Meaning of the word Anti Mainstream and Examples of Its Use

Meaning of the word Anti Mainstream – In this day and age, of course people are no stranger to the word mainstream. This term is included in the slang term which is usually used when hanging out with friends and joking. Maybe it’s like playing a game, then the loser gets an anti-mainstream challenge.

Why anti-mainstream is one of the reasons to make it more challenging. Even though it is already familiar in the community, it is possible that some people do not know what it means. For those of you who don’t know about anti-mainstream. The following is information related to anti-mainstream.

A. The Meaning of the Word Anti Mainstream

The meaning of anti-mainstream is the opposite of mainstream which means that behavior is strange, unique, or creative, and is not practiced by most people. It can also be said that anti-mainstream behavior is an action that does not follow the current trend.

Today most people prefer to act and be weird or unique. Because the existence of these differences can show that the self-confidence that appears is not artificial and is done purely. But make no mistake, it doesn’t mean that everyone who acts anti-mainstream is just to show self-confidence.

Some people who do this strange act to get the attention of many people. Especially when the term viral appears, where many people want to be famous in an instant way. Anti-mainstream is not always only negative or positive.

It all depends on the anti-mainstream behavior carried out by each person. Is it really like that or is it contrived to get a lot of attention. So don’t think that this anti-mainstream behavior is solely made up, but only to show abilities that many people don’t have.

B. The Difference Between Mainstream Vs Anti Mainstream

The term mainstream comes from a foreign language, to be precise in English. This word consists of two roots, namely “main” and “stream”. Separately the word “main” in Indonesian is translated into “principal, large, full, main, and main” while the word “stream” in Indonesian is translated into “stream, sequence, file”.

The term mainstream in Indonesian is synonymous with the word tendency. There are also those who interpret mainstream as the main stream, or mainstream. The word mainstream is generally used to refer to media that actually functions as media. This means that the media has credibility as an institution that collects and broadcasts news by paying full attention to journalistic principles. By being professionally managed and even if necessary registered and verified by the press council.

The term mainstream media appears because along with the proliferation of online media that present news sourced from other portals. As well as the proliferation of social media portals on the internet which also provide news. The term mainstream media is a counterpoint to social media and fake media.

So what is meant by mainstream media is media that has been tested and proven to present facts and not just hearsay. However, a number of mainstream media also often fail in reporting information that is not necessarily the truth. While there are also anti-mainstream terms. The term is clearly contrary to the mainstream term.

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Anti-mainstream is generally used to refer to things that are strange and out of the ordinary. In Javanese terms to call it that is “not common”. This term is very fitting for the term anti-mainstream. Another term in Indonesian that is appropriate as an anti-mainstream equivalent is eccentric.

C. Anti Mainstream Example

There are several examples of anti-mainstream actions that make many other people do it, including:

1. Anti-mainstream people wear masks made of drawstring.

2. Come to the ex’s wedding and contribute songs according to the mood at the moment.

3. People who mukbang with large portions of food.

4. Pretend to be someone who needs help.

5. Create unusual content, so that it makes people who see it feel strange.

So, those are a number of examples of anti-mainstream actions that you may have encountered and are considered normal for most people. There’s nothing wrong with acting strange, as long as it doesn’t harm other people.

D. Anti Mainstream becomes Mainstream

After knowing the anti-mainstream as well as the difference with the mainstream, here are some anti-mainstream things that actually become mainstream after being popular, including:

1. Street mice to avoid traffic jams

First, if you are told by your friends there is a passage that is free from traffic jams. You can consider the purpose of the information, maybe you are not the only one who knows about that path. Besides that, when you think about trying to go through a road that will be quieter because people rarely pass there. This does not rule out the possibility that many people also think the same as you. So, to avoid traffic jams, consider carefully.

2. Doing Yoga, Zumba, Pilates

Second, what you need to start to realize is not only those who want to document yoga, Zumba, Pilates, meditation and so on. Many people today also want to share the same activity with everyone. This makes your sports activities the same as other friends’ activities.

Well, it’s a good idea to find out which friends you can invite to do this together. This will help you more to share information about cool instructors. Together with your friends, you can document the significant results of your sports activities, such as before-after, when there is visible progress, and so on. You need to know, not many people are consistent until their end goal.

3. Listen to indie music, watch indie films

In today’s internet era, there are lots of communities whose members know and are even crazy about indie music and indie films. So, if you think you’re the only one who knows indie songs or movies. Then it could be that you don’t understand the environment around you.

The indie thing has been getting mainstream lately. Therefore, put aside the thought that you won’t share your taste in music or movies because you think other people won’t like your taste. Sharing musical tastes will be very important to build mutual intimacy. In fact, you could be one of the people who brought music or film trends before they became known virally by everyone.

4. Collecting or wearing vintage items

Nowadays, there are many vintage smelling cafes popping up. In addition, there are also many shops that sell goods with a vintage feel. When you try to find out on the Google search engine or attend lots of vintage-related events, there are lots of vintage-related things that many people are used to wearing.

Some experts on fashion trends say that fashion will roll back to the old era. This turned out to have been predicted long ago. Therefore, with you do not become exclusive. You will be able to share pastel colors or share pomade with your friends.

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5. Enjoy imported books and follow certain literary works

Imported books and rare literary works are now being targeted by many groups. Meeting someone who both likes literature is no longer just a dream. You can find someone who has a real sense of literature with you pretty easily these days. There is potential for new Cinta and Rangga out there if you are good at getting to know your friends.

Telling stories and sharing books is fun, especially songs if you can share your opinion about them with your friends. You can also recommend books to your friends. This makes you closer through the books they read. Imported books do look very likable, the aroma from the pages is so distinctive and at the same time can improve your foreign language skills.

6. Fans of certain science-fiction or certain TV series

When you hear or see posts about science fiction or your favorite series on social media. This means you are not an exclusive fan of one of these film genres. Instead of claiming to be the number 1 fan of a certain science fiction or TV series. It’s a good idea to find out friends who have the same tastes. That way, you can recommend that genre to your friends. Maybe you can find a friend who also likes science fiction or a certain TV series.

7. Dieters special healthy foods

Information about diet is now very easy to find via the internet. So, if you think you’re the only one who understands specific dietary behaviors, then you’re not quite right. There are many who already understand the current diet, starting with food, exercise, and so on.

In addition, diet is not only a matter of losing weight. Diet is an attempt to exercise control over eating patterns for a specific purpose. This can be understood for certain types of food.

Foods such as fiber/protein bars, muesli, dried berries, crunchy vegetable snacks, exotic nuts and whatever else you have purchased may not have been eaten by you alone. Therefore, instead of eating like a royal family, it’s better for us to share lunch boxes with your friends. Who knows he has a better type of food than what you eat.

E. Anti Mainstream Media with Mainstream Media

What is anti-mainstream media? Mainstream media is traditional media that has existed since ancient times, such as newspapers, radio, television, exhibitions, bulletin boards, and so on. Meanwhile, anti-mainstream media is creative media that emerged because of technological developments and market share that has different segments, for example Netflix, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and so on.

There are several types of anti-mainstream media, namely educative, informative, and also entertaining. To make it clearer, here is the discussion:

1. Educative

The purpose of educational media is action and unique content,
for example YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on.

There are several types of anti-mainstream media, including educative, informative, and entertaining. In order to be clearer, here is the full discussion:

The purpose of educational media is actions and content that are indeed unique, but aim to convey knowledge that according to the maker is needed by most people.

2. Informative

This informative media certainly aims to provide information to everyone about something that is certainly useful. In general, through content or directly in public.

3. Entertaining

This one media aims to entertain everyone with all its unique behavior. This one media is the media that everyone likes and attracts attention.