Understanding Lines: Functions and Types of Lines

Definition of lines – Various kinds of lines are often outlined in a work of art which will later become a work. However, sometimes there are still many people who do not understand what the lines in a work of art actually mean.

Not only does it have its own meaning and definition, it turns out that lines also have quite a variety of types and types. One of the functions of actual lines is to add to the beauty of the artwork and make it look perfect.

A real line is a set of points that are parallel and equal in size and aligned in such a way that a prominent longitudinal dimension has a direction. These dimensions produce a variety of shapes, ranging from long, short, smooth, thick, curved, straight and many more.

To discuss further about lines, then you can see this article. In this article, it is not only explained about the meaning of lines, but also explained about the benefits as well as various kinds of lines. In the following we will explain the meaning of lines and types of lines.

Definition of Lines

A line is a combination of a number of points that are parallel and have the same size. The line itself has dimensions that are elongated in shape and have a direction. It can be short, thick, long, smooth, wavy, straight, curved and so on. What has become the measure of the line as well as for the line itself is not marked by sentimentality.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a line is a long stroke (straight, crooked or curved).

However, using a relative size, what is meant by size is relative. What is meant by relative size includes high, low, long, short, big, thick, small, and also thin. There are three types of line directions, namely horizontal, vertical and diagonal.

Not only in works of art, lines are also known in geography. In geography itself consists of three lines, namely the Wallace line, the Weber line, and the Lydekker line.

Line Function

As it is said that there are no lines on this earth, of course the way people move will be very, very different. Why? Because in various aspects of life, we will use lines. What are the properties in our daily life? For example, on the aspect of road markings.

Path markings are longitudinal lines that are used as route signs. The existence of a marking line, can protect our safety when driving on the highway. Without marking lines, the helmsman of the means of transportation will at will give priority to other drivers and change routes.

In the health sector, for example, the line is used as a large marker of low temperature on a thermometer. With the current spread of Covid-19, who would have thought that in fact the line was also used as a sign of whether or not a person was infected when taking a swab test. 

With the existence of a line, at this time we can also understand aspects of linear meeting research, which also covers linear meeting. The linear meeting itself is a significant key to science.

Kinds of Geographical Lines

1. Definition of Wallace’s Line

Quoting from the Class XI Geography Learning Module compiled by Cipta Suhud Wiguna that the wallace line is the line that separates the geographical areas of the fauna of Asia and Australia. Where the wallace line starts from the Lombok Strait to the Makassar Strait, the Sulawesi Sea, to the Sangihe Islands.

Why is it called the wallace line? Because this concept was researched by Alfred Russel Wallace who was a British scientist who conducted research from 1854 to 1862. In detail, the types of fauna that are in Wallace’s line can be found in Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi, to Bali.

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So that the area in the western part which is on the Wallace line can be found Asiatic flora and fauna. On the other hand, in the eastern part which is on the Wallace line, transitional or Wallace flora and fauna can be found.


2. Definition of Weber’s Line

The Weber line is a line that shows the center where there is a transition between the transition area which is dominated by Asiatic fauna and the transition area which is filled with Australian fauna species. The person who is credited with formulating Weber’s line is the German social scientist Max Weber. Where in 1919 Weber sparked that the area east of this line would be known as the Sahul shelf while the area west of this line would be known as the Sunda shelf.

This Weber line concludes that the ocean depth is the dividing gap between the distribution of fauna in Asia and Australia. Where the Weber line shows that the western part is more than 50% influenced by Asian fauna, while the eastern part is more than 50% influenced by Australia.

3. Definition of Lydekker’s Line

The Lydekker line is the line that separates the Wallacea region from eastern Indonesia which is occupied by Australian flora and fauna. Where to the west is the transition area and the area to the east is an area filled with Australian flora and fauna.

Quoting from Visionlearning (2013) linear algebra can help you on the mortuary team to identify gangs of United States war who became victims in Earth War II, only by measuring the distant samples of the bones found.

Not only that, the line is listed at the bottom on the architectural concept aspect. Then, what happens when there are no lines? It is true that most likely, we have not been able to see the concept of ordinary houses at this time.

So, now you can imagine, if the function of the line really affects people’s daily lives. Next, we understand about the types of lines, let’s go!

Types of Lines in Fine Arts

1. Diagonal Lines

The first type of line in art is the diagonal line. Diagonals are straight lines that slope to the right or left. These diagonal lines give the impression of something that is unstable, moving or dynamic. Meanwhile, diagonal lines or slashes to the right or left are lines that are analogous to a person running and a horse jumping, as well as a sloping tree and so on.

2. Horizontal Lines

The next type of line is a horizontal line, which is a line with a straight horizontal appearance. Horizontal lines or better known as horizontal lines tend to be associated with horizontal sea horizons, as well as fallen trees, people sleeping or dead people and various other flat objects as well. This line has a calm and steady character.

3. Vertical Lines

The next type of line is vertical which means a straight line, and the next definition of a vertical line is a vertical line which is analogous to objects that stand straight and straight, such as tree trunks, monuments, people standing and so on. The line gave the impression of being motionless and pointing towards the sky.

4. Zig-Zag lines

Various kinds of zig-zag lines are also one of the types of lines that exist in art. The line model is similar to straight lines made in opposite directions and then reconnected. The meaning and meaning of the Zig-Zag line actually describes excitement, joy and something intense and can also mean passion and burning passion.

5. Curved Lines

Curved lines are lines whose direction bends and there are three kinds of these lines, namely major arcs, dome curves, and floating curves. For the meaning and impression of curved lines that give the impression of elegance, flexibility and refinement. But it can also symbolize uncertainty.

6. Broken Lines

From its appearance, this line is formed from a collection of several lines separated by distance between one another. Dotted lines are also often used in geometry material, here. For example, to show the area that intersects a plane.

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7. Parallel Lines

Parallel lines are the relationship of two identical and parallel lines. The characteristic of parallel lines is that no matter how long the line is made, there will never be an intersection between the two lines. Usually parallel lines are denoted by the symbol “//”. So, if you write parallel lines in the figure, you can use AB // BC.

8. Joint Lines

Composite line is a combination of two or more line types in art. The line model usually forms a more complex line structure.

9. Wavy Lines

The next line is a wavy line which is included in the category of compound lines that are curved and continuous. This line is sometimes called the S-curved line which often describes rhythm and movement.

Types of Lines in the Field of Engineering Drawings

1. Thick Continuous Line

Thick continuous line is a type of line that is used as shape lines, object lines and border lines.

2. Bold Spot Stripes

Next is the dotted solid line, which is a type of line used to indicate the inner surface of an object that requires special handling.

3. Thin Continuous Line

The continuous thin line is the line used for auxiliary, measuring, guiding, imaginary, short axis and hatching lines.

4. Dotted Line

Dotted line is a type of line that has a function as an object line or an obstructed edge line.

5. Bold Dotted Dotted Line

Dotted solid line is a type of line used to indicate the inner surface of an object that requires special handling.

6. Dotted Line Thin Dots

The thin dotted line is a type of line used for track lines, axis lines, symmetry lines. If this line thickens at the end and bends, then its function changes to a secant line.

7. Free Continuous Line

Free or thin continuous line is a line that is used to delimit parts of objects that are cut into pieces.


Line Formation Process

After knowing the meaning of lines, then we will discuss the process of forming lines. A line is a pattern whose shape extends from a point. In conceptual language, a line has length but no depth or width.

If a point is naturally static, then a line will be able to express movement, direction and growth, visually in providing an idea of ​​the path of movement of a point. Which means the line is the result of a known real streak or calligraphy.

The Benefits of Life Lines

1. Lines For Instructions

Lines in everyday life can be used as a guide. For example, guide lines that show directions, lines that connect information, and also lines used on maps to show cities, rivers, places where they are located, and so on.

2. Lines As Markers

Lines are also used in everyday life as markers. For example, lines on soccer fields and other sports fields, on carrom boards, road markings, and also vehicle parking marking lines.

3. Lines Form Letters and Numbers

Lines are useful for forming letters as well as numbers in many languages. There are letters that are only composed of straight lines, such as the letters I, A, H, K, L, and there are also letters that are composed of curved lines, such as C, U, O, and also S.

4. Mark important things in an article

Lines can also be used to mark sentences or words that are considered important in a piece of writing. A horizontal line can be placed just below the marked word or sentence. The line used to cross out a word or sentence shows that the word or sentence is wrong.

5. Lines Arranging Geometric Shapes

Lines are also useful for constructing various geometric shapes. For example, squares, rectangles, blocks, cubes, trapezoids, kites all use lines as their basic elements.

6. Lines as Art Elements

According to The Art of Education University, line is a design element and an important part of many art forms. This means that lines are needed to create various forms of art, such as painting, crafts, even dance, sometimes using lines in floor patterns.

7. Lines as Architectural Elements

Quoting from The Constructor , the line is the most expressive aspect and is a universal language for describing a structure to be built. Lines are used to draw building designs as well as objects by an architect. Examples of architectural drawings that use lines are designs for houses, buildings, inns, bridges, highways, city parks, toll roads, railroads, schools, sports facilities, swimming pools, and various regional infrastructure.

Thus a review of the meaning of the line to the benefits of the line in everyday life. I hope this is useful, all the discussion above is useful as well as makes it easier for you to group lines.