The Meaning of Diversity and Some Factors Forming Diversity

The term diversity is again widely discussed, this is of course because of the many racial issues that have happened lately. In fact, we know for ourselves that the Indonesian nation is one of the real ones. Some forms of diversity that exist in Indonesia, namely the wealth of culture, tribe, language, and national characteristics.

Talking about diversity is basically not just about differences. The concept of diversity itself has a wide scope, ranging from acceptance and respect. Diversity can be said to be a part that is also created by society in a demographic.

In Indonesia, this is part of the nation’s identity. There are many factors that can make diversity happen. Diversity can also be understood as an important ability that every citizen should have, especially in Indonesia.

As one of the ways to preserve the value of this diversity, we will learn about the true meaning of diversity. Not only that, it will also be discussed about the form and factors that cause the diversity that occurs in Indonesia. Let’s watch until the end!

A. Understanding of diversity

The notion of diversity can be interpreted as a condition in society where there are many differences in various fields. These differences can be seen based on ethnicity, race, religion, belief, political ideology, social culture and economy and others.

One example of forms in Indonesia can be seen from the many differences of each tribe, ranging from Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Minang, Bedouin, Sasak, Dayak, Asmat and others. Not only that, when viewed from the religious dimension, the Indonesian state also has a wide diversity, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. In addition, there are many religious beliefs in Indonesia.

Diversity is a fact that cannot be denied in people’s lives in Indonesia. Diversity itself can be called a form of wealth and beauty that is owned by the Indonesian nation. In addition, diversity in Indonesia is the capital of national unity and unity.


In addition, diversity can basically be understood as a variation that refers to all forms of difference. Diversity itself usually occurs in a condition of society that has many differences in various fields. Based on the principle of diversity, each individual brings unique characteristics that need mutual respect.

Individual differences are known to occur not only based on characteristics, but also include dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical ability, religious beliefs, political beliefs, ideology, and many more. Diversity can be used as a form of exploration of the various differences that exist in a safe, positive, and protected environment.

Talking about diversity is a sense of mutual understanding between one difference and another. Diversity also always moves beyond simple tolerance to embrace and celebrate the very rich dimensions of diversity. Therefore, diversity can be said to be a reality created by individuals and groups from a wide spectrum of demographic and philosophical differences.

B. Forms of Diversity

After discussing the meaning of diversity, in this section we will discuss about any form of diversity itself. According to the UN, human diversity can be categorized based on country of origin, family and ethnic background, race, gender, age, culture, professional background and training, religious or political beliefs and personality.

Meanwhile, when viewed from an article published by The City University of New York, the form of diversity is more than just acknowledging or tolerating differences. Diversity is a conscious practice tool that involves several things, including the following:

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1. Understanding and appreciating the interdependence between humans, culture, and the natural environment.

2. Practice mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from yourself.

3. Understand that diversity does not only include ways of being but also ways of knowing.

4. Acknowledge that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and maintains special rights for some people while simultaneously creating and maintaining losses for others.

5. Build alliances across differences so that they can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination.

C. Factors Forming Indonesia’s Diversity

In this section, we will begin to discuss the factors that cause diversity in Indonesia. By understanding the factors that cause the diversity of Indonesian society, it will greatly support diversity so that Indonesian society always lives side by side.

The diversity of Indonesian society has many strong influences from several factors, both from within and from outside the community. In general, the diversity of Indonesian society can be influenced by many factors, such as natural factors, society and individuals.

Well, the life of society in Indonesia is very diverse known to be caused by many causal factors. The following are some of the factors that cause diversity in Indonesian society, among others:

1. Consists of archipelago regions

The first factor that causes the Indonesian society to be diverse is because of its archipelago. As a country with a total of 17 thousand islands, Indonesia has many islands spread from the western tip, Sabang to the eastern tip, Merauke.

The condition of the archipelago region owned by Indonesia ultimately creates a diversity that is quite different, between one region and another. This is also what makes each region in Indonesia have their own special culture, language, and customs.

2. Landscape conditions

In addition to being made up of archipelago regions, the factor that causes the Indonesian society to be diverse is due to the factors of the landscape conditions. As a region that is above the “Ring of Fire” area, there are many volcanoes, beaches, mountains, and vast grasslands.

The difference in residence certainly creates diversity for each community that lives there. For example, just like the people who live in mountainous areas and the people who live on the coast. Mountain communities are known to have more conservative customs and culture. Meanwhile, communities living on the coast will have more adaptive customs and culture.

3. Climatic conditions

Then, another natural factor that causes Indonesian society to become diverse is the climate condition factor in Indonesia. Most regions in Indonesia are known to have a tropical climate, but it turns out that there are slight differences in each region.

For example, the western part of Indonesia will have a more regular rainy season than the eastern region. Meanwhile, the eastern part of Indonesia is known to have a longer dry season than the western region. This difference in climate itself geographically creates diversity in Indonesian society, starting from livelihood, culture, to the characteristics and physicality of the society.

4. Differences in communication and transportation

Furthermore, as a country with a very large territory and consisting of various islands and other landscapes, the factors that cause Indonesian society to become diverse are communication and transportation. Indonesia’s territory ultimately became the cause of communication and transportation being very difficult to level.

This difference in access to communication and transportation will ultimately be the cause of the creation of diversity in Indonesia. This is because communication and transportation will create community differences from each region in social interaction with other communities.

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5. Race and class

Not only due to natural factors, the diversity in Indonesian society is also influenced by race and class factors. As a country known for its variety of races and groups, Indonesia is a real form of diversity itself.

Indonesian society itself is a different flavor, among which is the Malayan-Mongoloid race that is spread in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java, Bali. Then there is the melanosoid race that is spread in Papua, NTT and Maluku. Then, the Asiatic mongoloid race that comes from China, Korea and Japan. In fact, there are also Caucasoid races that come from Indians, the Middle East, Australia, Europe and America.

Races or groups in Indonesian society are always developing. Not infrequently, these races or groups form various new cultures typical of Indonesian society. Each race will eventually form groups and create social and cultural diversity in Indonesia. However, it does not rule out the possibility of staying in harmony with each other and respecting each other.

6. Ancestral differences

After the diversity of races or groups, Indonesian people are also known to come from several different ancestors. The ancestors of the Indonesian nation turned out to be Austronesian tribes or tribes using the Austronesian language group. This tribe is a combination of various large ethnic groups in the Asian continent (especially Southeast Asia), part of Oceania and part of Africa that use a cluster of languages ​​from the Austronesian family.

Along with the passage of time, the ancestors who inhabited this region of Indonesia gradually experienced development until they could have their own culture. In Indonesia, there are two known ancestral races namely Mongoloid and Austromelanesoid.

7. History

Furthermore, the factors that cause Indonesian society to have diversity are historical factors. History itself is one of the factors that play an important role in shaping the diversity that exists in Indonesian society. Each region is known to have its own history.

For example, such as a region that has a strong relationship or history with the history of the Islamic kingdom. It can be ascertained that the region will have certain special cultural characteristics, both social and cultural.

8. Religion

Not only a historical factor, religion is also one of the factors that play an important role in shaping the diversity of society in Indonesia. As a country known for its high level of religious adherence, Indonesia has many differences related to religion. This of course can create a more diverse society, starting from the way of life, socializing, and even different cultures.

9. Influence of foreign culture

Next, the factor that causes the diversity of Indonesian society is the entry of foreign cultures. Foreign cultures are known to mix and acculturate well with the local culture. Foreign cultures that have blended will form a new culture that is special and unique. This special culture will eventually form the diversity in each region.

For example, for example Javanese and Islamic culture that gets a big influence from Arab culture. Arabic culture ultimately forms the Islamic culture in Java that is special and different from the culture in other regions.

10. Community acceptance of change

Meanwhile, the last known cause of the diversity of Indonesian society is the acceptance of change. Therefore, diversity will be created depending on how the attitude is taken by the community in facing the changes that occur. The attitude in facing a change greatly determines the formation of culture between one society and another society.