How to Build Passion in Yourself

Listen and Know! How to Build Passion Within Yourself – Being an enthusiastic and passionate person in doing something is what most people dream of because enthusiasm and passion make everything we do and the days we spend more colorful. Everyone without exception must have another side to themselves that cannot always be shown to the general public, especially those related to their passion.

It seems that the passion or passion for life that is ingrained in some people cannot always be shown to the surface because one way or another they decide to keep it to themselves even though that passion may be something they really like and are interested in.

Several factors such as job demands, the economy, personality, or even physical conditions are some of the things that prevent some people from closing their passions deeply. However, as we know, opportunities are always there and can come at any time, including to awaken the passion that is within us, whether it’s passion in hobbies, dream jobs, or aspirations that have not been realized so far.

So, therefore, in this discussion, we will try to discuss ways to awaken the passion that is sleeping inside every person who has that passion.

Furthermore, we will review the discussion below!

Definition of Passion

Before we discuss further about how to awaken passion in us, let’s look at the definition of passion itself below!

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), passion means passion, passion, great desire, joy, emotion, anger and anxiety

Basically, the concept of passion is not ambition, desire, dream or wish. However, passion is something that begins with awareness.

Passion because it’s someone’s desire to do something or activity that he likes or thinks is important. Those who already have passion are willing to do various things to achieve something. In fact, they are willing to use their time, energy, and mind to achieve something.

This is something we consider to be a passion. So if you find something or activity that makes you ready to ignite things in your life, it means you have found a passion that you enjoy.

According to Vallerand and Houlfar, passion is a strong tendency to perform pleasurable actions.

Although according to Covey, the definition of passion is a burning desire, a strong belief and desire that can make a person disciplined to achieve his vision.

Pertula also stated that passion is a psychological state characterized by positive and strong emotional feelings, inner desire and high commitment to an activity that is considered meaningful by someone.

Gani and Priambodo stated that passion is a strong desire or passion that is aroused when a person believes that he will achieve pleasant results. Gani and Priambodo also interpret the opinion about passion that he who has no hope also loses passion. Passion or passion also refers to a state of mind, according to Gan and Priambodo.

Augustine gives his opinion about the meaning of passion. According to Augustine, passion is a passionate and passionate spirit to achieve a goal, a great desire and willingness to suffer for that goal. According to Augustine, passion is driven by feelings of love, which then creates passion to achieve goals and desires. Apart from this joy, according to Augustine, there is also suffering in desire.

Passion (from the Greek “suffer, endure” and from the late Latin (particularly Christian) passio “passion; suffering” (from the Latin pati “suffer”; participle: passus)) is a term denoting a feeling of strength and violence. or tendencies or nearly uncontrollability in relation to certain people or things. Passion can vary from a strong interest in, or admiration for, an idea, proposal, or goal; enjoy an interest or activity with enthusiasm; strong attraction, excitement or feelings for someone. It is used primarily in the context of romance or sexual desire, although it usually conveys a deeper or broader range of emotions than the term lust, often including the notions of ecstasy and/or agony.

Denis Diderot (1713-178) described passion as “desire”. We call inclinations, desires, and aversions brought to a certain intensity, by vague feelings of pleasure or pain, caused or followed by the disordered movements of blood and animal spirits, lust. . They can be so strong as to prevent the exercise of all personal liberties, a state in which the soul is somehow passive; hence the name lust. These tendencies, or so-called inclinations of the soul, arise from our understanding that great good or great evil is contained in the object of passion itself.

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How to Awaken Passion in Us

Finding or identifying passion is not easy. In fact, it often takes a long time. Even for years. There are many cases where people don’t know their passion until they are alive. As well as encouraging you to do something passionately, we also cover how to build on that.

Here are some ways to generate passion in us:

  • Find the motivation behind the decision
  • Find your value and what you believe in
  • Do some self-reflection
  • Look for patterns and themes in the answers to the questions you ask yourself
  • Start thinking about what you want to do
  • Also think about what activities you’ve always wanted to do
  • Set goals
  • Don’t commit yourself, commit to “ready but” behavior
  • Mind calming exercises
  • Be patient with yourself
  • Draw a conclusion

1. Ask yourself

The first way is to ask yourself; do you like something? Think about what activities you do and what you really like. You’ve been doing it for a long time. Maybe from childhood. You do it all the time and you love the activity.

2. Find out about topics that interest you by spending time reading

In general, people who like something often know what they like. There are many ways to get information, one of which is by reading. Take a look, so far you often read which topics. Trending topics become the door to discovering what your true passion is.

3. Brainstorm

It’s okay if you can’t imagine anything. You really don’t know what you’ve been doing all this time. Maybe you need to do some brainstorming. The trick is to get out a piece of paper and start jotting down ideas. Write down what comes to mind.

If necessary look around the house. Write down your observations. Everything that comes to mind and is written down on paper becomes material for your own evaluation.

4. Ask about

Asking other people’s opinions is fine. You can ask about your passion to people you trust so far. discuss Find out how others found their passion. What are they doing?

Asking others gives you food for thought. Actually, there are many possibilities.

5. Do not stop working first

This method is mainly for those who are already working. So if you’re already working but don’t know what your passion is, don’t rush to leave. It’s no fun to work without passion, but the decision to leave a job without passion should be considered carefully. If you decide to go out, be well prepared.

6. Try it first

Before you decide to pursue your passion, do some experimenting first. For example, you work, but without passion. Then you think that your passion is not in this job and you are attracted to other tasks that match your passion. You can try a job that suits your passion by taking a side job.

This method is used to determine whether the job is really an interesting field or not. Is it really your passion?

7. Do a lot of research, you need to do a lot of research

The next option is to do as much research as possible. Through research, you can get comprehensive information about what you are interested in. Research can be done as easily as searching for information in books, the internet, magazines and the media. In addition, you can explore through questions and discussions.

8. Practice, practice, and practice some more

Keep practicing until you find your passion. Finding your passion might be hard, but that’s okay. Keep the spirit and practice, ok?

9. Don’t quit

When you can’t find your passion, it must be tiring. However, keep trying and if you still don’t know your passion. Take a short break if necessary. Take a break, but don’t stop trying.

Two Types of Passion

In psychology, Professor J. Vallerand said that passion is divided into two types, namely passion for harmony and passion for obsession. Both differ in their effect on the individual concerned.

Two types of lust are described below.

1. Passion Harmony

Passion Harmony is positive passion. Someone does something out of pleasure, love, and according to your love for something. For example, if you can turn your hobby into a source of income.

With a desire for harmony, you are happier because there is no conflict between your actions and your personal values. The steps taken in practice are more organized, have clear goals, and the results of your work are more organized and can be evaluated with a cool head.

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2. Passion full of passion

What is passionate passion? This is based on external factors, such as the obligation to receive a high salary to support the family.

In this passion, you are forced to act, even if it doesn’t match your personal values. In fact, you are like a robot in that you have no ability to control the results and you may not like the results.

Studies show that people who are prone to lust and obsessions are rarely gentle when it comes to problems or challenges in their life. Such people are also often characterized by intolerance towards things that go against their passions and obsessions.

Benefits of Finding Passion for Yourself

Here are 5 benefits of passion that you will get if you do it with passion:

1. Build a strong character

Passion makes a person a strong character. How could that be? So when someone does something with passion, he still tries to reach his goal.

No matter how many people underestimate it. It encourages persistence. This character makes a person a strong person.

2. Teaching about time estimates

A person who knows his passion automatically knows what his goal is. For that, he knows which activities should be prioritized. Don’t waste time on useless things.

3. Increase people’s joy in life and work

There is a big difference between people who recognize their passions and those who don’t. A person who recognizes his desires clearly knows what he wants.

Another case with people who have no passion. He tends to do things for other people or on other people’s orders. Hence, he does not live a contented life because he acts according to the wishes or orders of others.

At the same time, passionate people are satisfied with what they do. He enjoys every process, and even though obstacles often arise, he tries to find a way out. It is believed that passionate people enjoy life and work more.

4. Improve concentration

On the other hand, passion drives a person to do something wholeheartedly. It’s also what separates people who have passion from those who don’t. Someone who doesn’t have passion tends to do something half-heartedly because they don’t do it voluntarily.

Passionate person knows very well what he is doing. What are the goals and objectives. This makes it easier to concentrate. It’s easier to focus on what you want.

5. Reducing stress

Other benefits based on research published in The Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Passion can remember stress. In addition, passion also increases passion and happiness. This is because passion affects the purpose of life. He feels his life is full of meaning.

According to Ika Indriasari and Noni Setyorini, passion is related to work. The benefits described above are generally the benefits of passion. So, Ika Indriasari and Noni Setyorini’s research specifically looks at the impact of passion in work.

Two of the three planned hypotheses are correct, namely passion has a positive effect on work performance. Second, the meaning of work affects morale. The higher the importance, the stronger the relationship between morality and performance.

So the benefits of passion in the world of work are not just a figment of the imagination. Passion affects performance and morale. Therefore, a workplace that supports and supports the morale of employees is very necessary to keep them motivated and excited.

This fact shows the importance of passion in a career. Before you enter the world of work, you must identify your passion from now on. This will make it easier for you later when you graduate and finally go to work, because working with passion is much more fun than working without passion.


That’s a brief discussion of how to awaken passion in yourself. The discussion this time does not only discuss how to awaken passion in oneself but also discusses the definition of passion, then discusses the types and benefits of passion itself. Finding out how to build passion in ourselves really helps us to more easily develop passion in ourselves and how to develop it so that it becomes something positive in our lives.

Thus a review of how to awaken passion in yourself. For Sinaumed’s who want to learn all about how to build passion in themselves and other psychology-related knowledge, you can visit to get related books.

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Author: Pandu Akram

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