The Lexicological Meaning of Law and its Important Factors!

Lexicological definition of law – Hello, Reader , you must know that in social life, there are rules in the form of standards and sanctions that are agreed to be implemented by both parties. Laws are created for the purpose of regulating and maintaining order and justice so that chaos can be controlled or prevented.

Every country has different legal regulations, including Indonesia. According to paragraph 3 of article 1, Indonesia is a country governed by the rule of law and every Indonesian citizen must obey the laws that apply in Indonesia.

The laws of each country are customary rules that are considered binding and formalized by the country or an official government agency. There are many laws in Indonesia, laws, government regulations, presidential decisions, regional regulations.

For example, there are Indonesian citizens who do not comply or do not follow the legal standards in Indonesia, then the people who violate will be subject to sanctions, which can be in the form of imprisonment or paying a fine.

The meaning of law differs according to lexicological or according to legal experts. In this article, Sinaumedia will discuss the meaning of law in lexicological terms, do you Reader know what lexicological is?

Lexicology is a branch of semantics that studies all language components that contain information about the use of words and their meaning. The fact that the meaning studied in lexicology is fixed.

The scope of research is syntax, idioms, synonyms, polysemy and lexical components. The dictionary learns to check the vocabulary that will be used as an entry in the dictionary. The various types of dictionaries that appear as an indication of the development of linguistic dictionaries also contribute to the development of lexicology.

One of the tasks of lexicography is to create a dictionary. The creation of a standard dictionary has certain characteristics, namely the type of study that underlies its compilation. The quality of standard dictionaries is evaluated based on the use of words contextually according to the context.

In addition, the standard dictionary is organized based on the origin of the word and the evolution of its meaning. In this sense, the standard dictionary as a lexicographic work uses a type of lexicological study.

From the explanation above, do you already have an idea of ​​the meaning of law in lexicological terms? If Reader friends are still confused, Sinaumedia will comment on the meaning of law lexicologically, let’s see the explanation!

Lexicological Definition of Law (Dictionary)

From the explanation above, lexicology is the study of all language components that contain information about the use of words and their meaning. The word law is a homonym because the meaning has the same spelling and pronunciation but the meaning is different.

Law (Noun: noun) has a meaning in terms of a name or group of nouns so that the law can express the name of a person, place or everything and everything that is objected to.

One of the tasks of a lexicologist is to create a dictionary. The official dictionary in Indonesia is the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI) . So, the meaning of law lexicologically or according to the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI) is interpreted into 4 definitions, namely:

  • Law is a rule or custom that is officially considered binding, which is reinforced by the ruler or ruler.
  • Laws are laws, regulations, etc. to regulate social life.
  • Law is a standard (rule, provision) regarding certain events (nature and so on).
  • Law is a decision (consideration) set by a judge (in court) verdict.

Legal Derivative Word

  1. Judged
  2. Punishment
  3. Punishment
  4. Punish
  5. Punish
  6. Punisher
  7. Punishment
  8. Punished


Combination of Legal Words

  1. God’s law
  2. Archimedes’ law
  3. Avogadario law
  4. charles law
  5. Coulomb’s law
  6. The law dm
  7. Ferrell’s law
  8. Islamic law
  9. God’s law
  10. Civil event law
  11. Criminal procedure law
  12. Event law
  13. Customary law
  14. Administrative law
  15. Law of affinity
  16. Agrarian law
  17. Law of nature
  18. Basic law
  19. Retaliatory law
  20. Law of large numbers
  21. Whipping law
  22. Commercial law
  23. Emergency law
  24. Law of distribution
  25. Fiscal law
  26. Formal law
  27. Church law
  28. Property law
  29. Humanitarian law
  30. International law
  31. Drying law
  32. Law of karma
  33. Law of agency
  34. Law of humidity
  35. Family law
  36. Wicked law
  37. Parable law
  38. College law
  39. Law of the sea
  40. The law is broken
  41. Law of the land
  42. Objective law
  43. The law of separation
  44. Law of transition
  45. Law of action
  46. Interregional civil law
  47. Civil law between groups
  48. Formal civil law
  49. Material civil law
  50. Civil law
  51. Periodic law
  52. Marriage law
  53. Formal criminal law
  54. Material criminal law
  55. Criminal law is subjective
  56. Criminal law
  57. Insurance policy law
  58. Political law
  59. Positive law
  60. Personal law
  61. International public law
  62. Customary law
  63. Law of the jungle
  64. Civil law
  65. Syariah laws
  66. Islamic sharia law
  67. Law of proposition
  68. Unwritten law
  69. Constitutional law
  70. Corporate law
  71. Old law
  72. Law of inheritance
  73. Promissory note law
  74. Jurisprudence law
  75. Dismissal
  76. Hanging
  77. Control penalty
  78. Prison sentence
  79. Death sentence
  80. Beheading
  81. Prison sentence
  82. Probationary sentence
  83. Caning punishment
  84. Cover penalty

In addition to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, other big dictionaries also discuss the meaning of law. As the Oxford Dictionary explains , law is a system of rules recognized by a certain country or community that regulates the actions of its members and can be enforced by imposing punishment.

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In the Cambridge Dictionary , law is a rule, usually made by a government that is used to regulate how people behave. Law is defined as a system of rules of a country, group or specific field of activity. Law also means a general rule that states what always happens when the same conditions exist.

Meanwhile, Encyclopaedia Britannica defines law as a discipline or profession related to the customs, practices and order of a society that is recognized and bound by that society. The enforcement of the supervisory body is through the supervisor or authority that holds control

Definition of Legal Terms According to KBBI

  1. Procedural law is the law that governs dispute resolution procedures.
  1. Civil procedural law is procedural law that implements and maintains substantive civil law or formal civil law.
  1. Criminal procedure law is a formal criminal law.
  1. Customary law is an unwritten law (based on custom).
  1. Administrative law is law related to the implementation of functions (operational of the state).
  1. Agrarian law is a set of written and unwritten laws that regulate agricultural affairs or laws that regulate the use of land, water and space.
  1. Natural law is an arrangement according to nature.
  1. Archimedes’ law is a criterion (postulate) given by Archimedes, that is, an object immersed in a liquid experiences an upward pressure equal to the weight of the liquid being moved.
  1. Basic law is the constitution of a country or the law of nature.
  1. Coulomb Fis law is a law that states that the force of attraction or repulsion between two charges is directly proportional to the charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges and depends on the center of the charge.
  1. Commercial law is the law of buying and selling or business.
  1. Emergency law is a law made by a country to deal with emergency situations.
  1. The law of DM (explained-explained) is an Indonesian language structure, both in compound words and in sentences where the explanatory part (M) always appears after the explanatory part (D). For example Ali’s house means the word house is explained (D) and Ali is meant (M).
  1. Ferrel’s law is a law about the relationship between the rotation of the earth and the movement of wind and ocean currents.
  1. Tax law is a law related to taxation or financial law.
  1. Formal law is a legal system based on legal logic, without reciprocity.
  1. Property Law is the law that determines the relationship between individuals in terms of monetary gain.
  1. International law is the law that determines international events.
  1. Islamic law is the rules and regulations that are applied in life based on the Qur’an and hadith or Islamic law.
  1. Drying law is a punishment carried out by drying the convicted.
  1. The law of cause and effect is the law that whoever does something will feel the consequences or the law of retribution.
  1. The law of inertia is a law put forward by Newton (1687), which states that everything is always at rest or in a state of regular linear motion without acceleration, unless there is a total force acting on it.
  1. Family law is the law that regulates relationships that arise due to kinship.
  1. Criminal law regulates that the punishment is applied the same as the act committed, for example the death penalty is applied to murderers.
  1. Laws of the Sea are laws and regulations related to the sea
  1. Hukum Mungkal is a high customary punishment for anyone who kills a member of another tribe without challenging him first.
  1. National law is the law (regulation) related to the country. 28. Objective law is a set of rules that apply generally to all members of society, as long as they obey the general legal order.
  1. Act law is a set of legal rules related to work relationships that result in placing a person under the leadership of others and living conditions that are directly related to that work relationship.
  1. Civil law is the law that regulates the rights, property, and relationships between people in a country.
  1. Formal civil law is substantive civil law.
  1. Civil law is essentially a civil law that regulates what is prohibited or required, who can be subject to civil law, and what civil punishment can be imposed.
  1. Marriage law is the law that governs and regulates the legal life between a man and a woman as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.
  1. Criminal law is the law that determines the event (criminal act) that is threatened with a criminal offense.
  1. Formal criminal law is a criminal law that regulates the procedure for resolving criminal cases through courts or criminal procedure law.
  1. Penal law on the material is the criminal law that regulates what is prohibited or required, who can be punished, and what punishment can be imposed.
  1. Subjective criminal law is the state’s right to punish those who violate the objective rules of criminal law.
  1. Political law is the law that regulates the legal relationship between the state and the people, between the state and parts of the state, and between one state and another state.
  1. Affirmative law is the applicable law.
  1. Personal law is the law that determines the situation (situation) as well as the rights and obligations of a person.
  1. The law of the jungle is a law that forces who wins and who is strong to seize power.
  1. Civil law is civil law.
  1. Unwritten law is customary law or law contained in a court decision that never reduces its legal form.
  1. Constitutional law is a set of legal norms that regulate the formation of the state, government, and legal regulations.
  1. God’s law is God’s law.
  1. Inheritance law is the law that governs the fate of an heir’s inheritance.
  1. Jurisprudence law is law based on the judge’s decision that contains certain legal principles to be used as teaching, guidance and/or to be followed by other judges in deciding similar, same or similar matters.
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From the explanation above, do you Reader understand the lexicological meaning of law and the meaning of legal terms according to KBBI? In order to better understand the meaning of law, Sinaumedia will also discuss the meaning of law according to the experts who will be discussed after this. Come on, read the explanation Reader !

Understanding Law According to Experts

1. Ernest Utrecht

According to this lawyer from the Netherlands, law is a set of rules that govern life. The rules can be in the form of procedures or prohibitions that regulate order in the community and must be obeyed by all members of the community.

2. Mr. EM Meyer

Meyers defines law as a set of rules that contain ethical considerations. The embodiment of law is reflected in human behavior in society and serves as a guideline for state institutions in carrying out their duties.

3. Dr. CST Chancellor

Kansil said the law can create order in human society. This is to maintain public order and security.

4. R. Soroso

According to Soeroso, the definition of law is a set of rules set by authorized officials with the aim of regulating the way people live. Law is commanding, prohibiting and coercive by providing binding legal sanctions against anyone who violates it.

5. JCT Simorangkir

Law is a rule that is coercive and functions as a guideline for human behavior in society made by an authoritative organization. The law has consequences for anyone who breaks it.

Legal Classification

1. According to the Form

There are two types of law according to their form, namely written law and unwritten law. Written law is the law contained in various legal provisions such as the 1945 Constitution.

While unwritten laws are laws that still live in people’s beliefs but have not been written. For example, manners and constitutional customs.

2. According to the Place of Occurrence

Depending on the place of application, law is divided into national law, international law, foreign law, and canon law. National law is the law that applies to a country, such as law.

International law is internationally applicable law that applies to several countries, such as treaties. Foreign law is the law that applies in the territory of another country. After all, canon law is a set of norms that the church imposes on its members.

3. According to the Effective Time

From the moment of its application, law is divided into positive law (ius constitutum) and aspirational law ( ius constituendum ). Positive law is also called applicable law, which covers all the current provisions, such as the 1945 Constitution and beyond. The proposed law is a kind of law of hope that has not yet come into effect, because it is still in the plan.

4. According to the Content

In terms of content, law is divided into two parts, private law and public law. Private law is a body of law that regulates relationships between individuals, emphasizing the interests of individuals.

Regarding public law, it is the legal system that regulates the relationship between the state and its complementary institutions or between the state and individuals. Public law functions to protect the public interest.

5. According to Existence

Law is divided into objective law and subjective law. Objective law is usually applied with an emphasis on the content of the rules.

Subjective law at the same time is the formation of objective law in the form of a relationship between two or more people, which establishes rights and obligations. The resulting rights and obligations are governed by objective law. Examples of subjective law are non-performance of rent or non-performance in civil law.

6. According to its nature

Based on its nature, law is divided into coercive law and regulatory law. Mandatory law, i.e. law that has absolute force in all circumstances, such as criminal law.

While the applicable law is a law that can be removed when the parties have made their own arrangements in the contract. For example commercial law.

7. According to the Way of Defending it

The law is divided into two parts for its preservation. First, the law that regulates interests and relationships in the form of doing and not doing. For example criminal law, civil law and commercial law.

Second, formal law or procedural law. The law contains provisions on the enforcement and validity of substantive law or the way a matter is brought to court, as well as the decision-making process by judges.

8. According to the Source

Law is divided according to its source into law, custom, contract, jurisprudence and doctrine.

Important Factors of Law Making

In national life, law is a set of rules set by national institutions that make laws through authorized national officials. Laws that accompany sanctions are recognized by the state and enforced by official state institutions.

Here are some important factors in the development of law:

  • Requesting national authority or agency.
  • Only certain bodies can make laws, including laws.
  • The Board has been empowered to do so. There are sanctions for those who break the law.
  • Sanctions are applied by the competent party or confirmed by the state.