Understanding Creative Industries: Types, Examples & Government Policies

Creative Industry – Every human being is blessed with their own creativity. However, not everyone can develop it into a real work that will be useful for other communities. Therefore, the creative industry is present to be a container for people who have brilliant ideas and ideas to be able to cultivate their creativity.

A person’s creativity should be used to create well-being and open employment. With human resources that are utilized in the right way, the creative industry is expected to be able to produce a work without exploiting abundant natural resources.

To find out in more detail what the creative industry is, see the explanation of the meaning of the creative industry, its types, examples, benefits, and various government policies that regulate it below.

Meaning of Creative Industry

The definition of creative industry in general is all processes of creation, creativity, ideas, and ideas from a person or group that can then produce works or products afterwards. The creative industry itself is a combination of two words, namely industry and creative. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, industry is the activity of processing or processing goods using facilities and equipment, while creative is an adjective that reflects that a person or related group has creativity and the ability to create.

The creativity produced by that person or group is expected to help economic growth as well as open up new employment opportunities for communities in need. Therefore, the creative industry is an important field that must continue to be developed as time goes by and must be developed together in its development because it is one of the mainstays of the country’s economy.

The Meaning of the Creative Industry According to the Experts

According to Simatupang, the creative industry is an industry that relies on skills, talent and creativity that have the potential to improve well-being.

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Trade in 2009, the creative industry is an industry that originates from the utilization of skills, creativity, and talents possessed by individuals in creating well-being and employment. This industry will focus on empowering the creativity and creativity of an individual.

According to the UK DCM Task Force: 1998, the creative industry is an industry that originates from the creativity of individuals who are potentially capable of creating wealth and employment through the exploitation and generation of the individual’s creativity and intellectual wealth.

According to Howkins, the creative industry is an industry that has superior characteristics in terms of creativity in producing or creating various creative designs that are attached to the goods or services produced.

Types of Creative Industries

In Indonesia, the creative industry itself is divided into 14 types of sectors that can be categorized as forms of creativity produced to grow the economy. Here are the types of creative industries that grow the community’s economy.

1. Architecture

Architecture is one type of creative industry related to the planning and design of building construction. The field of creative industry in the type of architecture also produces products in the form of buildings and properties that can be of high value.

2. Advertising

Advertising is one type of creative industry in which there are many human resources in the form of creative young people. The advertising industry also has a big role to help the nation’s economy because of its nature of promoting a product and service to a wide audience.

3. Film, Photography, or Video

The type of creative industry in the field of film, photography, and video is one of the sectors with great potential in the growth of the national economy. This field is included in the category of creative industries because the process in film or photography or video production starts from gathering ideas and initial creativity.

4. Music

Music is one type of creative industry that is used by artists as a way to express feelings. The field of music can be categorized as a creative industry because in the process of music composition, there are many processes that must be supported by ideas and creativity.

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5. Television and Radio

The field of television and radio is a creative activity that contains various production processes with various creations. One example of television and radio is the provision of TV broadcasts and radio broadcasts that serve to educate and entertain the audience.

6. Art and culture market

The art and culture market is one type of creative industry that accommodates art activists and artists who produce their works through a qualified cultural and creative background. The art and culture market produces many works that convey emotional messages that are close to society.

7. Craft

Crafting is one type of creative industry that has become a community culture in every region. The production process in producing crafts is supported by various raw materials found in the surrounding environment, for example such as bamboo, wood, clay, stone, metal, and others.

8. Fashion

Fashion is one type of creative industry that will always grow and change as time goes on. This happens because fashion creators or designers create various fashion trends by adapting them to the conditions that are happening.

9. Design

Design is one type of creative industry that is closely related to creative activities such as graphic design, interior design, and product design. Designers in the creative industry are those who have creative ideas to always create something.

10. Interactive Games

Interactive games are one type of creative industry that produces computer and video games that both entertain and educate the public. This interactive game is closely related to the availability of the internet network, so this sector needs the support of informatics technology.

11. Computer and Software Services

The field of computer and software services is an activity related to information technology. The creative activities in it include computer services, software development, and system analysis.

12. Performing Arts

Some forms of performing arts include theater, dance performances, musical dramas, and puppet shows. Performance art in the creative industry itself is closely related to the culture of the community. Some examples of this performance art can not only be a source of income for artists, but also one of the ways to preserve culture.

13. Publishing and Printing

The creative industry in the field of publishing and printing produces many products or works in written form such as books, magazines, newspapers, invitations, and so on. However, along with the development of technology, many creators have begun to refer to written works in digital form, such as e-books, blogs, and websites .

14. Research and Development

The field of research and development is a creative activity that is closely related to various efforts in creating the discovery of science and technology for the application of science and knowledge.

Research itself is systematic, critical, and scientific research into a problem to improve knowledge, while the development in question is science and technology that uses its functions and benefits to produce new technology.

The fourteen types of industries that have been mentioned above belong to the creative industry. This is because they all need creativity in carrying out their respective processes, as well as producing new ideas in each product. The products that are produced then become a work that has different selling values.

Examples of Creative Industries

The creative industry or the field of business where all activities that produce a work also have several examples of works produced. Some works from the creative industry are easy to find in everyday life. Here is an example of a creative industry.

1. Production of batik fabric

Batik is one of the traditional fabrics of Indonesian origin that is already known by many countries and its existence is worldwide. In the production of batik fabric, of course there are many processes that must be gone through. The production process of batik fabric until it becomes a ready-to-market product certainly requires a lot of patience and creativity.

2. Filmmaking process

The process of making a film is quite a long stage, from creating an idea, making a story, writing a script, recording, editing, until finally a film can be shown to the audience. The product produced in the form of a film is the fruit of the creativity of the parties involved in each process.

3. Performance of wayang or drama

A puppet show is a traditional drama show that features a puppet show based on the background of each character’s story, while the theatrical performance is a variety of arts in the form of drama, dance, and music with various stories as the background. Both are examples of creative industries that are thick with Indonesian culture.

4. Book printing

Book printing is one example of a creative industry where the production process involves mass production of writing and images. Products produced in the field of book printing are not only books, but also brochures, flyers, magazines, invitations, etc.

5. Fashion show

A fashion show is an activity or event that is usually held by fashion designers to show and introduce their works to the general public. The fashion show process is one of the activities that requires creativity because it involves many parties, starting from fashion designers, models, fashion product providers to fashion support.

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6. Content creators

Content creator is one of the most sought after jobs and is almost always needed in every sector of the creative industry. A content creator is tasked with creating various content materials in the form of writing, images, videos, even sound or a combination of them. In going through every process of becoming a content creator, a lot of creativity and brilliant ideas are needed.

Benefits of Creative Industries

The creative industry is one of the fields that support the country’s economy. The creative industry in Indonesia also not only has diverse types, but also has a myriad of benefits for society and the country.

The main benefit of the creative industry is to foster creativity and innovation from every businessperson. This is also supported by the state of Indonesia with a lot of human resources, especially in the productive working age.

As a means of supporting the country’s economy, the creative industry is also getting more and more attention from the country. The creative industry is also expected to be one of the biggest areas to develop the industry today.

Because of the importance of the existence of this creative industry, it is not possible to depend on the number of sectors on nature. Bearing in mind that natural resources are limited in nature, Indonesia must also take the right steps and actions in developing the creative industry without reducing the natural resources that are getting thinner day by day.

Government Policy Regarding the Creative Industry

The importance of the existence of the creative industry makes the government issue some mandatory policies to make the creative industry continue to develop well. Here are some government policies to improve the creative industry in Indonesia.

1. Integrating Assets and Potentials

The first government policy in the field of creative industries is to integrate assets and the potential of creativity development. Maximized asset management can be a source of capital in this creative industry. By integrating the assets and potential of a person’s creativity, the community will always jump in directly and compete to produce their creativity.

2. Encourage Innovation and Creativity

Excellent ideas and innovations should be supported by the government in the form of providing capital and facilities to realize the creativity. Because of this, business activists will continue to be encouraged to create innovations with various creativity to produce something.

These ideas often invite competition between business partners. However, it is also what makes society more motivated to create innovations that are out of the box .

3. Forming Bekraf (Creative Economy Agency)

Forming a Creative Economy Agency or commonly referred to as bekraf is one of the government’s efforts to strengthen the creative industry.

Bekraf is one of the institutions formed by the president with the aim of providing a container or facility for people who have ideas and creativity to be realized. The existence of the Bekraf institution can also encourage the community to continue producing new innovations until it becomes a masterpiece.

This institution is also one form of government policy that can improve the country’s economy because it presents fresh ideas.

4. Regulating and Supporting Creativity

Regulating and supporting the creativity of the nation’s children is one of the government’s obligations. Creativity should be regulated and supported, one of the ways is to provide copyright protection to creators, innovators, and business people.

This is because a person’s creativity is an economic commodity that can be bought and sold. Without regulation and support from the government, creativity can be lost and change hands due to its unrealized form.

In Indonesia itself, there are already regulations with the formation of copyright and intellectual rights protection laws.


After knowing various things related to the creative industry, it can be concluded that exploring the ideas and creativity of each individual is important. That is because human resources with creative ideas are needed to be able to carry out all production processes in the creative industry sectors.

As dynamic individuals, we are required to be able to explore ideas without limits, the article is that this creative industry will continue to grow with the times and must still be supported by the presence of compatible human resources.

In accordance with the content of the explanation above, you can find out briefly what is the meaning of the creative industry, its types, examples, benefits, and various government policies to improve the quality of the industry.

For those of you who are interested in developing a creative industry and dabbling in that world, you can do many useful things to be able to run your own technology and business. It can be started by learning many theoretical things.

You can visit various websites to read various scientific journals about the creative industry or even visit the official website www.Sinaumedia.com to find various references through books related to the creative industry.
