Understanding Commitment: Characteristics, Examples, and Organizational Commitment

Definition of Commitment – Does Reader know that in having a relationship or interaction with another individual, be it a special relationship between the opposite sex, a work relationship, to a relationship in an organization that really requires a commitment between the parties concerned. Especially in establishing a relationship with the opposite sex, there must often be words that imply a commitment between the two.

So really, what is that commitment? Is commitment only a relationship between the opposite sex? What about the form and existence of commitment that can be seen in everyday life?

Well, so that Reader doesn’t get confused about it and doesn’t just say the word commitment in establishing a relationship with another individual, let’s understand it again!

Definition of Commitment in General

The term ” commitment ” comes from the English language, namely ” commitment ” which means ” uniting “, ” combining “, and ” trusting “. As time went by, the word developed into a change in meaning, namely ” promise “, ” entrust “, ” attachment “, and ” obligation ” for the long term.

So in general, commitment is a form of dedication or obligation that reminds a person to another person for certain actions, especially when living a relationship with that person. It should be known that in carrying out this commitment it must be done voluntarily without coercion, and depending on the situation of each individual.

Therefore, in carrying out a commitment must be accompanied by a great sense of responsibility, not just mere words. Through the implementation of this commitment, it means that the individual must be responsible for both himself and other individuals concerned in the situation.

Although from the change in meaning there is a meaning about ” promise ” or ” agreement “, but this commitment is not necessarily based on a written agreement. There are some commitments that are made only based on verbal promises between the parties concerned, for example the commitment to establish a relationship with the opposite sex (dating).

According to John Mayer and Natalie, think that commitment is an individual condition, where the individual becomes bound by his actions. Through his actions, he will later create confidence that can support his activities and involvement.

This is also accompanied by the opinion of Griffin (2004), revealing that an individual who has high commitment is likely to see himself as a true member of an organization. For Griffin’s opinion, when commitment is made in the organizational realm, remembering that commitment can be made to individuals in any context.

Characteristics of Commitment

A thing can be called a commitment when it meets the following characteristics, namely.

  • There is an agreement that has been agreed upon, both for yourself and other related parties. The agreement also does not have to be in writing, because the most important thing is that the relevant parties must be responsible in carrying it out.
  • There are specific goals to be achieved after making a commitment. The purpose must of course be profitable, both oneself and related parties.
  • All parties involved in the commitment must be responsible for the content of the “agreement”. Being responsible in this context is not going out of bounds and reneging on agreements that have been previously agreed upon.
  • There is a sense of loyalty or faithfulness, both from oneself and from the parties concerned, if one wants the goal to be achieved.

Examples of the Embodiment of Commitment in Daily Life

In everyday life, of course, the existence of commitment is very often found, even without you realizing that it turns out to be a commitment. Commitment can not only occur in relationships with other individuals, but can also be carried out towards oneself. Well, here are some examples of its manifestation in everyday life.

1. Commitment To Yourself

A commitment does not have to be done together and for other individuals, you know  It can even be done for yourself. When the commitment is made based on a desire from within, it is usually to achieve something better than before.

For example, there is someone who is on a diet and commits to himself to continue consuming healthy food along with exercise. If he continues to make that commitment responsibly and loyally with his initial goal, then the end result that can be achieved is that his body becomes healthier and has an ideal body weight.

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2. Commitment In A Relationship

The relationship here is meant to be a relationship with the opposite sex. It should be known that all relationships involving other individuals definitely require a commitment in order to maintain and take care of the relationship so that it remains fine. In this case, the meaning of a commitment can be an attachment between the related parties to continue to perform the appropriate actions that were promised at the beginning of the commitment and done responsibly.

Relationships with the opposite sex are diverse, ranging from courtship relationships, marriage relationships, to friendship relationships. For example, in a courtship relationship, usually the commitment is not written and is meant to be loyal to each other and not betray each other. But when in a marriage relationship, commitment is usually found in written marriage rules.

3. Commitment to Family

This commitment usually comes from oneself who feels responsible for his family. Commitment to the family is not written, but is a self-awareness.

An example is the commitment of a husband as the head of the household to his family to provide sustenance physically and mentally.

4. Commitment In Employment

Because this commitment is related to other individuals, then work must of course be based on a commitment. This commitment can be implemented by superiors and even employees, because those parties will be able to achieve the goal.

5. Commitment to the Environment

Almost the same as the commitment made to the family, which comes from oneself to feel responsible for something. Because, humans and nature have a relationship that will never die, so it requires commitment so that the conditions of the natural environment can be well maintained. After all, the human relationship with nature is reciprocal, as long as one of the parties is not destructive.

For example, mountain climbers have a self-inflicted commitment not to throw trash carelessly throughout their journey on the mountain. The climbers feel responsible for taking care of the natural environment, especially the natural environment in the mountains so that it remains beautiful and undamaged.

Understanding What Organizational Commitment Is

Previously, it has been written that in the realm of organizations there is also a high level of commitment between related parties, because in an organization there must be a common goal. In this case, the organization’s commitment is the same as the company’s commitment, because the organization and the company have meanings that are consistent with each other.

Organizational commitment is seen as a value orientation towards the organization concerned with the individual, by showing that the individual really thinks about and prioritizes the job as well as the organization. This individual will try to give everything he has, for example effort and hard work in order to help the organization together achieve its goals.

According to Robbins and Judge (2007), organizational or company commitment is a situation where an employee will favor the goals of the organization, as well as having the confidence to remain a member of the organization.

Meanwhile, according to Griffin (2004) also thinks that organizational commitment becomes an attitude that reflects the extent to which an individual who acts as an officer knows and is bound to his organization.

Then, according to Meyer and Allen (1990), stated that organizational commitment is a strong belief and acceptance of the values ​​and goals of the existing organization, by involving oneself to be loyal to the organization.

Well, based on the explanation, it can be concluded that this organizational commitment must be owned by every officer with any position. The commitment of this organization becomes an attitude and behavior that must be possessed in order to achieve the needs and goals of the organization.

Aspects of Organizational Commitment

According to Meyer and Allen (1990), in an organizational commitment that every employee must have, this has three aspects, namely affective commitment, continuous commitment, and normative commitment. Well, here is the explanation.

1. Affective Commitment

In this aspect, prioritizing emotional attachment, self-identification, and involvement in an organization. This affective commitment leads to the will or desire of the individual himself to remain in an organization.

2. Continuous Commitment

In this aspect, it is based on the consideration of what will be sacrificed when he leaves the organization. This aspect of continuous commitment leads to the awareness of organizational members, that they will suffer losses if they leave the organization for any reason. So, there will be a thought by individuals that by settling in the organization is as a fulfillment of needs.

3. Normative Commitment

In this aspect of normative commitment, there is confidence from an individual about his responsibility towards the organization in question. Individuals will stay in an organization because they seem to have an obligation to be loyal to that organization.

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Organizational members who have this normative commitment tend to feel that they should be in the organization, so they will survive in any situation because they feel that it is an obligation or duty.

Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment

The organizational commitment possessed by an individual as an officer in the organization can be determined by several factors, among others are the personal characteristics of the employee himself, job characteristics, and work experience.

However, according to Stum (1998), there are five factors influencing the existence of an organizational commitment owned by employees, namely.

1. Culture of Openness

In this case related to the work environment of the organization. The cultural factor of openness has a high correlation on the extent to which the organization can motivate its employees to act.

2. Job Satisfaction

The job satisfaction of the officers is also an influencing factor of the organization’s commitment as well as its performance. This job satisfaction factor can affect the productivity, quality, and morale of the employees in the organization. Officers will of course feel satisfied when they are in the right position or department, by adjusting their abilities and orientation.

3. Opportunities for Officers to Develop

Everyone, including those who are serving as an officer in an organization, must have a desire to grow and learn. These efforts do not have to be done through formal training programs, but can also be done in work division activities, task units, conferences, until the expansion of responsibility to himself.

The opportunity should be given by the organization to all its officers, so that it can influence the commitment of the officers to remain and be loyal to the organization.

4. Organizational Direction

All officers must have faith in the future of the organization or company where they work. Therefore, the trust must be well supported by the organization by leading to good things and benefiting its parties.

5. The Need for Work Acknowledgment

The need for work recognition is the most significant influence on employee commitment, because every employee must want to get recognition and awareness from their superiors regarding their hard work for the organization.

It is different with the influence factors of organizational commitment presented by Steers and Porter. Steers and Porter argue that the influencing factors have four characteristics, namely personal characteristics, job characteristics, organizational design characteristics, and work experience characteristics.

Well, here is the description.

  1. Personal Characteristics , which include:
  • Age and working hours. The higher the age and working time of an officer, the higher the organizational commitment he has towards the organization where he works.
  • Performance requirements. Especially in employees who have high performance needs, tend to have high organizational commitment as well, because they have a great desire and sense of responsibility towards their work.
  • Education. Education can often form skills, although sometimes it cannot be fully utilized in work. Therefore, the higher the individual’s level of education, the greater will be the expectations that may not be fulfilled by the organization where they work.
  1. Job Characteristics , which include:
  • Work challenges. In this case, it can be developed by enriching jobs and tasks for officers.
  • Opportunity to interact with other officers.
  • Task identity. Related to the clarity of the officer’s role in the organization.
  • Feedback. Having negative feedback tends to lower organizational commitment. On the other hand, positive feedback, especially when it contains an objective evaluation and is delivered in a polite manner, can increase organizational commitment.
  1. Characteristics of Organizational Design

Covering the existence of decentralization and autonomy of responsibilities, the quality of relationships between superiors and subordinates, the nature and characteristics of leadership.

  1. Work Experience , which includes:
  • Group attitude towards the organization. Apparently, the change in attitude of an individual can be influenced by the attitude of the group members. When group members show a positive work attitude towards the organization, then individuals will also show a positive attitude.
  • The integrity of the organization, which is looking at the extent to which individuals feel that the organization where they work pays attention to their employees, both in terms of interest and well-being.
  • Feelings in the organization. This includes the extent to which individuals feel important or needed in carrying out the organization’s mission and goals.
  • Realization of individual expectations in the organization. This is related to what the individual expects from the organization, will also affect his work attitude. If the organization can meet the individual’s expectations, then the individual will also feel “appropriate” to repay the organization’s services.

Well, that’s a review of the meaning, characteristics, and examples of the embodiment of commitment in everyday life. When Reader is acting as an officer, do you have a high organizational commitment to the organization where you work?