List of 99 Asmaul Husna and Their Meanings – Interpreting the Good Name of Allah SWT – As a Muslim, we are certainly no strangers to hearing the word Asmaul Husna. Asmaul Husna are the good names that belong to Allah and consist of 99 names, each of which has a good meaning and meaning. Asmaul Husna is usually sung as a prayer after the Maghrib prayer.
Asma is Arabic which means “name”, while Husna is an Arabic word which means “good or beautiful”, so Asmaul Husna are the good and beautiful names of Allah. In the Al-Quran, Allah has explained that Asmaul Husna is a name and attribute that belongs to Him, as in the letter At-Thaha: 8 which means
“He is Allah, there is no God (who has the right to be worshiped) but Him. He has Asmaul Husna (good names)”.
then Allah also explains in letter Al-Baqarah: 31 which means “He has taught Adam all the names” and calls on His people to mention Asmaul Husna in prayer, this is explained in letter Al-A’raf: 130 which means ” Belonging to Allah are the beautiful names, and ask Him by saying those names.
Understanding Asmaul Husna is an important thing that every Muslim must know, because it is included in monotheism, so that a Muslim can realize and practice perfect faith in Allah. Studying Asmaul Husna is found in two types of monotheism as follows.
Tauhid al-ilmi al-khabari al-Itiqadi or monotheism which relates to knowledge or experience and its source is from God’s news or revelations and concerns beliefs in one’s heart. This monotheism is the determination of the most perfect attributes for Allah and the purification of His attributes from likeness.
The second monotheism is a form of self-serving to Allah and not associating partners with Him.
Al-Quran Verses About Asmaul Husna
The origin of Asmaul Husna is narrated through the book of asbabun – nuzul, in the book it is explained that it was Rasulullah who was praying in Mecca praying by saying “Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim” the prayer said by the Apostle was then heard by a polytheist, that person then said that, “He forbade us to worship two Gods, but he mentioned two Gods in his prayer.” From this incident, came the letter of Al-Isra verse 110 which reads,
“Call on Allah or call on Ar-Rahman. With whatever name you call, He has Al Asmaaul Husna and don’t raise your voice in your prayers and don’t belittle it and find a middle way between the two. (QS Al-Isra: 110)
The revelation of the letter Al-Isra verse 110 is a warning from Allah to the polytheists who have a bad view of the Prophet who is praying. In the letter, Allah says that the Apostle called Rahman and Rahim to praise Allah’s power through naming which has a beautiful and good meaning. Then Allah sent down another letter Al-A’raf: 180 which reads,
“Only belongs to Allah Asmaul Husna, so ask Him by saying Asmaul Husna and leave those who deviate from the truth in His names. Later they will get a reward for what they have done “. (QS Al-A’raf: 180).
Those are some verses in the Al-Quran that explain the emergence of Asmaul Husna.
List of 99 Asmaul Husna accompanied by Meaning and Meaning
After knowing the verses that mention Asmaul Husna, as good Muslims we are obliged to practice the goodness called for in the Koran and the good meanings contained in Asmaul Husna.
Asma which means name or mention and husna which means good or beautiful consists of 99 names which mean the good and beautiful names of Allah SWT. In the bilingual version of Knowing Asmaul Husna 99 Names of Allah SWT, Sinaumed’s can learn these names in Arabic as well as in English.
99 Asmaul Husna Meaning and Meaning
- Ar Rahman الرحمن = The Most Gracious
- Ar Rahiim الرحيم = The Most Merciful
- Al Malik الملك = The Most Reigning or Mastering
- Al Quddus القدوس = The Most Holy
- As Salaam السلام = The One Who Gives Prosperity
- Al Mu`min المؤمن = The Most Giving Security
- Al Muhaimin المهيمن = The Most Regulating
- Al Aziz العزيز = The Almighty
- Al Jabbar الجبار = Who Has Absolute Valor
- Al Mutakabbir المتكبر = The Most Magnificent
- Al Khaliq الخالق = The Creator
- Al Baari البارئ = The Creator or Designer
- Al Mushawwir المصور = The Creator of Forms
- Al Ghaffaar الغفار = The Most Forgiving
- Al Qahhaar القهار = The Most Compelling
- Al Wahhaab الوهاب = The Most Merciful
- Ar Razzaaq الرزاق = The Most Giver of Fortune
- Al Fattaah الفتاح = The Most Opener of Mercy
- Al `Aliim العليم = The All-Knowing
- Al Qaabidh القابض = The Most Constricting
- Al Baasith الباسط = The Most Expensive
- Al Khaafidh الخافض = The Most Condescending
- Ar Raafi الرافع = The Most Exalted
- Al Mu`izz المعز = The Most Glorifying
- Al Mudzil المذل = The Most Humiliating
- Al Samii السميع = The All Hearing
- Al Bashiir البصير = The All Seeing
- Al Hakam الحكم = The Most Determined
- Al `Adl العدل = The Most Just
- Al Lathiif اللطيف = The Most Gentle or Most Thorough.
- Al Khabiir الخبير = The Knower or Knower.
- Al Haliim الحليم = The Most Forbearing
- Al `Azhiim العظيم = The Most High
- Al Ghafuur الغفور = The Most Forgiving
- As Syakuur الشكور = The Most Avenger of Kindness
- Al `Aliy العلى = The Most High
- Al Kabiir الكبير = The Most Great
- Al Hafizh الحفيظ = The Most Preserver
- Al Muqiit المقيت = The Most Giver of Sufficiency
- Al Hasiib الحسيب = The One Who Makes Calculations
- Al Jaliil الجليل = The Most High
- Al Karim الكريم = The Most Gracious
- Ar Raqiib الرقيب = The Most Watchful
- Al Mujiib المجيب = The Most Answering
- Al Waasi الواسع = The Most Extensive
- Al Hakimim الحكيم = The Most Wise
- Al Waduud الودود = The Most Compassionate
- Al Majiid المجيد = The Most High
- Al Baa`its الباعث = The Most Awakening
- As Syahiid الشهيد = The Witness
- Al Haqq الحق = The Most True
- Al Wakiil الوكيل = The Most Preserver
- Al Qawiyyu القوى = The Most Powerful
- Al Matiin المتين = The Most Sturdy
- Al Waliyy الولى = The Most Protecting
- Al Hamiid الحميد = The Most Praised
- Al Muhshii المحصى = The Calculating One
- Al Mubdi المبدئ = The Originator
- Al Mu`iid المعيد = The One Who Restores Life
- Al Muhyii المحيى = The One Who Gives Life
- Al Mumiitu المميت = The Most Deadly
- Al Hayyu الحي = The Living One
- Al Qayyuum القيوم = The Most Independent
- Al Waajid الواجد = The Most Inventor
- Al Maajid الماجد = The Most High
- Al Wahid الواحد = The One and Only
- Al Ahad الاحد = The One and Only
- As Shamad الصمد = The Most Needed
- Al Qaadir القادر = The Most Determined
- Al Muqtadir المقتدر = The Almighty
- Al Muqaddim المقدم = The Most Prioritizing
- Al Mu`akkhir المؤخر = The Most Ending
- Al Awwal الأول = The Most Beginning
- Al Aakhir الأخر = The Last One
- Az Zhaahir الظاهر = The Most Real
- Al Baathin الباطن = The Most Unseen
- Al Waali الوالي = The Most Ruler
- Al Muta`aalii المتعالي = The Most High
- Al Barru البر = The Most Beneficent
- At Tawwaab التواب = The Most Recipient of Repentance
- Al Muntaqim المنتقم = The Most Merciful
- Al Afuww العفو = The Most Forgiving
- Ar Ra`uuf الرؤوف = The Most Compassionate
- Malikul Mulk مالك الملك = The Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom
- Dzul Jalaali Wal Ikraam ذو الجلال و الإكرام = The Supreme Owner of Greatness and Glory
- Al Muqsith المقسط = The Supreme Giver of Justice
- Al Jamii` الجامع = The Most Collecting
- Al Ghaniyy الغنى = The Most Rich
- Al Mughnii المغنى = The Most Giver of Wealth
- Al Maani المانع = The Most Preventing
- Ad Dhaar الضار = The Most Harmful One
- An Nafii النافع = The Most Beneficial
- An Nuur النور = The Most Radiant
- Al Haadii الهادئ = The Most Guiding One
- Al Badii’ البديع = The Creator
- Al Baaqii الباقي = The Everlasting One
- Al Waarits الوارث = The Most High Heir
- Ar Rasyiid الرشيد = The Most Clever
- As Shabuur الصبور = The Most Patient
As the names of Allah SWT, Asmaul Husna which consists of 99 names of Allah SWT, is used as a series of stories in the book 99 Stories of Asmaul Husna by Dian K and Tethy Ezokanzo which can help Sinaumed’s be able to pronounce them.
Wisdom and Benefits of Reciting Asmaul Husna
- Getting closer to Allah, by memorizing and saying Asmaul Husna in the daily life of a Muslim this practice can bring a servant closer to Allah. You do this by reciting Asmaul Husna every morning and after the Maghrib prayer accompanied by salawats on the prophet.
- Opening the door of sustenance. The closer a servant is to Allah, then worldly matters such as sustenance problems can be more easily obtained or realized. The closer a servant is to Allah, then other worldly affairs will follow.
- As the bridge of heaven. Heaven is one of Allah’s promises to His servants who draw closer to Him and stay away from His prohibitions. Every Muslim certainly wants to go to heaven, therefore one way is to get closer to Allah through several practices such as reading Asmaul Husna.
- Protected by Allah. Servants who draw closer to Allah and multiply good deeds, then in every step they will be protected and accompanied by Allah’s grace.
- Guidance is given to the straight path. This fifth benefit is a lesson that can be reaped by a believer when he practices good deeds, even if they are small, such as reciting Asmaul Husna.
- Calm the heart and mind. Muslims who are close to Allah and always try to stay away from bad things will undoubtedly have more peace of mind.
Those are the six benefits that can be obtained from small and easy practices such as reading Asmaul Husna, besides that one of the Sheikhs, namely Sheikh Salih Al-Ja’fari, once said that someone who prays while saying the names of Asmaul Husna, that person has asked for all the goodness and has make a barrier between himself and the evil as a whole.
Sheikh Shalih also gave an example of how to pray to get all of this goodness. The method is to mention Asmaul Husna as the Apostle did, such as “Ya Rahman, Rahim” by mentioning the two Asmaul Husna, then someone has asked Allah for mercy, then proceed with praying as usual.
In understanding more deeply the benefits and wisdom of Asmaul Husna, Sinaumed’s can read the book Asmaul Husna Itself and Its Meanings which are below.
Another benefit of mentioning Asmaul Husna was also explained by Sheikh Salih. He explained that calling Asmaul Husna could provide benefits for world affairs, religion and the hereafter.
Therefore, by mentioning Asmaul Husna it is also referred to as remembrance that gathers goodness, the key to blessings and clarity. Then he also mentioned that there would be no difficulty for someone who recited Asmaul Husna and given spaciousness and eased all his affairs, healed or raised his illness and Allah would illuminate the heart of someone who recited Asmaul Husna.
That is an explanation of Asmaul Husna, the benefits and meanings that a Muslim can understand in order to get wisdom and various benefits.
Book Recommendations related to “99 Asmaul Husna” :
1. Become a Muslim woman who is liked by many people
2. Want to be better
3. Adab Above Knowledge
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