clear that what is branding is the face of a company that is important for a business. This is clearly different from marketing that can be done quickly.

The difference is easy, branding is a way to introduce a company. While marketing is a variety of ways that companies do so that their products sell well.

If branding is a trick to attract consumer interest, then marketing will complete it using all necessary means, including branding itself. Although different, branding is part of marketing in a wider range.

Building a company branding is not an easy thing. It takes time and a long process so that the company’s brand can be known by the wider community. Companies that do branding well, the company will automatically get loyalty from consumers.


This is a complete explanation of what branding is and how it differs from marketing. Although branding and marketing are closely related in a business, they are two different things. Branding and marketing are one unit. The close relationship between branding and marketing makes both of them a powerful tool in a business.

Another important thing that must be in business besides branding and marketing is bookkeeping. Because without good and correct bookkeeping, you will not be able to develop your business optimally. This is because you do not have factual data on your business finances.