What Triggers Economic Recession: Definition, Causes, and Impact on Society

Economic Recession

In measuring the development and progress of a country, of course the main reference or indicator is how much economic growth is. Meanwhile, the level of economic growth can be seen from the value of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the country. If the GDP is low and continues to decline for months, it can trigger an economic recession . What … Read more

What Are Economic Bubbles, How To Avoid Them?


The term economic bubble or often also referred to as a speculative bubble or financial bubble. This is one thing to watch out for, especially when you invest. Determining investment instruments is not an easy thing. Of course, everyone hopes that the chosen investment instrument can increase in price so that it will provide benefits in the … Read more

Understanding Economic Growth: Characteristics, Factors and Measurement Methods

Economic Growth

The economic growth of a country is closely related to the welfare of its people which also becomes a benchmark for whether a country is in a good economic condition or not. Simon Kuznets himself stated that economic growth is a condition in which a country is able to increase its production based on technological … Read more

The Concept of Deflation and Its Impact on the Economy

In the previous material, we have studied the definition of inflation, its triggering factors, and economic policies to overcome it. In this article, we will study the situation opposite to inflation, namely negative inflation or deflation and its impact on the economy. 1. DEFINITION OF DEFLATION. In principle, deflation is a general decline in output … Read more

Concepts of Utilitarianism, Liberalism, Libertarianism, and Socialism in Economic Policy Determination

Concepts of Utilitarianism, Liberalism, Libertarianism, and Socialism in Economic Policy Determination

Concepts of Utilitarianism, Liberalism, Libertarianism, and Socialism in Economic Policy Determination. Determination of economic policy is a classic problem that has always been a debate. The question of what policies the government should implement regarding equitable distribution of social welfare often raises pros and cons. In this paper, we will study the basic concepts that … Read more