Examples of Tolerance in Everyday Life

Example of an Attitude of Tolerance – Sinaumed’s must have known that Indonesian society is a multicultural society in which of course each individual has various types of differences, ranging from religion, race, ethnicity, educational background, economic background, to mindset. Even so, the nation’s warriors have recognized the existence of this diversity so that the Indonesian nation’s motto is also related to this, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Does Sinaumed’s still remember what the motto means?

The existence of the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika directly forms awareness in the community that the Indonesian nation has diverse cultural dynamics, aka multiculturalism. The existence of this diversity does not necessarily make the Indonesian nation divided, because from childhood we must have received teachings about tolerance, right ?

Then how is the application and example of tolerance? How are efforts to realize tolerance in this multicultural society? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands this, let’s take a look at the following review so that you don’t forget to apply and find examples of tolerance

Examples of Tolerance in Everyday Life

Example of Religious Tolerance

  • Allowing friends or other individuals to worship according to their religion.
  • Don’t force others to convert.
  • Do not discriminate especially against religious minorities.
  • Do not interfere with the worship process of others.
  • Do not criticize and degrade other people’s religions.
  • Don’t make other people’s religion a joke.
  • Not being a provocateur when other religions are celebrating their big day.
  • Make friends with everyone, regardless of their religious background.
  • Respect the celebration of religious holidays from other people.
  • Keep in touch with neighbors, friends, and colleagues of different religions.
  • Keep helping others who are in the middle of a disaster even though their religious background is different from ours.
  • Do not destroy places of worship of other religions.
  • Do not disturb the serenity of worship performed by people of other religions.
  • There is no need to boast about your own religion in front of people of other religions, respect the differences that exist.

Example of Tolerance Between Tribes

  • Do not discriminate against other people who have different ethnic backgrounds.
  • Do not plunder the culture of other tribes.
  • Keep helping each other to all people in need regardless of ethnic background.
  • Respect the culture of other tribes.
  • Do not make the culture of other tribes as a joke.
  • Treat everyone the same regardless of ethnic background.
  • Learn the traditions and culture of other tribes.

Examples of Tolerance in the School and Work Environment

  • Remain friends with friends who have different religions and ethnicities.
  • As a teacher, he does not discriminate against students who have different religious and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Continue to help colleagues who are experiencing difficulties even though they have different religious and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Do not create a special “gang” to discriminate against other religions and ethnic groups.
  • Stay kind and friendly to everyone.

Re-understanding the Definition of Tolerance

Is Sinaumed’s still confused about what tolerance is? Actually, the notion of tolerance is simple, namely in the form of respecting the differences that exist within us and others. In the process of appreciating it, it is enough that you don’t need to make fun of or make the differences as jokes, because that will later make other people feel hurt.

The term “tolerance” actually comes from a foreign language, namely English in the form of “tolerance” and Arabic in the form of “tasamuh”. Etymologically, tolerance means patience, emotional resilience, and broad-mindedness. While in terms (terminology), tolerance has a definition in the form of respecting, allowing, allowing the views, opinions, beliefs, and habits that are different from it.

So, it can be concluded that the concept of this attitude of tolerance leads to an open attitude and willing to admit the existence of various kinds of differences. The differences that are owned by yourself and other people can vary, ranging from ethnicity, skin color, language, customs, culture, language, religion, to mindset. Since each individual has a destiny as well as a different background in life, it is only natural that differences in mindset will also be included in this diversity. Therefore, if you are conducting a meeting or polling activity related to an issue, don’t underestimate or laugh at other people’s opinions because that is also part of an attitude of tolerance which must actually be applied from an early age.

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In fact, it is not uncommon for individuals to carry out this attitude of tolerance unconsciously or unknowingly, because it is related to the character of individuals or groups of people. Even so, tolerance can also be carried out consciously, especially if the individual is trying as much as possible to avoid a dispute.

The attitude of tolerance has also been discussed by UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ) which defines tolerance as an attitude of “mutual respect, mutual acceptance, and mutual respect amidst cultural diversity, freedom of expression, and human character”. Based on this, this attitude of tolerance is equivalent to a positive attitude and respect for other people in order to use basic freedoms as human beings.

Does Sinaumed’s know that this attitude of tolerance has two models? Yep, the first model is a passive attitude, namely the attitude of accepting differences as something factual. Meanwhile, the second model is active tolerance, namely involving oneself with others in the midst of differences and diversity. This active tolerance has usually been taught to all religions, because all religions are indeed responsible for realizing justice and peace for their adherents.

The application of this attitude of tolerance will always be related to the religious and socio-cultural context which in its attitudes and actions strictly prohibits discrimination against different groups, especially minorities. There are often questions about whyWe must be tolerant, especially those who have different religions and beliefs? The answer is simple, that is, the absence of tolerance will actually make riots and peace difficult to achieve. Just imagine, if every adherent of that religion does not tolerate each other, then of course in real life discrimination will appear against minorities. The result can be bad things, including inter-religious wars that will trigger inter-countries and continents in this world. Even though all religions also teach that war is something that is sinful, especially if it kills consciously.

Religious Tolerance

In our country which has various adherents of religions, examples of religious tolerance are of course mandatory to be taught and practiced. Especially in Pancasila which is the foundation of our country, the first precept which reads “Belief in the One and Only God”, clearly indicates that this country is a country of God. The point is that the Indonesian state really wants every citizen to adhere to one religion or belief. Since there are 6 recognized religions in Indonesia, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism, every Indonesian citizen is “obliged” to adhere to one of the six religions.

Not only that, Article 29 Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution reads ” The state guarantees each resident to embrace their own religion and worship according to their religion and beliefs “. In these laws it is clear that the state has regulated that every citizen embraces a religion and guarantees protection when carrying out worship processions.

Ethnic Diversity Tolerance

Sinaumed’s must have known that Indonesia has thousands of ethnic groups, approximately 1,340 (based on 2010 data) spread from Sabang to Merauke. The ethnic diversity does not necessarily make this country only side with one or two tribes, but all the existing tribes.

In fact, the true attitude of tolerance has been taught from an early age to respect the differences in culture and customs that exist in each tribe. Each tribe should not feel that their tribe is the most superior, because all tribes have the same degree in the eyes of the state.

Tolerance In Socio-Cultural

Apart from having thousands of ethnic groups, Indonesia is also known for its socio-cultural diversity, which of course is obliged to carry out this attitude of tolerance. This socio-cultural diversity can be seen from differences in economic background, educational background, to the background of the traditions applied in each region. Then how to apply tolerance in terms of social culture? Of course there are many ways, from loving local products made in Indonesia to trying to learn about the diversity of other cultures.

If you are reluctant to learn about other cultures, that’s also okay, as long as you don’t ridicule and use other cultures as jokes. Because it is not a reflection of tolerance. However, it is better if Sinaumed’s wants to learn about the processes and rules of other cultures. Aside from being an effort of tolerance, it can also add insight into the cultural diversity that exists in our country.

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Tolerance in Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

As the motto of the Indonesian nation which has been written in the Garuda Indonesia symbol, the term Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is not merely a motto but also indicates concrete evidence of the attitude of tolerance that every Indonesian citizen must practice. The motto of Unity in Diversity has been regulated in the 1945 Constitution Article 36A, where the meaning of the motto is ” Different but still one “.

That is, the country of Indonesia clearly has a diversity of ethnicities, languages, religions, races and cultures. So that the existence of the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika acts as a unifier of this diversity. In short, even though Indonesia has a multicultural society, all of them are still in one “form” namely the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, this motto also relates the attitude and behavior of tolerance which must be taught and applied from an early age.

Efforts to Realize Tolerance

All Indonesian citizens are actually obliged to create harmony between tribes and between religions, both at the regional, provincial and government levels. So, this attitude and behavior of tolerance is not only the responsibility of the government or religious leaders, but of all citizens. Starting from responsibilities related to peace, security and public order, that is the duty of every citizen. In this case, to create harmony, especially among religious people, can be done in the following ways.

  • Mutual tolerance and respect for each other, even though they have different religious and ethnic backgrounds from ourselves.
  • Carry out worship according to the religion that has been adopted.
  • Comply with regulations related to religion and culture.

This attitude of tolerance, tolerance and respect for one another is actually included in the trilogy of harmony. Previously, it was always emphasized that the application of tolerance in the real world, one of which was not being able to force someone to embrace a certain religion. This is because it relates to Human Rights (HAM), which has been given the freedom to choose which belief is best for itself.

Not only that, the attitude of tolerance is considered capable of realizing harmony both among religious communities and other ethnic groups. So, in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the efforts that encourage harmony, namely in the form of:

  • Strengthen the foundations of internal harmony between communities as well as with the government.
  • Building social harmony and social unity which is a form of implementation in an attitude of tolerance in everyday life.
  • Creating a conducive atmosphere of religious life, from appreciation to religious practice.
  • Carrying out deepening of spiritual values ​​that implement divine values. This is so that there are no deviations from social values ​​in carrying out social life.
  • Putting love and compassion in life, one of which is by eliminating mutual suspicion of other individuals.
  • Realizing that the differences in social life are a reality and can be used as a mosaic that can beautify the phenomena of social life.

Based on the previous description, it can be concluded that this tolerance is an attitude of accepting and respecting existing differences and not discriminating, especially towards minorities. These differences include differences in religion, race, ethnicity, nation, culture, language, appearance, and mindset so that it aims to achieve a peaceful social life.

Well, that’s a review of examples of tolerance that can be applied in this social life. Sinaumed’s, as the nation’s next generation, must carry out this tolerance attitude and even teach younger siblings, nephews and children to be tolerant from an early age, right? Because this attitude of tolerance is a real manifestation of our nation’s motto.

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