International Cooperation: Definition, Purpose, Benefits, Forms and Examples

Understanding International Cooperation – Every country certainly needs other countries, so that the country can make its population prosperous. In fact, no country is capable of working and building its own country independently without assistance from other countries.

Therefore, every country has a relationship and even cooperates with other countries. The cooperation carried out by the two countries is known as international cooperation.

The main goal of international cooperation is to mutually benefit and benefit the two cooperating countries, but still comply with the political and economic guidelines of the cooperating countries.

International cooperation is also carried out so that a country can increase its economic potential.

For more details, Sinaumed’s needs to listen to this one article to the end in order to better understand the material on international cooperation.

Definition of International Cooperation

International cooperation can be interpreted in general as cooperation involving countries all over the world and most of the countries in the world.

International economic cooperation is intended to provide benefits to each country. International cooperation is a cooperative relationship between two or more countries to achieve certain goals.

International cooperation is carried out between countries to meet the needs of the people and other interests.

At a glance, that is the meaning of international cooperation. There are several experts who express opinions regarding the notion of international cooperation. The following is the definition of international cooperation according to experts.

1. Perwita and Yani

Perwita and Yani stated that international cooperation is a system of relations based on international life and is divided into various fields such as ideology, economy, socio-culture, politics, environment, health, defense and security.

2. Dougherty and Pfaltzgraff

International cooperation according to Dougherty and Pfaltzgraff is a relationship that is forged between countries and there is no element of violence or coercion and is legalized under international law in an effort to give freedom to build its own country.

3. Holsty

Holsti argues that cooperation is a collaboration that is carried out by every country when it sees that there are national problems that occur in their country. This problem is considered to need to be handled properly because it can threaten the unity and integrity of the country, therefore the state is trying to solve the problem by establishing cooperation with other countries.

4. Charles Armor McCleland

The definition of international cooperation according to Charles he put forward through his writing entitled Theory and the International System in 1966. In his writings, Charles argued that international cooperation is all forms of interaction that exist between people and countries and are carried out by the government and its citizens.

5. Koesnadi Kartasasmita

Koesnadi believes that international cooperation is the result of international relations and the result of increasing complexity in human life in the international community.

6.Willian D Coplin

William also expressed his opinion regarding international cooperation through his writing entitled Introduction to International Politics: A Theoretical Overview (1971), according to him international cooperation is cooperation that was originally formed for one reason, namely the state wants to carry out new and good routine interactions to achieve common goals.

7. Theodore A Couloumbis and James H Wolfe

Couloumbis and Wolfe argue that international cooperation is international relations in the form of interactions between citizens of a country with other countries. Couloumbis and Wolfe put forward this understanding through their writing entitled Introduction to International Relations in 1986.

That is the understanding of international cooperation in general and according to some experts, from this understanding some experts reveal that international cooperation is carried out to achieve a goal. What is the purpose of this collaboration? Here’s an explanation.

International Cooperation Objectives

As explained by experts regarding the notion of international cooperation. This international cooperation is carried out by several countries that want to achieve common goals. The main goal, of course, is to gain mutual benefit. But there are several other objectives of international cooperation.

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1. Strengthen Friendship

The first goal of international cooperation is to strengthen friendship between cooperating countries. By strengthening friendship or relations between countries, it will prevent these countries from feeling hostile.

2. Creating World Peace

In line with the first goal, friendship that is established between cooperating countries can create world peace.

World peace is of course what everyone dreams of. Because with the creation of peace, a better situation will also be created.

3. Increasing Economic Growth

This third goal is a goal that every country generally wants to achieve, because one of the factors for a country to establish cooperation is to be able to support and increase economic growth in the country.

An example is Indonesia which is a developing country. Because it is still developing, Indonesia wants to achieve its goal of becoming a developed country so that it carries out various kinds of international cooperation, such as exports and imports.

4. Expanding the Workforce

Through international cooperation, a country can carry out a student exchange program so that it can form new experts.

The birth of new experts will have a good impact on the country. In addition, citizens who have become experts can create new jobs and expand the existing workforce in the country.

5. Improving Progress in Various Fields

Countries that establish international cooperation with other countries hope that this cooperation can increase the country’s progress in various fields.

With international cooperation, it is hoped that it will bring equal progress in various fields.

6. To Complement State Needs

Different geographical conditions and climatic conditions make it difficult for several countries to fulfill the country’s needs, such as harvesting food from crops.

Therefore, international cooperation has a goal to be able to complement the needs of these countries.

For example, like Indonesia which is an agricultural country, Indonesia certainly has more rice reserves compared to countries that do not have land for farming, like most countries in Europe. Therefore several other countries have established international cooperation with Indonesia to be able to complement their country’s needs.

7. Prevent Conflict

In line with the second goal, international cooperation also has the goal of being able to prevent conflicts between countries.

By establishing cooperation, a close friendship will be formed with the cooperating countries, so as to minimize conflicts with countries that agree to work together.

Sinaumed’s, those are the seven goals that a country wants to achieve when establishing international cooperation with other countries. Then, does international cooperation have benefits that can be obtained by a country? Of course, the answer is that international cooperation allows countries to benefit from this cooperation. What are the benefits of international cooperation? Give me an explanation.

Benefits of International Cooperation

International cooperation certainly has many benefits that can be felt by citizens and governments of countries that cooperate, what are the benefits?

  1. Advancing the country’s economy, the progress of a country’s economy can be seen from travel or export transactions and imports of goods and services carried out by that country.
  2. Get opportunities and opportunities to be able to seek knowledge and technology in more developed countries.
  3. Strengthen the country’s bargaining power and position in the eyes of the international community.
  4. Capital from foreign countries can enter more easily, when the development of the country’s economic activities is better through international cooperation.
  5. With international cooperation, it will increase the demand for goods and services from a country, thereby reducing the basic price per unit in that country.
  6. Countries that cooperate internationally can also import goods that have a higher price.
  7. The workforce will become smarter, improve skills and creativity because the workforce is required to be smart, creative in carrying out export activities to other countries rapidly.
  8. Countries that establish international cooperation will find it easier to obtain raw materials and auxiliary materials that can be used for the production process.
  9. International cooperation can open up new jobs, thereby reducing the unemployment rate in the country.
  10. Maintain the price of goods and remain stable by importing or exporting excess or shortage of goods to other countries.
  11. International cooperation can accelerate the national development of a country, the method is by borrowing funds through the World Bank.
  12. International cooperation can make a country take steps to prevent the destruction or oblivion of a culture in that country.
  13. International cooperation can make a country improve its country’s defense and security sector.
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Those are the thirteen benefits that can be obtained by a country when conducting international cooperation with other countries. After knowing the meaning, purpose and benefits of international cooperation, has Sinaumed’s understood international cooperation more deeply?

If not, the following authors present examples of international cooperation.

Kinds & Forms of International Cooperation

International cooperation has three forms, so that it is clearer the author will describe the three forms of international cooperation along with these examples.

1. Bilateral Cooperation

Bilateral international cooperation is cooperation carried out by two countries. Bilateral cooperation has the goal of being able to foster relationships that have previously existed and then re-establish cooperative relations in trade.

An example is cooperation between Indonesia and Asia Pacific in the form of economic and trade agreements in Asia Pacific and involving several other countries such as Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Western Europe to Latin America.

Another example of bilateral international cooperation is cooperation between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia regarding the pilgrimage.

2. Multilateral Cooperation

Multilateral cooperation is the opposite of bilateral cooperation. Multilateral cooperation is cooperation that is established by several countries and is not limited to regions or regions.

Multilateral cooperation has two types of members, namely main members and active members. Main members are countries that have medium power, while active members are small countries that play a limited role or it can be said that they also have less power than the main members.

An example of multilateral international cooperation is

  • North American Free Trade Agreement or (NAFTA)
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries or (OPEC)
  • United Nations (UN) or the United Nations (UN)
  • World Trade Center Organization (WTO)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • World Bank or World Bank Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  • Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

3. Regional Cooperation

Regional cooperation is a form of cooperation carried out by countries in a region or region. The aim of regional cooperation is to create free trade in countries that are in certain regions or regions.

There are a number of regional collaborations that are certainly familiar to Sinaumed’s’ ears, for example, such as the regional commission relations by the United Nations in the East Asia, Europe and Latin America regions.

Another example of regional cooperation is as follows.

  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) , is an association consisting of nations in the Southeast Asian region and was formed on August 8, 1967.
  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) , is cooperation carried out by countries or nations in the Asia Pacific region in the economic field. This one multilateral cooperation is a special cooperation forum in the economic field that was first coined by Bob Hawke.
  • European Union (EU) or European Union

Some Examples of International Cooperation

International cooperation is cooperation carried out by countries around the world and is not limited to regions or regions. Examples of international cooperation are as follows.

1. World Trade Organization (WTO)

This one international collaboration has the goal of being able to discuss and solve problems regarding trade that exists between countries. The WTO has several principles, namely the principle of trade liberalization, non-discrimination, and the stability of trade relations between countries.

2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

This one collaboration is in the form of an organization and is a collaboration that can provide loans to countries that need loan funds. Generally, countries that need funds from loans are countries that have unstable currency values ​​and are unable to pay debts. The IMF has a goal of increasing international financial stability.

3. South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

This one organization is a form of cooperation established to prevent the growth of communism in the Southeast Asian region. This cooperation was established by a military pact.

4. Australia, New Zealand, United States (ANZUS)

This international cooperation is a military pact established to prevent the development of communism in the three regions of the country.

5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

This one military pact is in the North Atlantic and was established to achieve the goal of eliminating all forms of international political disputes, preventing military threats that occur in international circles, trying to resolve disputes in a peaceful way and defending member states from NATO.

6. Asian-African Conference (KAA)

This one organization is certainly very familiar to Sinaumed’s’ ears, KAA is a non-aligned organization that was founded in 1955 to be precise on April 18 to 24. KAA was founded to achieve the goal of creating peace and tranquility in the lives of countries in the Asia-Africa region.

Sinaumed’s, that is a brief explanation of international cooperation. You can also learn more about international cooperation through books available at sinaumedia.

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Author: Khansa Amira