Understanding Conduction: Characteristics, Processes, Types, and Examples

The meaning of conduction, characteristics, and examples – In the science of physics and electricity, the term corruption is one of the words that we often encounter in our daily lives. Usually conduction is known as a heat energy transmission process. Where this conduction itself is a process that often occurs in everyday human activities without realizing it.

With one of them, when a person walks barefoot on very hot asphalt, the conduction process from the asphalt to the feet will automatically occur. In order to know a more complete understanding of conduction, here is an explanation related to the meaning of conduction, the characteristics of conduction, examples of conduction and types of conduction.

Definition of Conduction

Based on the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), conduction is a transfer from one part of an object to another or from one object to another without the transfer of particles or substances.

In some studies, this heat energy transfer itself can be categorized into several types of transfer methods. Heat can travel from one part to another through stationary substances or objects.

In addition, heat can also carry particles of flowing substances. At that moment, the heat energy is transferred through the beam.

Heat transfer by conduction can usually occur in solid substances, such as iron, metal, and copper. A substance that can conduct heat well is called a conductor, meanwhile, a substance that is difficult to conduct heat is called an insulator.

Conduction is the only mechanism where heat is able to flow in a solid substance that is not able to transmit light.

Conduction Characteristics

Conduction is the transfer of heat that has several distinguishing characteristics with the other two types. Here have been presented the characteristics of conduction.

  • Requires an intermediate substance or medium.
  • Mandatory to touch each other.
  • Generally, occurs in solids.
  • Heat transfer is not followed by intermediate substances.
  • Heat transfer by conduction can be calculated using the formula:
    Q/t = H = k (Δt)/l

H = Heat speed that propagates per unit time (J/s)
K = Thermal conductivity of material (W/mK)
A = Cross-sectional area (m2)
Δt = Temperature change (T2 – T1) (K)
L = Conductor length ( m)

The Process of Heat Transfer by Conduction

You can understand heat transfer by conduction at the atomic level, where particles physically transfer heat energy when they come into physical contact with other particles.

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This conduction is similar to the explanation of heat by the kinetic theory of gases, although the transfer of heat in gases and liquids is generally said to be convection.

However, the rate of heat transfer from time to time is said to be conduction current and this is determined by the thermal conductivity of the material, and the amount that shows the ease with which heat is transmitted in the material.

Example Conduction

So that you can know more clearly, the following is an example of conduction taken from Arif Cerdas Book for Elementary School Class 5.

  • Hands blistered when holding a hot wok.
  • When cooking, the spatula will feel hot.
  • When the hot iron is rubbed on the shirt, then the shirt will become more neat and warm.
  • When you hug someone who has a hotter temperature, the body will feel warmer.
  • The melting of butter when placed on a fiery wok that is being heated.
  • Exhaust that gets hot over time when the motor is turned on.

Types of Conduction

Conduction is divided into various types. Generally, conduction in physics is described as having 3 (three) types. Here are the types of conduction, including:

Conduction On One Dimensional Walls

Conduction on a flat wall that can be seen as conduction or this dimension never actually exists, but conduction that occurs on a wall that is relatively thin and wide enough and all four sides are well insulated.

Solid Conduction On Flat Walls

This type of conduction generally has a series electrical arrangement in which there is a large, strong current. Also, generally conduction has a conductor with a length that does not have branching.

Conduction On Parallel Walls

The next type of conduction occurs because heat transfer is on parallel and flat walls. The situation, will make there is no heat transfer in the transverse direction between the walls.

Meanwhile, in physics, the word conduction is described with 3 (three) types of behavior defined by the type of energy transferred, including:

Heat Conduction or Thermal Conduction

Heat conduction or thermal conduction is the transfer of energy from a warmer substance to a colder substance through direct contact. For example, someone who is touching the handle of a hot metal pan.

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Electrical Conduction

Electrical conduction is the transfer of electrically charged particles through media. For example electricity that travels through electrical cables in your home.

Sound Conduction or Acoustic Conduction

Sound conduction or acoustic conduction is the transfer of sound waves through media. For example, the vibration from loud music passing through the wall.

Heat transfer is usually categorized into several mechanisms.

Heat Conduction

Heat conduction or commonly known as diffusion occurs inside objects or between two objects that are in contact. This is a direct microscopic exchange of kinetic energy from particles that cross the boundary between two systems. When an object is at a different temperature from other objects or other environments.

Heat Convection

Heat convection depends on the movement of mass from one region of space to another. Convection occurs when the flow of fluid or gas or liquid carries heat together with the flow of matter in the fluid.

Thermal Radiation

Thermal radiation is the transfer of heat by an electromagnetic radiation. For example, sunlight, without the need for matter to be present in the space between things.

Differences in Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

Heat and heat are energy that moves from a high temperature to a low temperature. Heat transfer can occur by conduction, convection, and radiation. Here are the differences between conduction, convection, and radiation.

Conduction is the transfer of heat through a solid substance that is not followed by displacement . This means that the transfer of heat in a substance is not accompanied by the transfer of its particles.

Convection is the transfer of heat through flow followed by the transfer of intermediate substances . When particles move, it will cause heat to propagate until convection occurs. Convection heat transfer occurs in liquids and gases.

Radiation is the transfer of heat without an intermediate substance . This radiative heat transfer is generally accompanied by light.