Functions of the Tongue and Its Parts

Functions of the Tongue and Its Parts – One part of the body that has no bones is in the human mouth. That part is the tongue. The tongue is an arrangement of a group of muscles that have joined together. The color of the tongue is red, besides that the surface of the tongue is uneven.

However, the tongue has many functions that can help the mouth and body. To be able to carry out this task, the tongue is assisted by several muscles and nerves. The muscles and nerves are directly connected to the brain. Thanks to these muscles, the tongue can move freely in all directions in the oral cavity.

On average, the male tongue is 8.5 cm long. while the size of the female tongue is 7.9 cm long. However, the longest human tongue has ever been recorded. Reaches a size of about 10.1 cm. This article will discuss the parts that are in the tongue. In addition, the benefits or functions of the tongue will also be explained.

Tongue Function

1. As a tool of taste

The first function of the tongue is as a taster. It can also be said that this is the main function of the tongue. All papillae on the tongue have taste buds. The taste buds are used to taste food and drink. Apart from these two, the tongue immediately feels everything that enters the mouth.

In general, the tongue can taste several flavors. There are four main tastes that can be felt by the tongue. There are sweet, bitter, sour and salty. In addition to these four tastes, there are other flavors that can be felt by the tongue. The taste is umami. Umami is a savory taste that can be felt through MSG or monosodium glutamate.

2. Help communicate

The next function of the tongue is to assist in the communication process. The tongue will work together with the teeth and lips. The result of this cooperation will be sound. The sound comes from the throat. As a result, the sounds that come out can be easily and clearly understood by the other person. If there is no tongue, then the words that come out of one’s mouth are difficult to understand because they are not clear.

3. Chew food

Not only as a taste tool, the tongue also functions to help chew food. Thanks to the tongue, food can be chewed properly in the mouth. This is because the tongue can move freely in the mouth.

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The tongue will play a role in helping to process food. Not only food, drinks will also be assisted by the tongue in its processing.

Because it can move freely in the mouth, the tongue functions to help process food and drinks from solid to soft, making it easy to swallow.

4. Help swallow

Besides helping in the process of chewing food, the tongue also has a role in the process of swallowing food. Food that is chewed in the mouth will turn out to be smooth. After that the tongue will help food to get into the throat.

You do this by pushing food. Food that is pushed will enter the stomach. After that, it will experience a process with the digestive organs.

5. Help suck

One of the functions of the tongue is to suck. The tongue will be one of the tools for sucking liquids. This can be seen clearly in babies. Generally, babies will use their tongue when sucking their mother’s milk.

6. Help touch

The tongue can also help to touch. The tip of the tongue is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. This allows the tongue to feel the texture of objects. In addition, thanks to the tongue, food can also be felt in the mouth.

This is what makes the body can be protected from the dangers that will befall the mouth. An example is the presence of fish spines. Or a small foreign object that accidentally enters the mouth through food.

Another function of the tongue can also help find food scraps. Sometimes, the food we eat will leave marks or residue in the mouth. It is the tongue that will look for it so that the mouth is kept clean.

7. Protect the mouth from germs

The tongue can also protect the mouth from various germs that can enter. At the base of the tongue, there is a collection of protective cells. These cells are called lingual tonsils.

The lingual tonsils have a duty to protect the body. Sometimes, germs in the body enter through food that enters the mouth. This is the time for the lingual tonsils to protect the body from these incoming disturbances.

Tongue Parts

1. Base of the tongue

The first part that is on the tongue is the base of the tongue. The base of the tongue is located on the back third of the tongue. The base of the tongue is located at the back of the mouth. In addition, the base of the tongue is also close to the throat.

Unlike the other parts of the tongue, the base of the tongue cannot be moved freely. Movement is limited. This part is attached to the mandible and hyoid bone.

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2. Body of the tongue

The next part of the tongue is the body of the tongue. The body of the tongue lies in the other two-thirds of the tongue. Unlike the base of the tongue, the body of the tongue can be moved freely. In addition, the body of the tongue also holds several important responsibilities for the function of the tongue.

This book will explain about one of the five human senses, namely the tongue. Will be explained about the parts, anatomy to the function of the tongue. This book is suitable for both children and adults who want to learn about the tongue.

3. The tip of the tongue

The tip of the tongue is also a part of the tongue. As the name implies, the tip of the tongue is the part of the tongue that is located at the very front. The tip of the tongue is located adjacent to the back of the incisors. Just like the body of the tongue, the tip of the tongue can also be moved freely.

4. Dorsum of the tongue

The dorsum of the tongue is the part of the tongue that is located between the body of the tongue and the base of the tongue. The dorsum of the tongue is the part whose surface looks slightly higher than the body of the tongue. In this section, it can be seen that there is a hollow line. The concave line forms like the letter V. This depression on the dorsum of the tongue is called the sulcus terminalis.

5. Under the tongue

The next part is the bottom of the tongue. The bottom of the tongue will be seen when the tongue is lifted. At the bottom of the tongue, there are veins. The veins are clearly visible and have a bluish purple color.

The underside of the tongue serves as a site for drug administration. There are certain types of drugs whose absorption occurs quickly. This can happen if the drug is placed on the underside of the tongue.

Those are the parts and some of the important functions of the tongue. The tongue is a part of the body that needs to be kept healthy. If the health of the tongue is disturbed, then the condition of the mouth will also be disturbed.

Find various other interesting information about the tongue and other body parts at

Source: from various sources