Popular Scientific Works: Definition, Structure, Types and Compilation Steps

Popular Scientific Works – The term popular in scientific works refers to the competence of the masses as the target segment. In this case, popular scientific works then use various kinds of mass media for the place or media of publication. In addition, in order for the discussion in scientific papers to be effective and accurate, popular scientific writing methods can also be used.

Then, what exactly is meant by popular scientific work? So that Sinaumed’s knows more about popular scientific works, you can watch this article until it’s finished, enjoy reading.

Definition of Popular Scientific Work

Popular scientific work is a scientific work that is popularly presented to the masses in various (print) mass media, such as magazines, newspapers, and tabloids. Therefore, these popular scientific works then have a distinctive character so that their contents can be easily absorbed by the public and are interesting to read, so they use language that is easy to understand.

In this case, being absorbed by many people can be interpreted as not only among academics, but society in general. That way, more and more people will know various kinds of knowledge, so that their insights will increase.

To be able to understand the meaning of popular scientific writing, you should study it from the words that make it up, namely writing, scientific, and popular. Writing as a term used to be able to express a written work that is compiled based on the writings, essays, and statements of ideas from other people which are then rearranged by popular scientific work writers.

In KBBI, scientific can mean scientific or scientific in nature or fulfills the requirements (rules) of science. While popular can be interpreted as liked by many people. In addition, in KBBI, popular also means according to the needs of society in general or easily understood by many people.

In addition, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), popular science is scientific in nature, but uses common language, so that it is easily understood by ordinary people (regarding articles, writing style of scientific papers).

So, popular scientific work is a work written based on a scientific rule with the aim that all discussions can be understood by various general groups or not just academics.

In general, popular scientific works are written by way of adaptation and quoting, then all the adaptations and quotations are processed into a statement by the author of a popular scientific work. Even so, in writing popular scientific papers one must still pay attention to scientific principles, so one must use valid and accountable data.

Characteristics of Popular Scientific Works

The title of the scientific essay itself must be informative and easy to catch. In other words, readers will easily describe or imagine what they want to convey in popular scientific works. In addition, popular scientific works are required to present in-depth and objective data with descriptive, argumentative and referential discussions.

Because popular scientific works are intended to be easily understood by many people, they must use popular language in writing. In this case, a popular language can be interpreted as a language that is close to everyday life or it can also be interpreted as a communicative language. That way, it will be easier for many people to understand a popular scientific work that has been published in print media.

Even though using language that is easy to understand or close to everyday language, in writing popular scientific papers you must still use the right terms. More importantly, don’t write carelessly, so that the discussion is still in accordance with scientific principles.

In addition, the presentation of facts must be accompanied by writers or scientists who have disclosed discoveries or research in books or scientific papers. Whereas in the discussion or explanation section, it is better to use indirect explanation methods, especially those related to natural knowledge.

Presentation of Popular Scientific Works

There are three types of presentation of popular scientific work, including the following:

  1. Descriptive presentation which only describes a knowledge as a collection of facts as they are or by presenting the latest findings in a particular scientific field, without explaining much about the course of a process (history or background) of that discovery. An example is the description of the various types of fish in the sea.
  2. Descriptive presentation, but accompanied by an explanation of the course of a process of formation, history of discovery or history of the occurrence of things, an explanation of why this happened and an explanation of how. Example: writing about “Flying Fish Flying”.
  3. Descriptive presentation, but which is accompanied by an explanation of the course of the formation process, a history of discovery or the history of the occurrence of a thing, an explanation of why, and an explanation of how, plus problems related to it. Example: description of “Flying Fish Flying” coupled with the problem of their preservation in the sea which is increasingly polluted by chemical industrial waste and the steps to solve it.
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Structure of Popular Scientific Works

The structure of popular scientific works can be said to be quite short, concise, and clear. Normally, popular scientific writings only consist of a few pages, so it is different from scientific papers which are written in large numbers.

This popular scientific work has a page count of about 3-5 pages. Because it is more concise, the writing structure also only consists of 4 parts. The structure of this popular scientific work consists of a title, introduction, content or body, and ends with a closing.

1. Title

Like any title in general, the title of a popular scientific work must reflect the content of the text. However, the characteristics of popular scientific work titles are generally simpler, communicative and interesting. So, with this title it will be easier to attract attention and attract the curiosity of readers.

2. Introduction

The section that explains the introduction or opening of popular scientific works. In this structure, usually the author will explain the background and methods used in making this popular scientific work. That way, readers won’t be surprised when they enter the contents, so they can understand popular scientific works more deeply.

3. Body/Content

Meanwhile, the body or content is about the author’s views or analysis of the topics discussed. Usually the author will add several arguments from experts and data that support a writing. The body or content of this popular scientific work is not as detailed as scientific writing. So, don’t be surprised if the contents are then quite limited.

4. Cover

The last part of the popular text ends with a conclusion. The contents are none other than the author’s conclusions regarding a topic that has been analyzed. In addition, the author can also insert criticisms and suggestions that will overcome various problems being studied or researched by the author.

Popular Types of Scientific Works

If a scientific writing consists of theses, dissertations, theses and research reports, popular scientific works consist of several types, namely essays, scientific articles, and opinions.

1. Essay

An essay is a prose essay that contains a topic or a particular problem and is written based on the author’s point of view. Essays are also opinions, views, or personal expressions that are expressed in various forms of writing. However, the essay will still be written with clear and strong arguments.

2. Scientific Articles

Scientific articles are also classified as popular scientific works whose contents are in the form of science by explaining certain facts. In addition, it is written with the correct methodology, but still uses a lighter language.

3. Opinion

Opinion as a popular scientific work that contains the author’s opinions, ideas, thoughts on a particular topic. Generally, this text itself is not objective, but its content still puts forward an argument with clear data. Examples of opinion writing that are easiest to find include opinions published in the mass media.

Differences in Popular, Formal and Semi-Formal Scientific Works

The following is the difference between popular scientific works, formal scientific works, and semi-formal scientific works.

1. Popular Scientific Works

Popular scientific work is writing with scientific content, but using writing techniques and language that is easily understood by various groups. Therefore, the language used is close to everyday language.

2. Formal Scientific Work

Formal scientific work is a work of writing that uses standard language and uses the rules of scientific writing, including using valid data. In general, formal scientific work has a specific standard so that a scientific work that has been made can be said to be a formal scientific work.

3. Semiformal Scientific Work

Semi-formal scientific work can be said as a scientific writing that exists in various types of reports and papers. In writing semi-formal scientific papers, standards from certain agencies are usually used.

Steps to Compile Popular Scientific Works

For some people, they may not know how to compile popular scientific works. The steps or ways of compiling popular scientific works are as follows.

  1. Looking for the topic of the problem by using the point of view of the curiosity of the common people. This in itself is quite important because basically writing popular scientific papers does not need to contain complete research results and is indeed not only aimed at the educated class but for the wider community.
  2. The topic chosen should also be in accordance with the abilities or fields that are in accordance with the authors of popular scientific works. Then, make a theme from the topic of the problem that has been determined.
  3. After obtaining and determining the topic of the problem, the next step is to choose the method used. The selection of this method aims to make it easier for writers to make scientific works popular.
  4. Choose valid and accountable data. This data can be taken from various kinds of writing, such as scientific articles, books, and so on.
  5. After getting the data, then processing the data in order to produce a statement from the author of a popular scientific work. As for the statements that have been made, you should not be too rigid and do not beat around the bush.
  6. Choose a language that is easy to understand and close to everyday language. At this step it can be said that the writer must adapt the language used by the local community.
  7. Creating a framework for popular scientific work so that when compiling it will be easier to complete.
  8. Compile scientific popular scientific papers with predetermined problem topics using selected methods and data and not forgetting the language that is close to everyday life.
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Thus the discussion of popular scientific works, I hope it will be useful for Sinaumed’s. If you want to know more about how to write scientific papers, you can search for the book at sinaumedia.com and get information on #MoreWithReading with sinaumedia.

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