The 14 Most Powerful Learning Strategies According to Neuroscience Experts

sinaumedia Literacy – Learning is sometimes a boring activity for some people, especially learning with what they don’t like and are not interested in.

This is exacerbated by the purpose of studying this, sometimes many school lessons will not actually be used to plunge into life or the world of work. That makes school students less enthusiastic about learning something that is very far from their goals. Then how can you be enthusiastic about learning so that you can get good grades in Sinaumed’s tests and tests.

Moreover, did you know that the human brain has the potential to memorize information of 2.5 Pentabytes or the equivalent of thirty million hours of playing YouTube videos? However, so that the brain’s potential can be used effectively, there are some tips that you can apply. Here are some of them, effective ways of learning that have been proven by scientific studies by Neuroscience experts. Check these out Sinaumed’s!

The 14 Most Powerful Learning Strategies According to Neuroscience Experts


To make your memory skills stronger, repeat what you learn often. Experts prove that it is the synapses (the meeting point between the terminals of one neuron and another neuron) that makes memory ability increase. So that we will be more productive to study regularly.

In addition, make a summary of your learning outcomes. You can write down the main points. It can be points from learning materials, such as formulas. This will make it easier for you to understand the essence of learning. Because when you make a summary, you are actually repeating material that has been obtained before.

This repetition helps you recall notes more effectively. Apart from being in the form of a summary, you can also make a MindMap or Concept Map. According to research results, our brain actually tends to think circularly, holistically, and creatively.

So, if it is forced and put in notes and information in a linear manner, it is natural for the brain to have difficulty accepting it. Using a mindmap allegedly can increase memory up to 120% and can increase creativity. Using a mindmap can also shorten notes more effectively so that they seem a bit Sinaumed’s.


You must have your own learning style that makes you comfortable. In terms of your productive study time, for example, it varies from person to person. There are people who are more productive when they move in the morning or even at dawn. Some people feel more productive at night or in the middle of the night when people are asleep.

But there are also those who study when the time is urgent. With this way of learning, you also have to outsmart it by using study tips when you are stuck, which are powerful with abilities. In addition, there are those who are comfortable studying with friends, and there are also those who are comfortable studying alone in lonely conditions. Find out which one is best for you Sinaumed’s.



You can memorize much more quickly and effectively in an environment richer in visual diversity. Two groups of students were studied to memorize random words, one group studied by moving around the classroom, while the other group only studied in a room without moving around. The group that learned by moving could remember the random words 40% better than the other group that didn’t move. So, you can also apply this moving technique to make your memory process better, Sinaumed’s.



Group study will make you have references to exchange opinions and actively communicate in learning, this method is very effective for those of you who find it difficult to study alone. Studying together will also allow you to give quizzes and ask questions and browse the Internet with friends to study material that you don’t understand.



Apply the Podomoro technique, by setting a timer for 25 minutes for study time. Then when the timer goes off, use 5 minutes to break or rest so that the mind becomes calmer and relaxed. Giving the pause can also give you motivation so you don’t get bored and bored. After 5 minutes of rest, set the timer again for another 25 minutes and start studying again and so on. Here’s how to apply the Podomoro technique in your study sessions, Sinaumed’s:

  • Prepare Study Materials or Assignments: Trying to practice the Pomodoro learning technique, the first thing you have to do is choose the tasks or things you want to learn. Choose assignments or lessons based on their priority scale. You can choose from assignments that will be submitted immediately to tasks that can be completed several weeks or months back.
  • Set a Timer: Do your assignments or reading material with focus until the timer goes off. Those 25 minutes are called the “work window.” Because you have to focus, you are not even allowed to glance at your cell phone even if only to see if there is a message or not.
  • Short Break: After the timer sounds, even though your work is not completely finished, you must stop. Take three to five minutes to rest. During this rest interval, you can look at your cellphone, go to the restroom to relieve yourself, stretch, or even eat a snack to increase your energy.
  • Start Studying or Doing Assignment Again After the rest interval, start the second “work window.” The rules are the same, that is, for 25 minutes you can only focus on work. Repeat this step for Sinaumed’s.
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Finishing the difficult things first each day is the next tip. When you have completed the more difficult things, you will automatically feel better and more confident that day. Apart from that, you will be motivated to complete other relatively easier things afterwards.



A modern science study says that learning in a fun or fun way will speed up your understanding and remembering things.

Therefore, positive energy plays an important role in your learning process in Sinaumed’s. It can be done with your closest friends, avoid the speeding system overnight, also create conducive learning conditions. In addition, don’t forget to practice, for example for science subject matter.

You can learn material related to plants, animals, and others while practicing directly. That way, you can better understand the material being studied and not make the atmosphere feel boring quickly. Research to prove theories can also be an alternative to make your learning activities more enjoyable, Sinaumed’s.



To be able to remember something for a long time, repeat your studies periodically or at intervals. For example, when you memorize a vocabulary in a dictionary, the most effective study is to review the words within 1 or 2 days or a week after you memorize them. This is much better and more effective than repeating it every day.

9. 30% READ, 70% REPEAT

If you have 1 hour to prepare a presentation or speech. Spend 20 minutes reading and learning. Then use 40 minutes to practice it.

So, use 2/3 of your time to repeat and practice it. While 1/3 of the time to understand the material. Some people are wrong in learning on this matter. Often a person even memorizes the material instead of understanding it.

In fact, simply memorizing lessons will only be effective for exams with a short period of time. In the long run, memorized knowledge will only be easy to forget and will not leave any benefit. Besides that, don’t hesitate to ask questions if we don’t understand something or experience a deadlock in a science.

You study because you don’t understand, so if you have trouble, don’t hesitate to always ask. Ask your friends, studying together or discussing can also make learning activities more fun.



Create a comfortable learning atmosphere so you can stay focused on studying. Right after studying it, try to do a quick test for yourself on the material. Not a difficult and long test, just an instant test that represents your subject matter whether you have more than enough or not, Sinaumed’s. Use question books, or question applications that will make it easier for you to review your abilities.



If you are a person who likes to procrastinate when studying, for example browsing on a smartphone or playing social media. Learn to be willing to turn off or silence all electronic devices that can interfere with your study time. If necessary, go to the library because the atmosphere is conducive and tends to be quieter.

To increase focus also exercise regularly. Remember the saying, in a healthy body there is a strong mind and soul, and don’t ignore the importance of consuming Sinaumed’s nutritious food, because research has shown that adequate nutrition will make you smarter and improve your focus. Some foods that will increase focus:

  • Avocados, the monounsaturated fats and antioxidants in avocados help optimize circulation which contributes to better blood flow to the brain, which then becomes the fuel your brain needs to think Sinaumed’s
  • Blueberries, as the number 1 fruit in a row of the healthiest fruit. This is because this fruit contains polyphenols, including flavonoid pigments called anthocyanins. Consuming it at least once a week can maximize cognitive function as well as protect the brain from various risks of dangerous diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Green vegetables, because they will keep the sharpness of the brain because they contain high folic acid. Expand the consumption such as spinach, parsley, and broccoli Sinaumed’s.
  • Egg yolk, as the most useful part for the brain. A recent study found that eating eggs improves verbal fluency and frontal lobe function which is an area of ​​the brain that helps with problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control and social behavior. The main nutritional compound in eggs, choline, is also very important for optimal brain function which is related to memory.
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Having clear goals helps you stay focused and consistent throughout the learning process. But when you’re not in the mood, do something that can bring your mood back.

Relax for example which will make the mind fresh again, take a short nap which will make the body rested, take a warm bath, Study with Biscuits and Hot Tea Snacks, Listen to the Radio and Watch TV for a while to increase ideas and creativity, Read Motivational Certia books and the like which will increase your confidence.

To reduce boredom, try setting your goals or targets. For example, suppose your goal of studying is to enter a well-known university in Indonesia, which then requires you to have qualified grades. Setting goals can be a motivator if you start to feel like you’re losing interest in studying Sinaumed’s.



There are several activities that have been proven to develop your brain’s abilities such as exercising, regular meditation, as well as discussing with your friends. These things aim to stimulate the formation of new neurons in the brain. Do simple exercises such as push ups, sit ups, jogging, cycling, lifting weights or as simple as going up and down the Sinaumed’s stairs. For Meditation, for those of you who are beginners you can do:

  • Wear comfortable clothes for meditation. Don’t let anything distract you from meditating. Choose clothes that you usually wear to exercise or just use play clothes that are comfortable to use.
  • Because it’s still in the early stages, it’s best to do meditation in a short time, about 2 to 5 minutes. Clear your mind.
  • Sit in a comfortable position because comfort is a priority in meditation. That’s why you must find the best position. Traditionally, meditation is practiced sitting on a cushion in the lotus or half lotus position. Use a yoga mat that has a little padding so that it is more comfortable to sit on. Meditation can actually be done also by sitting, standing, lying down, even walking. For beginners it is recommended to do a sitting position, because the mind has not been trained. With the correct and comfortable sitting position, you can start to get used to it and then feel the benefits.
  • Try to find a place that is free of distractions so you don’t get distracted easily. Outdoors is a good alternative, because apart from being free of internal distractions (TV, sounds and activities of householders), being outside means you will meditate while breathing fresher air. The home page can be tried as a starter for Sinaumed’s.


Adequate sleep is vital in making it easier for our brains to store information. Based on a study conducted by Harvard University, it was shown that students who had enough rest at night could remember lesson material by 35% better than students who studied in the morning and took tests at night without sleeping in between.

Research launched in London in 1998 also revealed that adequate sleep will maximize brain development. The reason is, sleep activity is a stimulus for the process of brain growth and development, it’s not surprising that sleep activity affects intelligence, especially since 75 percent of growth hormone is produced when you’re asleep, you know, Sinaumed’s. Everyone has different sleep needs, depending on age. Lifestyle and health greatly affect a person’s sleep needs. The following is sufficient sleep duration by age category:

  • School-age children (6-13 years): 9-11 hours per day
  • Teens (14-17): 8-10 hours per day
  • Young adults (18-25 years): 7-9 hours per day
  • Adults (26-64): 7-9 hours per day
  • Older adults (over 65 years): 7-8 hours per day

So, do you know how to study effectively? now all you have to do is apply it in your daily life Sinaumed’s. Hopefully this information is useful, cheers!

Source: from various sources