Let’s Learn Simple Life from the Richest People in the World

Edutore.com – We cannot deny that wealth can sometimes be toxic to ourselves, because usually when we are rich we will consider everything low and can be bought with money, but the fact is that this is not always the case, as some of the richest people in the world do following, they are still simple even though they are already rich, here are the richest rich people in the world but still simple, Sinaumed’s:

Learn Simple Life from the Richest People in the World Sinaumed’s!


The first richest person in the world who lives a simple life is Bill Gates, as the owner of Microsoft with a net worth of US $ 110 billion or the equivalent of IDR 1,540 trillion assuming US $ 1 is IDR 14,000. With his wealth Bill Gates can buy whatever he wants. But Bill Gates prefers to live simply. One of its simplicity can be seen from the watch he wears, even though being the richest man in the world it turns out that Bill Gates only uses a watch that costs US $ 10 or the equivalent of Rp. In those days he appeared like people in general, namely queuing when buying food, such as burgers, potatoes and soda.



The next richest person in the world who lives a simple life is Jeff Bezos. The richest man in the world after Bill Gates was once ranked number one and occupied the richest man in the world for 2 years, where he succeeded in shifting Bill Gates with his start up business, but a few years later, on Friday 15 November 2019 to be precise , he was again kicked out by Bill Gates from the position of the richest man in the world. It is now known that Jeff Bezos’ wealth has reached US $ 108 billion, slightly different from Bill Gates. Jeff Bezos’ simplicity can be seen from the car he uses, even though he is rich he prefers a car with a relatively low price, namely the Honda Accord, besides that his work space is very simple, there is only a wooden table and dirty carpet,



The richest man in the world who until now still chooses a simple life is Warren Buffett, as a true investor, he is often referred to as the grandfather of investors because he teaches so many tricks about stock investing, one of the best strategies he teaches is the strategy of choosing undervalued stocks. With this strategy, Warren Buffet is now one of the richest people in the world. Even though he is rich, Warren Buffett still lives a simple life, he still lives in his old house in Omaha which he bought in 1958 for US$ 31,500, as well as in terms of vehicles, he does not buy a Lamborghini like most other rich people, he only owns a Cadillac. The 2014 XTS is priced at US$44,600 alone. Warrent Buffet’s simplicity can also be seen from his daily life,



The next richest person, the simplest, is Mark Zuckerberg as the owner of Facebook social media, which until now still exists in cyberspace, Facebook users consist of various groups, both young people and adults, from Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is now able to become one of the richest people. the richest person in the world with a net worth of 72.3 billion USD. With that much wealth, Mark Zuckerberg is often named the richest young person in the world, even though he is rich, it turns out that Mark Zuckerberg has never lived in luxury, he prefers a simple life, which can be seen from the clothes he wears, he prefers to wear T-shirts and skate shoes. on various occasions. We can see the most prominent simplicity of Mark Zuckerberg from his office, Mark Zuckerberg prefers to work with his employees in one room rather than having to create a private workspace. Mark Zuckerberg prefers to be close to his employees when working and because of that nature, Mark Zuckerberg was finally named the 4th best leader in the world in 2014. If Indonesian rich people prefer to buy expensive cars such as Mercy and Lamborghini, this is different from Mark Zuckerberg who prefers to buy cars that are not too expensive for the rich class, namely the Honda Jazz with a price of around 300 million. On other occasions, Mark Zuckerberg is often seen shopping with his wife without bodyguards and without a personal driver. Mark Zuckerberg prefers to be close to his employees when working and because of that nature, Mark Zuckerberg was finally named the 4th best leader in the world in 2014. If Indonesian rich people prefer to buy expensive cars such as Mercy and Lamborghini, this is different from Mark Zuckerberg who prefers to buy cars that are not too expensive for the rich class, namely the Honda Jazz with a price of around 300 million. On other occasions, Mark Zuckerberg is often seen shopping with his wife without bodyguards and without a personal driver. Mark Zuckerberg prefers to be close to his employees when working and because of that nature, Mark Zuckerberg was finally named the 4th best leader in the world in 2014. If Indonesian rich people prefer to buy expensive cars such as Mercy and Lamborghini, this is different from Mark Zuckerberg who prefers to buy cars that are not too expensive for the rich class, namely the Honda Jazz with a price of around 300 million. On other occasions, Mark Zuckerberg is often seen shopping with his wife without bodyguards and without a personal driver.

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The next rich man whose lifestyle we have to imitate is Ingvar Kamprad, Ingvar Kamprad is the founder of IKEA, where he was once crowned as one of the richest people in the world and was ranked eighth with a total wealth of USD 58.7 billion or around Rp. 838 trillion, even though Ingvar Kamprad is rich, it turns out that he is the simplest billionaire among other billionaires. Ingvar Kamprad’s simplicity can be seen when he goes to the office using only an old Volvo car, uses public transportation, such as the subway, and sits on an airplane in economy class, even though he can buy the plane he is on, and what’s even more interesting is Ingvar Kamprad. often shop for clothes in traditional markets and make offers, it is even said that Ingvar Kamprad likes to buy used clothes. The simplicity of Ingvar Kamprad really deserves our thumbs up, even though he is very rich he has never been arrogant let alone living in luxury like some rich people, his success in building IKEA began when he was at the lowest limit, where since he was a child he has sold various kinds of home decoration equipment to customers. his neighbor until now when he became the founder of IKEA. Even though Ingvar Kamprad passed away at the age of 91 on Sunday 28 January 2018, he is still remembered and a role model for everyone, especially the rich so they are not arrogant with what they have, having lots of wealth is not necessarily happy but have a calm heart can certainly be happy,



Azim Premji is the richest man in India, but this 58 year old man is known to be humble. One of them is that Premji often takes an auto-rickshaw from the airport to his house, even though he has many cars. His thrifty style is also passed on to his employees to turn off the lights when not in use and reduce the use of too much paper. In addition, he is also known as a philanthropist.


Known as the owner of PT Djarum and the largest shareholder in Bank Central Asia (BCA), Michael Bambang Hartono was caught on camera by netizens sitting eating tofu pong in Semarang. After being widely spread in cyberspace, this simple action surprised many people. The man who is better known as big boss Djarum is the second richest man in Indonesia. Even with all those labels, Michael looked relaxed eating tofu pong at a simple shop in Semarang. In the photo, Michael is seen wearing a blue collared shirt and is seen sitting eating tofu pong while ordering a drink on the shop’s simple wooden table.



Money is not everything, you can still live a happy life with simplicity. There are many people who are happy with their current condition. This can happen because of their lifestyle, personal satisfaction, and acceptance of current conditions. Here are steps you can take to enjoy a simple life and not overdo it.



Replace the desire for something by learning to stay happy with what you have now. Accepting your own situation is one of the first steps to being grateful for what you have. They live below Warren Buffet’s ability to have money of more than 68.1 billion US dollars, or around Rp. 919.35 trillion. With that kind of money, Buffet can actually buy the house at the fantastic price he wants. But, the truth is, Buffett has been pretty comfortable living in the old house he bought in 1958 for $31,500 until recently. The same thing is shown by Mark Zuckerberg who has a wealth of 51.5 billion US dollars. That much wealth allows the owner of Facebook to buy luxury cars worth millions or even billions of dollars. However,



Enjoy the little things in life to keep you happy. One of the best ways to get the most out of something is to do what you love. For example, Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world today because he does what he likes. Someone who does what they love will be more prosperous than someone who works because they feel compelled.



You should also try to build emotional connections with family, friends, partners, and people you meet regularly. A good relationship will increase the feeling of happiness in the life that you are living, defriends.

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If you pay attention, those genius super-rich people never really care about their outer appearance. Just look at the appearance of Steve Jobs with a black T-shirt everywhere. Also Zuckerberg who is comfortable with a gray T-shirt and jeans. They choose the most efficient strategy possible, especially for things that are less basic like “what clothes to wear today”. By saving time and energy thinking about less important things, these super-rich can maximize their energy and time to think about more important things like business development. In addition, having a simple appearance also prevents them from wasting money on appearances.



The world’s super-rich people love to do charity. Bill Gates, the founder and owner of Microsoft and is listed as the richest person in the world, is already known as a person who loves to do charity. In 2017, Bill Gates donated around 4.6 million US dollars for humanitarian activities. The value of the donation is the largest issued by Gates in the last 17 years. Bill Gates teaches an important lesson about getting rich: those who are really rich are those who love to give. So far, Bill Gates has recorded a wealth of US $ 90 billion or Rp. 1,200 trillion. Not only Bill Gates who likes to do charity. Other super-rich people such as Buffet, George Soros, and Chuck Feeney, founder of Duty Free Shops, are also known as wealthy celebrities who like to share with others.



They are not spoiled. Many of the newly rich have felt entitled to a high level of comfort. For example, taking a private car everywhere even though it is stuck in traffic jams which often doesn’t make sense. Ingvar Kampard, founder of IKEA, who has a net worth of US$39.3 billion, is comfortable using public transportation everywhere. As one of the richest people in the world, Kampard doesn’t feel compelled to change his lifestyle to be extravagant. Kampard still enjoys traveling in economy class and having lunch in the cafeteria with his employees and taking the bus everywhere.


There is a saying, new rich people are usually more “insistent” in showing their wealth. Supported by social media, these OKB do not hesitate to show off everything they perceive as a sign of their social status and wealth. Well, what about those who are really rich? Most people who are super rich are reluctant to show off their wealth. The super-rich tycoons are more often humble. Take the example of the founder of Zara, Amancio Ortega who is listed as the third richest person in the world with a wealth of 82.3 billion US dollars. Having abundant wealth does not change Ortega’s lifestyle to be super fancy. He did not hesitate to join his employees at Zara’s headquarters for lunch in the cafeteria. Ortega’s appearance is also simple by wearing a blue blazer, white shirt and gray pants. Despite owning a $45 million private jet, Ortega rarely uses it because his time is up for work.


They bring their own lunch box, you must have often read how big the savings value is just from the habit of bringing lunch from home? Bringing lunch from home not only helps you save more pocket money, but can also save time from the confusion of finding the right place to eat when lunch time arrives. You can focus more on using that time to do other, more important things. Charlie Ergen, the owner of Dish Network, which has a net worth of 14.4 billion US dollars, to this day still diligently brings a packed lunch from home filled with sandwiches and soft drinks every time he goes to work. Not only that, Ergen also shared a room with work colleagues when he was out of town on business.



They always pay off credit card debt. The super rich rarely carry large amounts of cash with them. Quoting Business Insider, the super rich are more comfortable carrying cash as needed according to their needs. They are also smart credit card users by always paying their credit card bills in full so they don’t have to pay expensive credit card interest. These super rich people always apply a smart strategy in managing their money so that they can use it as optimally as possible.



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Source: from various sources