The Meaning of Unity and Unity of the Indonesian Nation

Definition of Unity and Oneness – Indonesia is a great nation, has thousands of islands and abundant wealth. In addition, Indonesia has various ethnic groups, cultures and languages. All of that would not unite if the ancestors did not unite the Indonesian nation’s fighting spirit for independence.

Indonesia won its independence is not a gift given by the invaders, but Indonesia itself is determined to liberate itself. The unity of the Indonesian nation is even included in the 3rd principle of Pancasila, which is used as the ideology and guideline for the life of the nation and state.

The unity of the Indonesian nation contains elements of the ideals of brotherhood and friendship, filled with an atmosphere of goodness, purity and beauty. The unity and unity of the nation must always be maintained, so that the Indonesian state becomes an independent country. Below will be explained further about the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.

The Meaning of Unity and Unity 

Simply put, unity means joining, bonding, and assembling several parts into a unified whole. In other words, unity is uniting various patterns into a container so that they become one. The unity of the Indonesian nation is driven by a conscious will to achieve an independent, sovereign, just and prosperous nation. Therefore, we must continue to foster national unity.

In the unity and oneness of the nation, we must always be united. History teaches how important unity and unity is. In the past, colonialists succeeded in colonizing Indonesia for hundreds of years. This is because we, the Indonesian people, have not been able to unite, the people have not understood the unity and integrity of the nation. This negligence was of course exploited by the colonialists to continue to divide Indonesia.

The concept of the unity of the Indonesian nation includes regional and social unity. The territorial unit of the Indonesian nation includes land, sea and air units. Based on the concept of the archipelago’s insight as territorial politics, Indonesia is an archipelagic country, a country that is mostly ocean and is surrounded by large and small islands. The territorial waters become the main area, not just a complementary area. The sea becomes a part that unites with the land, not as a separator between one island and another.

The unity of the nation in the social aspect is manifested in several aspects of life, namely political, economic and socio-cultural unity. The embodiment of the concept of national unity in political unity means acknowledging that the integrity of the national territory and all its wealth is one territorial unit, one unit of the entire nation which belongs together. The Indonesian nation consists of various tribes, languages, and embraces various religions, forming a unified national unity.

Unity in the political field means that psychologically the Indonesian people must feel the same fate and have the determination to realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation. In addition, recognizing that Pancasila is the philosophy and ideology that is the foundation and guide for the nation to achieve its goals. Understanding that the Indonesian nation must coexist in harmony with other countries and participate in bringing order to the world.

In economic unity, realization begins with acknowledging that the wealth owned by the Indonesian nation is shared capital and also the necessities of people’s daily life must be available equally from Sabang to Merauke. The level of economic development must be balanced in all regions of Indonesia, without eliminating the characteristics possessed by each region in Indonesia. Economic life in all regions of Indonesia is a unit that is carried out together based on the principle of kinship.

The embodiment of a single socio-cultural unit encompassing a diverse Indonesian society is one, having a harmonious, balanced and harmonious life. Two, Indonesian culture is one unit, even though the existing cultural patterns are very diverse. This cultural diversity is a wealth that belongs together and is the basis for the development of a nation that can be enjoyed by the people of Indonesia.

The Benefits of Unity and Unity 

  1. Strengthen national identity
  2. Strengthening national resilience so that it is ready to face threats or disturbances from enemies.
  3. Unity and oneness will create a harmonious life in community life.
  4. Mutual cooperation will be carried out well.
  5. The sense of helping each other and working together is always ingrained in everyday life.
  6. Harmony and hospitality is always maintained.
  7. Conflicts in social life can be avoided.
  8. Can overcome the differences that exist with full awareness.
  9. National development can run smoothly and safely.
  10. Facilitate the advancement of the nation in various fields.
  11. The national goals stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution are easier to achieve.
  12. The creation of a peaceful and safe atmosphere in the life of the nation is due to the fact that the people highly uphold solidarity and tolerance.
  13. Interaction between people becomes more familiar.
  14. Avoiding quarrels or hostility in Indonesian society.
  15. People feel safer and more comfortable.
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Factors Driving the Unity and Unity of the Indonesian Nation 

1. A sense of pride and love for the country 

A unified country is the main factor in the success of the development being carried out. It is the same as the State of Indonesia which is in the process of being developed in all fields, this of course requires the unity of the Indonesian people. A development program will be carried out well if the conditions of a country are not divided and there are no conflicts among its citizens. Therefore, the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation has an important role in determining the success of the development that is being carried out.

2. Aspirations of the Nation

The unity and unity of the state also has an important role in increasing the nation’s self-esteem in the presence of other countries. Other nations and countries will respect our nation, and will not dare to interfere in our country’s affairs. Thus, our own nation is not easy to be divided if our people mutually reinforce the unity and integrity that exists in our country. If our nation is divided, then other countries will consider our nation low and easy to colonize again.

3. Mutual Respect and Appreciation

The unity of the Indonesian nation is something that must be maintained and strengthened. We as a society must avoid things that can divide our nation. For example, demeaning other ethnic groups or assuming that our own tribe is the best among other tribes. We should value and respect each other. Apart from that, we must also foster a sense of brotherhood with fellow Indonesians so that the unity and integrity of our country is maintained.

4. The Desire To Unite

The unity and unity of the country is strengthened by three factors, namely the Youth Pledge, Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. These factors unify the Indonesian nation. These three factors can unite the differences and diversity that exist in the life of the Indonesian people. Differences ranging from language, ethnicity, religion and others can be unified by carrying out the basic values ​​contained in the Youth Pledge, Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

The Youth Pledge was the first oath voiced on 28 October 1928 in Batavia. The youth oath is a major milestone in the history of Indonesian independence. This oath is considered as a spirit trigger to realize the ideals of Indonesian independence. The youth oath affirms that the Indonesian homeland, the Indonesian nation and the Indonesian language are the ideals of Indonesia.

The term Youth Pledge did not appear on the day of the congress, but was given afterwards. The youth oath reads:

“We, sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge that we have one blood, the land of Indonesia.”

“We, sons and daughters of Indonesia, claim to be one nation, the Indonesian nation.”

“We, sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of unity, the Indonesian language.”

The formulation of this youth oath was written by Muhammad Yamin on a piece of paper given to Soegondo. The paper was given when Mr. Sunario was making a speech. Soegondo read out the contents of the Youth Pledge which were then explained in more detail by Muhammad Yamin.

The Youth Oath Pledge is an encouragement for the Indonesian nation as well as providing other benefits. The Youth Pledge unifies the family relations and brotherhood of the Indonesian people. The Youth Pledge becomes a builder in a harmonious social life. In addition, the Youth Pledge also raises awareness that a threat to one island means a threat to all Indonesian people.

5. Pancasila

Pancasila is a tool to strengthen the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. This is because Pancasila has universal characteristics. What is meant by universal or comprehensive is that the values ​​contained in Pancasila are not only created for one ethnic group, not intended for adherents of certain religions, but become guidelines for the Indonesian people regardless of differences in nationality, religion, culture, language and so on. .

Pancasila is an ideological pillar derived from Sanskrit. Panca which means five and Sila which means principle. The journey of formulating Pancasila is a long journey. Initially, on March 1, 1945, the Investigative Body for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence was formed. The Chairman of this Agency, Dr. Radjiman initially asked the question, ‘What is the basis for the Indonesian state that will be formed?’.

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There are several figures who propose the basics of Pancasila, namely Muhammad Yamin, Ir. Soekarno and Soepomo. On June 1, when Soekarno revealed the basic formulation of the state, the term Pancasila was put forward for the first time. Soekarno also explained what Pancasila meant. He said that it was from these five foundations that the ancestors founded the eternal and eternal Indonesian nation. After the Pancasila formulation was accepted, finally Pancasila was stipulated in several documents.

These documents are the Jakarta Charter, the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of Indonesia, the Preamble to the Provisional Basic Law and the Presidential Decree of 5 July 1959. Pancasila as the basis of the state also has several functions and positions, namely Pancasila as the soul of the Indonesian nation; Pancasila as the personality of the Indonesian nation; Pancasila as the way of life of the Indonesian nation; Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state; Pancasila as the source of all sources of state law; Pancasila as the nation’s sublime agreement; and Pancasila as the ideals of the Indonesian nation.

Attitudes and behavior that are guided by Pancasila are highly expected of every Indonesian citizen. The measurement of behavior for the first to the fifth precepts of Pancasila is in accordance with the measurement. Precept 1, attitude towards God, Precept 2, identification with humanity, Precept 3 patriotism, Precept 4 Support for democratic principles and Precept 5 humanitarianism. This Pancasila measurement is in line with the virtues of character, such as humanity, courage, transcendence, and justice.

6. Unity in Diversity

Another factor that strengthens the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Bhineka Tunggal Ika is the motto of the Indonesian people. This motto is written on the Indonesian state symbol, Garuda Pancasila. The motto of the Indonesian nation comes from the Old Javanese language which means ‘different but still one’. Bhineka which means various kinds, Tunggal which means one, and Ika which means that.

This motto is a description of the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation which consists of various cultures, races, ethnicities and also religions. This motto is a quote from an ancient Javanese book, namely the Sutasoma Book, which was composed by Mpu Tantular during the Majapahit kingdom under the reign of King Rajasanagara or better known as Hayam Wuruk. The Sutasoma Book is a special book because it teaches tolerance between Hindus and Buddhists.

Bhineka Tunggal Ika is the motto for encouraging the Indonesian people to realize the unity of the Indonesian nation in the midst of the storms of differences that each of its people has. The unity and oneness of the Indonesian nation will always be maintained if the values ​​in the Youth Pledge, Pancasila and Unity in Diversity are always applied by all levels of Indonesian society in the life of the nation and state.

Factors Inhibiting the Unity and Unity of the Indonesian Nation 

1. The diversity that exists in Indonesian society 

The diversity that has always existed in the life of the Indonesian people is one of the factors hindering the unity and integrity of Indonesia if it is not accompanied by an attitude of mutual respect, tolerance and mutual respect. Cultural differences certainly give rise to differences of opinion which can also foster excessive regional feelings which can lead to conflicts between tribes.

2. Geographic 

Indonesia is a country consisting of thousands of islands. Thousands of islands, of course, also have different characteristics. The area that has the potential to separate itself from the country is the area farthest from the Capital area. In addition, areas that have influence from border countries or neighboring countries and can also be areas that have a large global influence such as tourist areas or those that have abundant natural wealth. From the different geographical conditions, this could be a factor that weakens the unity and unity if the inequality and inequality of development cannot be handled.

3. Appears Symptoms of Ethnocentrism 

Ethnocentrism is an attitude that really highlights the advantages of its culture and views the culture of other people. If this ethnocentric attitude is not overcome, of course it will weaken the unity and integrity of the nation.

4. Weak Cultural Values 

A strong foreign culture that weakens the nation’s cultural values, either directly or indirectly, can be a factor that weakens the unity and integrity of the nation. The direct influence of foreign culture, for example, through the elements of tourism. The influence of foreign culture indirectly, for example through print media, even electronic.

5. Uneven Development 

The development process that is only focused on certain areas can be one of the factors that weakens the unity and integrity of the nation. This of course will lead to disparities in various sectors.