The Meaning of National Resilience: Characteristics, Nature and Basics

Definition of National Defense – Do you know what national defense is? For the general public, of course the term is still a little foreign, even many people do not yet understand the meaning of national security accurately. So, Indonesia’s National Resilience is a dynamic situation of the Indonesian nation that covers all aspects of national life that have been integrated, that is, a comprehensive unity in the national life of a country, both from social or natural elements, whether it is potential or functional.

Understanding of National Resilience

The definition of national resilience is a dynamic condition of a nation that contains national toughness and tenacity in facing and also overcoming all kinds of challenges and also threats, disturbances and obstacles both from outside and from within the country.

Where that happens directly or indirectly, it will definitely endanger the integrity, survival of a nation, identity, and so on.

While the meaning of national security mentioned in the 1968 concept is as follows:

National resilience is our tenacity and resilience in the face of all kinds of forces, whether from outside or from within, which directly or indirectly, will surely endanger the survival of the Indonesian nation and country.

While the meaning of national resilience explained in the national resilience conception of 1969 is a refinement of the first conception, among others:

1. National resilience is the tenacity and resilience of a nation that contains the ability to develop national strength in the face of all kinds of threats, both from outside and from within, which directly or indirectly will endanger the survival of the Indonesian nation.
2. National resilience is a dynamic condition of a nation that contains tenacity and resilience that contains the ability to develop national strength in the face of all kinds of challenges, obstacles, threats, and disturbances that come from outside or from within, which directly or indirectly will harm integrity, identity, survival of the nation, and the country as well as the national struggle.

Meanwhile, in his state speech, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely General Suharto, in front of the DPR session on August 16, 1975, said that national resilience is the level of the situation as well as the tenacity and toughness that Indonesia has in gathering and directing the seriousness of the existing national capabilities. So that it is a national strength that can and is able to face every threat and challenge to the integrity or personality of the nation and defend life and the survival of its ideals.

Understanding the Concept of National Resilience

The concept of National Resilience is a [edom or suggestion to increase the tenacity and resilience of the nation that contains the ability to develop national strength by using the approach of well-being and also security. The well-being and security can be distinguished but cannot be separated. The maintenance of well-being requires a certain level of security and vice versa, the maintenance of security requires a certain level of well-being.

Without prosperity and security, the national life system will not be able to continue. Because, in principle, both are intrinsic values ​​that exist in national life. In this national life, the level of well-being and also national security is the yardstick of national resilience. The role of each stanza in the astagrata is balanced and complement each other. That means, citizens have interrelated and interdependent relationships as a whole, forming the behavior of the community in national life.

Prosperity can be described as a nation’s ability to grow and develop its national values ​​for the nation’s prosperity in a fair and equal manner. While security is the nation’s ability to protect its national values ​​against threats from abroad.

Features – Features of National Resistance

The characteristics of national resilience are conditions where it becomes the main prerequisite for a developing country. It is focused on maintaining survival and continuing to develop life. Not only for defense, but also to face and overcome threats, challenges, obstacles, and also disturbances, both from the outside and from the inside, either directly or indirectly. If it is based on the astagrata method, all aspects of national life are described in the astagatra systematics which is organized on three natural aspects or trigatra which cover geography, population, natural wealth, and five other social aspects or pancagatra which cover politics, ideology, economy, social culture, and security defense.

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National resilience is generally guided by national vision. Where the archipelago vision is the Indonesian nation’s way of looking at itself and its environment based on Pancasila and the Basic Law of 1945. The archipelago vision is also one of the main sources and a strong foundation in organizing national life. So, the vision of the archipelago can be called a vision and included in the foundation of national security.

Properties of National Resilience

The following are some of the characteristics of national resilience that you need to understand, including:

1. Independent

Mandiri is national resilience that is based on believing in one’s own abilities and strength with tenacity and resilience that contains the principle of not giving up easily and is based on the nation’s identity, personality, and integrity. The independence is one of the prerequisites to establish a mutually beneficial cooperation in global development.

2. Dynamic

Dynamic means that national resilience is not constant, but can increase or decrease depending on the condition and situation of the nation and also the country, as well as the surrounding environmental conditions. This is in accordance with the fact and understanding that everything in this world will always change. Therefore, efforts in increasing national resilience must always be oriented towards the future and the dynamics within it directed towards the achievement of better national life conditions.

3. Unite

Manunggal means that national security has an integrative nature. Where it is interpreted as the realization of unity and unity that is balanced, consistent, and harmonious between all aspects of community, nation, and state life.

4. Authority

Wibawa means national resilience as a result of a unified view, that is, it can create national authority that will later be taken into account by other parties. So that it can be the backbone of a country. The higher the deterrence that a country has, the greater its authority will be.

5. Consultation and Cooperation

This means that Indonesia’s national defense does not prioritize confrontational and antagonistic attitudes. In addition, the Indonesian nation also does not rely on power and physical strength alone. But it is more about consultative nature and cooperation and mutual respect by relying on the moral strength and personality of the nation.

Basics of National Defense

The basis of national resilience is a code of conduct based on values ​​based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and Wawasan Nusantara. These principles include:

a. The Basics of Wellbeing and Peace

The first basis is the most basic need and must be fulfilled for individuals or communities and also groups. Thus, well-being and also peace are the hope in the national life system. Without prosperity and security, the national life system will not be able to continue. Basically, well-being and security are intrinsic values ​​that exist in the national life system itself. Well-being or security should always be there, side by side with any condition. In national life, the level of national security and well-being that can be achieved is one of the benchmarks for the success of national resilience.

b. The Basics of Looking Deeply and Looking Out

The national life system is the unity of all aspects of the nation’s life that communicate with each other. In addition, the national life system also interacts with the surrounding environment. In the process of interaction, various impacts can arise, either in the form of positive or negative nature. In that way, a thoughtful attitude is needed, whether it is inward or outward.

– Look Deeper

Looking inward aims to grow the nature, character, and condition of national life itself which is based on the values ​​of proportional self-reliance in order to improve the quality of the degree of self-reliance of a tough and resilient nation.

– Look Out

Looking outward has the purpose of being able to anticipate and also participate in overcoming the impact of the strategic environment abroad. Not only that, but also aims to accept reality with the existence of interaction and dependence with the international world.

c. Family Basics

This one foundation is justice, equality, togetherness, mutual cooperation, tolerance, and also responsibility in the life of the community, nation, and state. In that regard, living with a family foundation has been recognized as having differences. The real reality is developed harmoniously in the life of the partnership and is protected from conflict that is destructive or non-destructive.

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d. Basic Comprehensive Integral or Comprehensive Integrated

The system of national life includes all aspects of the nation’s life in the form of unity and unity that is balanced, in harmony, and compatible with all aspects of national, national, and state life. National resilience itself includes the resilience of all aspects of life as a whole, whole, and integrated.

Elements of National Resistance

Below are some elements of national security, among others:

a. Pancagatra National Resistance

The social aspect of pancagatra is generally based on the human relationship with God. Then the relationship of humans with each other, the nature around them, or humans with themselves in the form of their needs. Based on that relationship, it can be grouped into five areas or five aspects of National life, which are abbreviated as Ipoleksosbudhankam. Five aspects of national life will be elaborated into basic concepts in order to develop national strength in the face of various challenges, obstacles, threats, and disturbances.

b. Durability of Ideological Aspects

A nation basically has and needs a philosophy of life. As a guide and also a handle in carrying out the struggle to defend the survival of the nation and the nation. The philosophy of life is used as one of the life guidelines, where the philosophy is included in the practical philosophy which is an ideology, world view, and life view. Because that is the basis for achieving a national ideal. In the discussion it is referred to as ideology.

National Defense Function

One of national resilience is as a national basic doctrine that needs to be known to ensure the occurrence of thought patterns, behavior patterns, attitude patterns, and work patterns in unifying the steps of the nation that are international, interlocal or multidisciplinary. The concept of the doctrine is needed so that there is no boxed way of thinking in an integrated development. Where it is implemented in accordance with the plan or sectoral. One of the reasons is that if storage occurs, there will be a waste of time, facilities, and energy that even has the potential to implement national development in all fields and sectors of the national ambition program. National resilience is also useful as a basic pattern of national development. Basically it is a direction and also a guideline.

In its development, national security will continue to experience various problems that can cause instability in Indonesia’s national security. The threats can come from inside or outside the country. Indonesia has often experienced various incidents that can be classified as a threat to national security. Some examples of events that interfered with Indonesia’s national security, namely separatism and terrorism, among others:

– GAM (Free Aceh Movement)
– Independent Papua Organization (OPM)
– Terrorism

The Influence of Aspects of National Resilience on National and National Life

National resilience is a reflection of the condition of the national life system in various aspects at a certain time. Each aspect will change according to time, environment, and space, especially on dynamic aspects. So that the interaction creates a general condition that is difficult to monitor because it is very complex or complicated.

a. Influence of Ideological Aspects

Ideology is a value system as well as a teaching that provides motivation. In addition, ideology also contains basic concepts about the life that a nation aspires to. If viewed theoretically, then an ideology originates from a philosophy and is the implementation of a philosophical system.

b. Liberalism

Liberalism is one of the individual or individualistic schools of thought. The school of thought teaches that the country is a legal society consisting of the contracts of all individuals in the society. Liberalism is at the point of departure from the basic rights that are attached to humans since they were born and cannot be interfered with by anyone including the ruler.

Unless it is already on the relevant agreement. This understanding of liberalism has the principles of freedom and personal interests that demand absolute individual freedom. Where the meaning of freedom is the pursuit of happiness in life in the midst of wealth that is abundant and achieved freely.

c. Communism

Communism is an upper class school of thought taught by Karl Marx, Engels, and Lenin. Where it started from Karl Marx’s criticism of the social and economic life of the community at the beginning of the industrial revolution. This school of thought assumes that the state is an arrangement of the upper class to oppress other classes.

Simply put, the thought is that the strong economic class is against the low economic class. The bourgeoisie oppresses the proletariat or laborers. Therefore, Karl Marx advocated that the proletariat hold a political revolution to fight for the power of the state from the rich capitalists and the bourgeoisie based on communism.