Examples of loan words in Indonesian from various languages

Examples of loanwords – loanwords have many forms and origins. Indonesian itself has a large number of loanwords. When examined based on history, the Indonesian language was originally derived from the Malay language. The characteristics of an open language make an open language so that it can always develop.

In everyday life, there are many examples of this absorption word, both those we are used to and those we have never heard of. Indonesian quite a lot absorbs several other cultures, for example Javanese, Sanskrit, Arabic, Dutch, Hokkien or Chinese, Portuguese, English, and so on.

Well, this article will show you examples of loanwords in Indonesian. However, before heading to the example of absorption words, it’s a good idea to go back to discussing the meaning of absorption words first.

A. Definition of Loan Words

An absorption word can basically be defined as a word that is absorbed from another language, but it’s still based on the rules of the recipient’s language. This ultimately creates an example of an absorption word in Indonesian which is actually a word that has fulfilled the main linguistic conventions of Indonesian, both from spelling, speech, to writing.

The absorption word itself can be caused by many factors that influence it. For example, in Indonesian, borrowed words that appear in society and enter Indonesian are usually influenced by factors of community interaction. However, in several examples language absorption was found to be influenced by scientific and technological developments from various fields and life.

In carrying out absorption, Indonesian has several ways, starting from adoption (collection in its entirety), then adaptation (adjustment to spelling and speech), and collection or translation (adjustment of a foreign language according to phonology and morphology). As stated above, Indonesian is an open language, so it will be very easy to develop.

The language has many examples of loanwords, many words that are absorbed come from Sanskrit, Arabic, Dutch, Hokkien, Portuguese and English. There are thousands of examples of loanwords in Indonesian which are formed to make it easier to understand a particular term.

B. Examples of loan words from Javanese

It’s easy to find Indonesian which actually comes from Javanese. This is of course influenced by the factor of the population of the country of Indonesia. Not only that, Javanese is also referred to as the largest language among other regional languages ​​native to Indonesian society.

The following is an example of an absorption word from Javanese:

1. Completed = completed = finished

2. Easy = easy = not heavy/not difficult

3. Burnt = charred = burned to the ground

4. Big = big = more than medium size

5. Joget = dance = rhythmic body movements

6. Anyar = new = never existed

7. Dasa = ten = 10th after 9th

8. Warsa = year = a period of 12 months

9. Besan = parents-in-law = family by marriage

10. Son-in-law = son-in-law = marrying off a child

11. Bude = big mother = mother’s/father’s older sister

12. Bindeng = nasal = nasal

13. Snub = flat nose = flat nose

14. Literacy = not sleeping = awake

15. Gingsul = misaligned teeth = growing teeth irregularly

16. Andong = gig = rented horse-drawn carriage

17. Manut = obey = like to obey

18. Resign = step down = no longer hold office

19. Manners = small talk = customary manners

20. Event = event = organize, invite

21. Caraka = caraka = envoy, ambassador.

22. Bandha = object = wealth

23. Wiyata = wiyata = teaching, lesson

24. Kanca = konco = friend, friend, helper, accomplice

25. Alum = alum = wither, languish

26. Bablas = bablas = to go on, vanish, die

27. biting = biting = a pin made from a stick to pin the wrapping leaves

28. Glenik = glenik = speak slowly about small things, empty promises

29. Joglo = joglo = typical Javanese building style

30. Palagan = palagan = war, battle, battlefield

B. Examples of loan words from Sanskrit

Sarujin in his work says that Indonesian has two ways of absorbing Sanskrit, either directly or indirectly. Sanskrit itself can be said to be the language that entered Old Javanese first. There are lots of old words that were commonly used in the Old Javanese era until they were finally absorbed and entered into Indonesian.

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The following is an example of loanwords from Sanskrit:

1. religion (āgama): din; sacred tradition

2. script (akṣara): letters

3. various (assorted): all kinds

4. read (vaca): interpret writing

5. like (bhāga): similar

6. language (bhāṣa): accent

7. chili (cavi): chili

8. story (carita): story

9. manner (ācāra): conduct

10. thirst: thirst, resistance to the government

11. funds: money

12. suffering (dhṛta): tribulation

13. eka: one

14. double: two

15. style: style

16. graha (gṛha): house, building

17. treasure (artha): money, material wealth

18. despicable: low

19. cubits: hand

20. rhythm (virama): rhythm

21. palace (āsthāna): the king’s residence. See palace

22. special (āstām eva): special

23. jagat (jagat): world

24. prosecutor (adhyakṣa): the prosecutor in a court of justice

25. soul (jīva): spirit

26. district (from the word bhūpati): the area of ​​government of a regent

27. because (kāraṇa): cause

28. karma (karma): result

29. profit (labha): profit

30. song (laghu): chant

31. cross: cross

32. honey (madhu): a sweet liquid bee product

33. young (mūḍha): not old

34. partners: Friends, colleagues

35. name (nāma): designation or nickname

36. country: part of the country

37. hell (naraka): hell

38. lotus: flower

39. five (pañca): five

40. post (paścat): after

41. body: body

42. Rupiah (rūpya): Indonesia’s currency

43. willingly: willingly

44. sabda (sabda): word, word

45. sakti (śakti): supernatural power

46. ​​ocean (ocean): a large sea

47. bear (tyaga): don’t care

48. tuna: To lose (from having to not having) / not having.

49. farmer: farmer

50. air (air): a substance in the earth’s atmosphere

51. camel (uṣṭra): a type of animal that lives in the desert

52. effort (upāya): power, stratagem

53. discourse (vacana): discourse

54. vehicle (vāhana): medium, vehicle

55. citizen: clan

56. foundation (based on yaśa): institution. See also services.

C. Examples of loanwords from English

The following are examples of loanwords from English:

1. Access = access = entrance

2. Accommodation = accommodation = something that is provided for needs

3. Actor = actor = cast of the story

4. Ballpoint = ballpoint pen = filled pen

5. Balloon = balloon = large coffers of rubber

6. Bus = bus = public transportation vehicle

7. Bomb = bomb = bullet-shaped weapon

8. Calm = calm = not in a hurry

9. Calendar = calendar = list of days and months in a year

10. Campus = campus = college

11. Career = career = position

12. Coffee = coffee = coffee fruit

13. Department = department = government agency

14. Detergent = detergent = material for cleaning clothes

15. Dilemma = dilemma = a difficult situation to make a choice

16. Design = design = form framework

17. Ethnic = ethnic = custom, ethnicity

18. Evacuation = evacuation = rescue from disaster

19. Fashion = fashion = style of dress

20. Feminine = feminine = dealing with women, being female, resembling women

21. Innovation = innovation = income, introduction of new things, updates

22. Insecticide = insecticide = chemical compound to kill insects

23. Instant = instant = directly drinkable or eaten

24. Juice = juice = fruit juice

25. Keeper = goalkeeper = goalkeeper

26. Landscape = landscape = layout outside the building, the total number of aspects of each area

27. Legislative = legislative = authorized to make laws

28. Marginal = marginal = related to the limit, not very profitable

29. Nuance = nuance = very subtle variation or difference, sensitivity to

30. Science = science = science in general, systematic knowledge about nature and the physical world, botany, physics, chemistry, geology, zoology, and so on.

D. Examples of absorption words from Arabic

The following is an example of an absorption word from Arabic:

1. century (ابد century) = 100 years

2. nature (عالم `ālam) = world

3. alphabet (ابجد alphabet) = script

4. chapter (باب bāb) = chapter, sargah

5. body ( body) = body

6. inner (bāṭin) = deep

7. propositions (dalīl) = evidence, thesis points, arguments

8. prayer ( du`ā’ ) = pray

9. world ( dunya) = universe

10. spell (هجأ hijā’) = how to write, set characters, spelling

11. benefit = makma

12. understand = understand

13. dawn = early in the morning

14. occult (unseen) = lost; invisible

15. robe ( qamīṣ) = long dress

16. passion ( ghaira) = desire

17. Hebrew = the language of the Jewish nation, ratio to the descendants of the Prophet Abraham

18. Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr = Muslim holiday

19. Schedule = schedule

20. Friday = the fifth day of the week

21. corpse = corpse

22. content (قدر) = size

23. Worried = Hesitating

24. Doomsday (قيامة) = Resurrection Day

25. usual = common, usual, usual

26. dialect = accent, dialect

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27. Proficient (ماهر) = One who is clever or clever

28. Lazy from mallets (ملت) = tired, weary

29. Paper = maqalatun

30. prophet = God’s messenger to mankind

31. Naughty = abuse

32. Christians = followers of Christianity, from Nazareth absorption

33. person = someone

34. Pas = Bas which is usually interpreted as enough

35. Al-Qur’an = holy book of Muslims

36. people = citizens

37. Official (رسمي) = official

38. Fortune = fortune

39. Moment = hour (time)

40. Saturday = the seventh day of the week

41. satan = devil

42. soap = sobuun

43. Ta’jil = a dish for breaking the fast, especially sweet foods such as compote, dates, etc.

44. Sufism = the science of Sufism

45. Divorce = divorce = divorce between husband and wife, release of marriage ties

46. ​​horizon ( ufuq) = firmament, horizon

47. scholar (علماء ulamā’ ) = religious teacher

48. umma (أمة umma) = religious community

49. plague ( wabā’ ) = an infectious disease that spreads quickly

50. died ( wafāh) = died

51. face ( wajh) = face

52. Jew (يهودي Yahūdī) = a nation in the Middle East

53. believe (ياقين yaqīn) = believe

54. namely (يعني ya`nī) = namely

55. olive (زيتون zaitūn) = a type of fruit or tree from the Mediterranean or Mediterranean region

56. penis = penis, male genitalia

57. pilgrimage = pilgrimage of worship

E. Examples of loan words from Dutch

The following is an example of loanwords from Dutch:

1. absence

2. academy (academie)

3. ballad (ballade)

4. bankrupt (bankroet)

5. chocolate (chocolade)

6. dance (dansen)

7. tie (das)

8. service (dienst)

9. egotisch

10. echelon (echelon)

11. invoice (factuur)

12. function

13. alley (alley)

14. free (free)

15. stop (stop)

16. almost (amperes)

17. idea (idee)

18. break even (break even)

19. jamboree (jamboree)

20. suit (suit, overjacket)

21. turkey (chalcoene)

22. office (office)

23. labile (labile)

24. duct tape (plaque band)

25. realtor (broker)

26. absent (mankeren)

27. pineapple (ananas)

28. dapper (netjes)

29. oil (oil)

30. omg (oom)

31. factory (fabriek)

32. initial (paraphrase)

33. exactly

34. parsley (parsley)

35. rack (rack)

36. raid (razz)

37. screen printing (sjabloon)

38. sanctie

39. appraise (taxeren)

40. pliers (pliers)

41. vandel (vandel)

42. rims (rims)

43. default (default)

44. sink (sink)

F. Examples of loanwords from Portuguese

The following is an example of loanwords from Portuguese:

1. Acta = deed = letter of evidence containing a statement

2. Fleet = fleet = group of one unit

3. Banco = bench = board and so on

4. Bataco = brick = made from a mixture of sand and cement

5. Garfo = fork = shaft

6. Janela = window = vent

7. Jornal = journal = daily record

8. Caldo = broth = stewed meat

9. Campo = village = village; hamlet

10. Leilao = auction = sale in front of many people

11. Manteiga = butter = condensed fat

12. Falso = false = fake

13. Pen = pen = tool for writing with ink

14. Saco = pocket = pocket on a shirt, skirt, pants

15. Escola = school = building for learning

16. Trigo = flour = wheat flour

17. Mandador = foreman = supervisor of work

18. Dona = miss = unmarried daughter

19. Onda = waves = movement of sea water up and down

20. Ink = ink = colored liquid

21. Tent = tent = camp

22. Pen = pen = tool for writing with ink

23. Lace = lace = openwork made from crocheted threads

24. Wheel = wheel = wheel, wheel

25. Natal = christmas = the birth of someone, the birth of Jesus Christ

G. Examples of loanwords from Hokkien (China)

The following is an example of an absorption word from Hokkien:

1. Angpao = red envelope = small envelope where money is placed

2. Anglo = brazier = small stove with charcoal

3. Noodles = noodles = noodles

4. Grass jelly = grass jelly = cold drink

5. Dim sum = dimsum = traditional Chinese dish

6. Encang = uncle/uncle = brother of mother/father

7. Encing = aunt = sister of mother/father

8. Lipstick = lipstick = lipstick

9. Soy sauce = soy sauce = processed soy bean liquid

10. Lou-cheng = attic = ceiling of the house

11. Lun-pia = spring rolls = snacks made from flour dough

12. Mihun = vermicelli = fine noodles

13. Bishou = knife = thin and sharp iron blade

14. Tauhu = tofu = food made from white soybeans

15. Teh-ko = teapot = earthenware kettle

16. Wushu = wushu = martial art

17. Luck = hockey = luck; fate

18. Chinese New Year = Chinese New Year

19. Marry = marry = form a family

20. Noodles = noodles = food ingredients made from wheat flour

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