Public Speaking Method: Definition, Objectives, Methods, and Tips

Public Speaking Method – Sinaumed’s , have you ever spoken in public? If so,
then that means you are doing
public speaking . Wow, that’s really cool,
being able to communicate in front of many people.

However, what is called public speaking is not just speaking in public .
Because what is called
public speaking is a good way of communicating
in public with certain systematics and rules.
This is called the
speaking method . When someone can communicate in front of many people in a good way,
then it will be a distinct advantage for him.

So, for that, let ‘s look at the further explanation below!

Definition of public speaking

In language, public speaking consists of two words in English. Public means public in front of
the public and speaking means speaking. Thus, the meaning of
public speaking in language is speaking in public.

In Indonesian, public speaking has not yet received a comprehensive understanding. As
long as
public speaking is understood as an act of speaking in public.
Even though not all speaking in public can be said as
public speaking

In practice, public speaking doesn’t mean you have to speak at official events.
Even at unscheduled informal events,
you can still do public
speaking . Then what is the meaning of the definition of
public speaking ?

According to historical records, the term public speaking was originally interpreted by rhetoricians
as the ability or art of speaking.
This term has evolved since the century BC.
At that time, the term
public speaking was synonymous with speech.

In its development, public speaking began to be defined by experts. According to the
Merriam-Webster dictionary,
public speaking is defined as “the act or skill
of speaking to a usually large group of people” . That is, public speaking is an
action, act, or art of speaking which is usually done in front of a large group of people.

Meanwhile, David Zarefsky defines public speaking in his book entitled Public speaking Strategic for
Success as ” public speaking is a continuous communication process in which messages and signals
circulate back and forth between speakers and listeners” . This professor and expert on
communication and rhetoric in the United States stated that
public speaking is a
continuous process of communication, where messages and signals are involved in the interaction between the
speaker and the listener.

Public speaking goals

Someone who does public speaking certainly has its own goals. It becomes important to
clarify the reasons for doing
public speaking according to the intended needs.
Here are some of the purposes often used by
speakers :

  • Submit information

One of the goals when someone does public speaking is, of course, to convey information.
The information to be conveyed can be in the form of programs, ideas, ideas, projects, thoughts
and research.
Submission of this information is done to help other people better
understand, know, and understand something.

When interpreted in language, information is a form of news or news about something. Another
meaning of information is also called notification.
Therefore, the delivery of information is
carried out in the delivery of news containing certain messages.

  • Make an impact

The next goal of doing public speaking is to influence other people. Influence is
defined as an effort to change or maintain a thought as well as the actions of others.
Individuals who have good
public speaking skills , of course, can
influence the public to follow something that he is presenting in his material.
This goal
is usually carried out by someone who works as a motivator,
sales marketing ,
lecturer, and others.

  • Opinion submission

The delivery of opinion referred to in this next objective relates to the expression of thoughts from an
individual who is the speaker or speaker . Here someone will convey what is in his mind
to clarify what he wants to do.
Usually people who want to express opinions want effective
communication with others.

  • Giving motivation

Providing motivation is a very important goal in doing public speaking . Remembering to
provide motivation can encourage the public to act and think more positively.
This is often
done by speakers such as motivators who are giving motivation at a seminar.

In providing motivation, a motivator will raise his voice and provide more enthusiastic energy so that the
audience is motivated. In addition, the motivator will present his public
speaking material in an attractive style. This is what makes the
audience interested and compelled to follow the motivator’s thoughts.

  • Entertaining the audience

Apart from its basic purpose, public speaking is also often used to entertain the audience.
We know that many people like to be entertained with jokes or comedies and the way the speaker
delivers the material.
We can easily find this entertaining activity on television shows
such as
talk shows , comedies, and buffoonery.

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Recently, there have also been many events that combine public speaking with comedy, namely Stand Up
This program is carried out by someone who has good communication skills by
presenting material with humorous characteristics.
The characteristics of humor can be seen
from facial expressions, body language, and funny stories.

Public speaking method

There are four methods that are often used to do public speaking . You can use one
method or several methods at once by adjusting the conditions.
Come on Sinaumed’s, let’s just
look at the methods.

1. Impromptu or Ad Libitum Method

The impromptu method is a way of doing public speaking without any notes or script at all.
Not even a record of what needs to be remembered and learned. This method is
generally done because of the urgent need to do
public speaking .

The impromptu method is carried out spontaneously. In the world of broadcasting,
ad libitum means speaking without a script or script . Thus, this
method multiplies the ability of personal public
speakers .

The advantages of the impromptu method are as follows:

  • Because without preparing a script or framework of any kind, you as public speakers
    speak spontaneously.
    What are
    your ideas and ideas , your
    ability to express ideas, and your body language skills can be read clearly.
    At that time, you will see
    your capacity in doing public
    speaking .
  • What you convey feels natural, without contrivance.
  • You will be compelled to think constantly throughout the process.
  • Your creativity is automatically honed.

Meanwhile, the disadvantages of the impromptu method are as follows:

  • The conclusions, assumptions and data that you present are sometimes undercooked due to old
  • Because without preparation, you don’t even have time to make a framework, the ideas you convey may
    not be coherent.
  • If you lack experience doing public speaking , conveying ideas will not run smoothly.

2. Manuscript Reading Method (Reading the

Public speaking with the script reading method is done by reading the script that has been prepared
This method is generally used to do public speaking at formal or
official events.
Officials or people who have more important positions choose this method
to avoid mistakes.

Manuscripts that are read in public speaking usually have important content so it is not uncommon for the
mass media to also cover or quote them.
Not only that, the wider community also pays serious
Examples of public speaking using this method are speeches at
ceremonies, important public policy announcements, election announcements, and so on.

The advantages of the manuscript reading method are as follows:

  • Fear or anxiety can be minimized because you only need to read it.
  • Can choose the best words to read because they have sufficient preparation.
  • Can speak effectively and efficiently so you don’t need to convey long sentences but have little meaning.
    You can save statements.
  • Can expedite the pronunciation of the language.
  • Can reduce the risk of data being out of date .
  • Can reproduce the manuscript so listeners can read it too.

Although it has many advantages, this method of reading manuscripts also has disadvantages, namely:

  • Interaction with the audience is reduced because you are more focused on reading the script.
    Your eyes and thoughts are more focused on the script, not on the audience.
  • Public speakers are impressed as people who are less skilled because they read the text.
    After all, someone talking without looking at the text will look cooler .
  • Public Speakers seem stiff because the majority of public speakers who use this method seem to feel
    “constrained” by feeling “must be as beautiful as the text”.
  • Lack of spontaneous improvisation.
  • The time needed to prepare is longer.
  • The response given by the audience is relatively more difficult to influence the message
    Because what is conveyed is more informative in nature, not an interactive

3. Memorizing or memorizing method

As the name suggests, the rote or memorizing method is used in public speaking by memorizing texts or
scripts that have been prepared beforehand.
When the speaker is doing
speaking , he no longer uses the text because he has memorized its contents. When
appearing to deliver his speech, the speaker spontaneously recalled the contents of the text he had

This method is very challenging, because this method is only recommended for those of you who have a sharp
Not only that, you are also required to master the ideas, thoughts, and arrangement of
the language in the text.
Those of you who have the ability to improvise in communication and
rhetoric are very suitable for this method because the rote method is greatly influenced by the speaker’s
ability to convey emotions through his speech.

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This method is not recommended for those of you who do not have a sharp memory. The reason is,
neglecting the text when making a speech can cause stage fright, embarrassment, mixed data, and
Of course this is very dangerous if it is done by important people in official

This method has advantages, namely:

  • You will look cool, dignified, and awesome.
  • You guys seem like a smart and clever person.
  • The message that you convey in the speech is still neatly arranged.

This method also has some drawbacks, namely:

  • If you forget the contents of the text and you don’t find any clues , you can lose control.
    Meanwhile, losing control can make you appear as someone who is rambling
  • The time you prepare is longer than the script reading method.
  • The work done by your brain will be harder because you have to memorize the contents of the text first.

4. The Using Note Method or Using Small

The using note method is the method we most recommend for you. This method is
done by writing a grid,
outline , or outline of the discussion you want to convey to the
audience . You will develop a complete explanation and details yourself when you are on

For those of you who already have high flying hours in public speaking , this method of using small
notes is highly recommended.
This method does not complicate your work and does not take
much time.
It’s just that this method requires you to have speaking skills and think
critically about everything.

The advantages of using small notes method are as follows:

  • Interaction with the audience can be maintained properly. You can occasionally make
    eye contact with them.
  • Audiences will be more interested because what you convey is tailored to their needs.
    This can not be separated from the improvisation that you do.
  • You look smart, dignified, elegant and professional.
  • The time you need is quite economical, even tends to be spontaneous.

Meanwhile, the drawbacks of using public speaking with this method are:

  • If the preparation you do is too rushed, this will cause you to be less than optimal.
  • If you are not used to it, the diction you choose will feel less interesting.
  • Before making a speech, the committee will place an order. This method provides a large
    enough potential for deviations from the initial order.

Tips for Doing Public Speaking

If Sinaumed’s wants to do public speaking , but is confused about where to start, then you
can use the following methods.
Here are tips for doing
public speaking

  • Get to know the target audience

Recognizing the audience or public when they are about to speak in public can help speakers be more
easily accepted.
Other people who become
the audience will feel
more cared for, compatible and interested.
The things that need to be recognized from the
audience are background, language, age, ethnicity, education, and the purpose of holding the

  • Over matter

Good mastery of material is the key to success in public speaking . This is important,
because if a speaker speaks in public, then he becomes the center of everyone’s attention.
In addition, good mastery of material when in public is also very influential on a person’s
level of confidence when presenting the material.
So it becomes important to have a topic
or issue that is more mastered, than just choosing.

  • Make important points

Preparation of important points can be in the form of an outline. This is done to anticipate a
very limited individual memory.
Write down the important things you want to talk about so that
the conversation is focused and doesn’t spread everywhere, besides that it makes it easier to convey the

  • Setting up tools

Tools can be used with the aim of making public speaking more interesting. Other people
will be happier if in following something all the senses can feel good seeing, hearing, touching, and
Therefore, the use of assistive devices is important. Such as the
use of props, demonstrations,
power point slides , videos, and more.

  • Exercise

Before appearing in public, it is better if a speaker does some practice first. The practice
is intended so that when we are in public we minimize mistakes, besides that the
speaking process runs smoothly. Exercise can be done independently in front of a mirror
or other people we trust.


Public speaking is the ability to communicate in public which includes various activities such as lectures,
speeches, presentations, discussions, and other activities.
People who do public
speaking are also called speakers or speakers. Public speaking skills are
widely used in various professions.

In addition, public speaking is important for several professions that prioritize speaking skills.
public speaking also people can understand each other.
So, those are some explanations regarding
public speaking, both
understanding, methods, ways, and examples.