Prayer Readings After Prayer and Its Benefits You Need to Know!

Listen to the Complete Prayer Readings After Prayer and the Benefits You Need to Know! – Studying religion well is an obligation for every religious person so that their life runs in balance between life in this world and life after the world. It is no exception for a Muslim, for adherents of Islam studying religion is a must so that they can carry out their worship and daily life based on good religious teachings. In every worship a Muslim must always say a prayer either when doing it or after doing it where this is done to ask and beg only to Him. For this reason, it is necessary to know what prayer readings can be said after prayer for every Muslim that is correct and in accordance with the teachings of the Islamic religion.

Because the prayer after fard prayer includes praising Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW. Do not forget that the prayer after completing the obligatory prayers also includes requests for forgiveness and blessings every day. Readings after the obligatory prayers include dhikr, followed by recitation of short letters and verses of the Qur’an.

Practicing prayer after the obligatory prayers every day is submission to Allah SWT. Prayer is another way to communicate with Allah SWT, let alone pray with respect and service, then our prayers will be heard.

If a Muslim is required to perform five obligatory prayers a day, then in a day there are also at least five times a Muslim prays after the prayer. However, do sinaumedia friends who are Muslims know what prayers must be said after completing the obligatory prayers? If sinaumedia friends don’t know about it, in this discussion we have summarized the prayer readings after prayer that you need to know.

Furthermore, we have summarized the discussion and present it below!

Hadith About the Virtue of Prayer After Fard Prayer

Muslims are obliged to pray five times a day. One of the benefits of prayer is preventing bad and despicable actions.

Prayer, as a very important form of worship in Islamic teachings, has many advantages and benefits.

“From Abu Umama, he said: “It was said to the Messenger of Allah: Which prayer is heard the most? The Messenger of Allah replied: Midnight prayer and final prayer after completing the obligatory prayer. (HR at-Tirmidhi).

“Rasulullah, with the permission of Mu’adz bin Jabal, may he bless him and give him peace, took Mu’adz by the hand and said: “O Mu’adz, by God, I really love you, because for the sake of Allah I command you O Mu ‘adz, do not leave after every prayer, but say: O Allah, help me to remember You, give thanks to You and worship You with good worship’.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud).

“Sulaiman said: During the last prayer, the Prophet SAW said this prayer: “O God, our Lord and God of all, I testify that you are indeed God, You are One, you have no partners. Lord, You are the Lord of all. I testify that Muhammad is your servant and messenger. Lord, our God and God of all, I confess that Your servants are all brothers and sisters. O Allah, Lord of us all, make me sincere to You, including to my family, for a moment in this world and in the hereafter, O Lord, the Honorable and the Great. Hear and allow O God, great God. O Allah, You are the light of the heavens and the earth.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud).

“O Allah, correct for me my religion which You have made as a guard for me. Fix for me my world that You have made my life in it. O Allah, I seek refuge with Your pleasure from Your wrath, I seek refuge with Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I take refuge with You. Nothing prevents what You give. No one gives for what You prevent. Those who have glory, no one can benefit, because the glory is from You. Shuhaib stated that Rasulullah SAW uttered this sentence when he finished praying. (HR an-Nasa’i).

As for praying together after prayer, this was explained by Imam al-Mubarakfuri in Tuhfat al-Ahwadzi Syarh Sunan at-Tirmidhi. Imam al-Mubarakfuri said, know that hadith scholars differ in opinion at this time regarding the imam when he finishes the obligatory prayers, whether it is permissible to pray by raising his hands and the ma’mum who also raises his hands is agreed.

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Some hadith experts allow it. Some others stated that it was not permissible because according to them it was an act of bid’ah. According to them, this act is not in the hadith of Rasulullah SAW with an authentic sanad, but fabricated matters, all fabricated ones are bid’ah. As for those who allow the argument with five hadiths. (Imam al-Mubarakfuri, Tuhfatul-Ahwadzi Syarh Sunah at-Tirmidhi).

Reading Dhikr After Obligatory Prayers 5 Times

1. Reading Istighfar

From Tsauban ra, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

“Usually the Messenger of Allah SAW when he finished praying, he (read) istighfar 3 times then recited a prayer: Allahumma antas salaam wa minkas salaam tabaarokta yaa dzal jalaali wal ikroom.”

(O Allah, you are greetings and safety are only from you, Glory be to You, O One who has all majesty and glory. (HR. Muslim no 591)).

Before praying, it is recommended to read istighfar three times after finishing the prayer:


2. Read Tahlil

From Al Mughirah bin Syu’bah ra, he said,

Prayer After Fardhu Prayer Meaning: I heard the Prophet SAW after finishing the prayer he prayed: laa ilaha illallooh wahdahu laa syarika lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli syai-in qodiir. Alloohumma laa maani’a lima a’thoyta wa laa mu’thiya limaa mana’ta wa laa yanfa’u dzal jaddi minkal jaddu

(There is no god who has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, there is no partner for Him. All praise and kingdom belong to Allah. Allah has power over everything. O Allah, nothing prevents what You give and no one gives what You prevent it. Wealth and glory are of no use to their owners. From You are all wealth and glory.) (Narrated by Bukhari no 6615, Muslim no 593) ”

“Continued with the recitation of dhikr as follows:


3. Asking for protection from the torment of hell, by reading:


4. After that, it is continued by praising Allah SWT with the sentence:


5. Read the letter al-Fatihah and the verse of the chair

after reading Surat Al-Fatihah, proceed with reading Ayat Kursi (Al-Baqarah: 225) as follows:

Allahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyum. Laa ta’khudzuhuu sinatuw wala naum. Lahuu maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ardh. Man dzal ladzii yasfa’u ‘ indahuu illaa bi idznih. Ya’lamu maa baina aidiihim wamaa khalfahum. Wala yuhituna bi syai-im min ‘ilmihii illa bimaa syaa-a. Wasi’a Kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal ardh walaa ya-uuduhuu hifzhuhumaa Wahuwal ‘aliyyul ‘azhiim.

6. Reading Tasbih, Tahmid, Takbir, and Tahlil

There are four authentic readings of tasbih, tahmid, takbir and tahlil from the Prophet SAW. Here’s an explanation.

Tasbih is read 33 times, tahmid is read 33 times, takbir is read 33 times, tahlil is read once. So that the total reading dhikr 100 times. In accordance with the words of the Prophet SAW in a hadith narrated by Muslims.

Prayer After Fardhu Prayer Meaning: Whoever recites the dhikr after finishing the prayer with the following dhikr: Subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahu akbar (33 x). Laa ilaha illallah wahda, laa syarika lah. Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ‘ala kulli syai-in qodiir

(Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, Allah is the Greatest (33 times). There is no god who has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone. There is no partner for Him. All kingdoms and worship belong to Allah. He is the Almighty over everything. )

(Then all his mistakes will be forgiven, even if they are as much as foam in the ocean. (HR. Muslim no 597).

Tasbih is recited 33 times, tahmid is recited 33 times, takbir is recited 34 times, so that a total of 100 recitations of dhikr are recited. This dhikr is in accordance with a hadith narrated by Muslim. Here’s the hadith.

From Ka’ab bin Ujrah ra, from the Prophet SAW:

“The dhikr that will not harm the person who recites it after completing the obligatory prayers, namely 33 times tasbih, 33 times tahmid and 33 times takbir. (HR. Muslim no 596)”

Tasbih is recited 25 times, tahmid is recited 25 times, takbir is recited 25 times, tahlil is recited 25 times, so that the total recitation of dhikr is 100 times.

In accordance with the history of Zaid bin Thabit ra, he said:

“The Companions were ordered to perform tasbih after completing 33 prayers, 33 times of tahmid and 33 takbirs. Then a man from Ansar had a dream and it was said to him: Has Rasulullah SAW ordered you to recite 33 times of tasbih, recite 33 times of tahmid, and 34 times of takbir? Then he replied: true, the person in the dream then said: Do it all 25 times and then add the tahlil. When he woke up in the morning, this Ansar man went to the Prophet (PBUH) and told him about his dream. The Prophet SAW then said, you should make it like that. (HR. An Nasai no 1350, authenticated by Al Albani in Sahih An Nasai.)”

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Tasbih is read 10 times, tahmid 10 times, takbir 10 times. Then the total dhikr as much as 30 times. The following hadith explains the recitation of the dhikr.

From Abdullah bin Amr ra, the Prophet SAW said:

“There are two actions that if a Muslim servant takes care of him, he will definitely enter heaven. Both of these actions are easy, but few practice them. Namely, first, glorify each prayer 10 times, recite 10 takbirs, and recite 10 takbirs. So that’s 150 times of dhikr in the mouth in the five daily prayers. However, the scales on the mizan are like 1500 times. And the second is to say takbir 34 times when you are going to sleep, say 33 times of tahmid and 33 times of tasbih. So that’s 100 times dhikr in the mouth, but 1000 times on the mizan scales. (Narrated by Abu Daud no 5065, authenticated by Al Albani in Sahih Abu Daud).”

  • Reciting Tasbih 33 times


  • Read Tahmid 33 times


  • Read Takbir 33 times


  • Read Tahlil 33 times


Prayer Reading After Prayer

Prayer reading after fardhu prayer

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim. Alhamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘aalamiin, hamdan yuwaafii ni’amahu wayukaafii maziidahu. Ya rabbanaa lakal hamdu kamaa yan baghhi lijalaali wajhika wa’azhiimi sulthaanika. Allahumma shalli ‘alaa sayyidinaa muhammadin wa’alaa aali sayyidinaa muhammad. Allahumma rabbanaa taqabbal minnaa shalaataana washiyaamanaa warukuu’anaa wasujuudanaa waqu’uudanaa watadlarru’anaa, charactershasysyu’anaa wata’abbudanaa, watammim taqshiiranaa yaa allah yaa rabbal’aalamiin. Rabbana dzhalamnaa anfusanaa wa-inlamtaghfir lana watarhamnaa lanakuunanna mlnal khaasiriin. Rabbanaa walaa tahmil’alainaa ishran kama hamaltahul’alal ladziina min qablinaa.

It means:

“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. With praise that is in proportion to His favors and guarantees the addition. O Allah, Our Lord, to You all praise and all that is worthy of the majesty of Your Essence and the majesty of Your power. “Dear Allah! Bestow mercy and greetings on our lord the Prophet Muhammad and his relatives.

O Allah, accept our prayers, our fasting, our bowing, our prostrations, our sitting down, our humility, our devotion, and complete what we do during prayer, O Allah. God calls all the worlds.

O Allah, We have wronged ourselves, therefore, O Allah, if it were not for Your forgiveness and mercy, we would surely have gone astray. O Allah, our Lord, do not take upon us such a heavy burden as You once burdened those who were before us. O Allah, our Lord, do not burden us with what is beyond our ability. Forgive and bestow mercy on us, O Allah. O Allah, our Lord, give us help against people who do not like your religion.

O Allah, our Lord, do not lead our hearts astray after being guided, give us bounty. You are the Most Gracious.

O Allah, O our Lord, forgive our sins and the sins of our parents, and for all Muslim men and women, believing men and women. Verily, You are the Almighty over all things.

Glory be to You, Lord of all glory. Holy of all what the unbelievers say. May peace be upon the Apostles and all praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.”

The Virtue of Prayer and Dhikr After Prayer

Every Muslim is encouraged to dhikr to Allah SWT. As Allah says in one of the surahs, which means:

“Indeed, the remembrance of Allah is greater than other acts of worship” (QS. Al-Ankabut: 29).

Apart from continuing to remember the greatness of Allah SWT, dhikr also has a number of benefits for everyday life.

Here are some of the benefits of dhikr for everyday life.

  1. Uphold the commands of Allah SWT
  1. Steer clear of demons
  1. Avoid hypocritical words
  1. Save yourself from hellfire
  1. Illuminate the heart
  1. Avoid the heart of bad prejudice
  1. Soften the heart and feelings
  1. Removes sins
  1. Calms the heart and mind
  1. Lighten the heavy burden in life


That’s a brief discussion of Reading Prayers After Prayer and the Benefits that Need to be Known. Not only discusses the reading of prayer after prayer and its benefits that need to be known, but also discusses the virtues and benefits of prayer after prayer itself. Reading and understanding prayers after fardhu prayers is a good example for a Muslim and should be practiced in life so that a Muslim’s life is filled with grace and becomes a civilized and knowledgeable Muslim.