The Psychology of Group Behavior: A Discussion of Mass Psychology Theory

Mass psychology is a branch of psychology that developed in the mid-19th century. This branch of psychology deals with the behavioral and thought processes of both members of the masses and the masses themselves.

Understanding the Theory of Mass Psychology

Mass psychology theory is a branch of psychology that developed in the mid-19th century. This branch of science deals with the behavioral and thought processes of both members of the masses and the masses themselves. Mass psychology theory is often influenced by the loss of individual responsibility and views on behavior. universal, both of which increase with the sum of the masses.

Gustave Le Bon, an influential individual figure who is even considered the father of mass psychology theory, stated that the mass is a group of individuals or humans who are in the same time and place who have the same temporary interest or point of interest.



Mass psychology theory is the study of the human psyche, both visible and invisible. The soul that is visible or can be seen is often called behavior, while the soul that is not visible can be in the form of ideas, motives, desires, and potential potentials that exist in humans. We can simply conclude that the theory of mass psychology is a branch of science that studies the soul of a large group of individuals, both visible and invisible.

The theory of mass psychology was initially developed earlier than the theory of mass psychology and can even be considered as an embryo of mass psychology theory, but because of the level of interest of experts in the masses, the development of mass psychology theory has stagnated and is currently categorized as a branch of psychology.


Application of Mass Psychological Theory

1. Derived from the theory of mass psychology due to the advancement of mass thought

Mass psychology theory is a relatively new field of mass psychology theory because of the advancement of mass thought. It uses various theories of critical analysis and investigative mass psychology to develop a working model of psychologists’ perceptions of mass thought experiences.

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The theory of mass psychology is used for individuals as a whole and individually. Mass psychology theory is able to carry out mass thought activities which include consulting, design, and production in various mass minds such as television, video games, films, and news broadcasting.

It is important to understand that mass psychology theorists are not regarded as those presented in mass thought (such as counselor-psychotherapists, doctors, etc.) but as those who research, work or contribute to the field.

2. Connect with various other fields of psychological theory

There is overlap with various fields, such as mass psychology theory of mass thought, communication science, anthropology, education, and sociology, not to mention that within mass psychology theory itself. Most of the research that would be considered ‘mass thought theory of mass psychology’ has come from other fields, both academic and applied.

3. Relates to behavior in social mass thought

In the 1920s, individual marketing, advertising and relations professionals began conducting research on behavior and motivation for the application of mass thinking. The use of mass thought during World War II, created a surge of academic interest in mass thought messages and resulted in the creation of a new field, communication science (Lazarsfeld & Merton, 2000).

4. Dealing with the impact of mass thought impressions

Mass psychology theory responds to widespread social concerns about children and their television appearances. For example, researchers are beginning to study the impact of television viewing on children’s reading ability. Then, they began to study the impact of violent television viewing on children’s behavior, for example, if they were inclined to exhibit anti-social behavior or to copy violent behavior they saw.

5. Concerning environmental perceptions of mass thinking

Mass psychology theory of mass thought includes the user’s perception, cognition, and humanistic components with respect to their experience of the surrounding environment. Mass psychology theory also makes use of

developmental social and narrative and discover findings from neuroscience. Mass psychology theory and research in mass psychology theory are used as the backbone of mass psychology theory and guide the discipline itself.

6. Has many dimensions that appear in the minds of the masses

The theory of mass psychology in mass psychology theory that is applied to mass thinking includes many dimensions, namely text, images, symbols, video and sound. Sensory psychology, semiotics and semantics for visual communication and language, social cognition and neuroscience are among the areas covered in mass psychology theory, this field of social psychology of mass thought.

7. Determine the content according to the psychological state

  • Mass thinking is based on individual emotions and opinions of character.
  • The content of mass thought is driven from the enjoyment and appreciation of the individual.
  • Individuals form feelings about existing characters, both positive and negative.
  • Mass thinking depends on conflict between characters and how individuals react to conflict.
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8. Having extensive information is no exception

Mass thinking does not completely exclude external information that surrounds the individual. Rather, the stimuli in the minds of the masses are converted into individual images and memories in order to run the simulation. This explains why individuals can shape these experiences without resorting to mass thinking, as it deals with the relevance of constructs and internal processing.

9. Setting the framework

Mass thinking applies a more general framework to the concept of mass thought entertainment. This idea has the potential to offer a conceptual connection that leads to more presence. The mass thought activity of playing exhibitions is consistent with the use of entertainment objects.

10. Mass thinking provides psychological entertainment & spectacle satisfaction

Individuals use mass thinking to their satisfaction and how mass thinking changes in individual life according to its content. Mass thinking is used for pleasure and is independent. Individuals influence the thinking of the masses both negatively and positively because they can relate to what is seen in the environment.

By taking a deeper look at the various forms of mass thought, it becomes clear that the early versions of the belief that mass thought demonstrated each individual’s need for control and a desire to influence their current environment.

11. Mass thinking can create emotions psychologically

Dolf Zillmann proposed a two-factor model of emotion. These two emotional factors suggest that emotions involve components of social and cognitive mass psychology theory. Zillmann advanced the theory of mass psychology of “excitation transfer” by establishing an explanation for the effects of violent mass thinking. Zillmann’s theory of mass psychology proposes the idea that viewers are physiologically aroused when they witness aggressive scenes. After witnessing an aggressive scene, the individual will become aggressive because of the passion of the scene.



This, combined with the global political and economic impact of mobile mass thinking, suggests that mass thinking will continue to disrupt systems and potentially generate solutions to problems and challenge the imagination.

Mass psychology theory is indeed uniquely positioned to examine the questions that arise, but in setting best practices and standards for positive and ethical mass thinking and the use of mass thinking, and informing the development of mass thought and mass thinking must be of greater benefit to individuals.

Emerging thinking includes mass literacy thinking, digital citizenship, mass transthinking storytelling, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the sense of a large amount of data analysis is increasingly available through the emerging fields of data science and data visualization.

This is what the author can convey, hopefully it will be a quality insight for all readers. Okay friends, see you in the next article, may you always be happy.