Eccedentesiast Is: Definition, Impact On Mental Health

Eccedentesiast Is – Many people think that the term is related to matters in the medical field, but in fact it is not. The term eccedentesiast is a popular term and can be interpreted as an attempt made by someone to hide the sadness they are experiencing behind a smile. In short , this eccedentesiast is pretending to be happy ! Has Sinaumed’s ever experienced it?

Unfortunately, if this behavior is continuously carried out it actually affects mental health, you know ! Yep, the habit of pretending to smile even though his heart is in ruins is highly discouraged by many health experts. That is why currently the love yourself campaign is being intensively carried out , one of which is to validate all the emotions and feelings that we experience. So, whatever feelings you’re experiencing right now, from sad, angry, annoyed, irritated, happy, happy, to overwhelmed, they’re all valid, right ! So, what exactly is an eccedentesiast? What is the impact of this eccedentesiast behavior on our mental health, especially teenagers? Is pretending to be happy an ego defense mechanism? Well, soSinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

What is an Eccedentesiast?

If you look at the Urban Dictionary , the term eccedentesiast means ‘a person who hides his sadness behind a smile.’ In other words, people who behave eccedentesiast do not like to show the sadness they are experiencing, so they will ‘hide’ behind the mask of their smile, as if nothing had happened. Not only that, people who behave like that tend to try many things so that they are seen as happy by others, even though there are actually many problems that occur in their life.

Don’t think that this eccedentesiast behavior is only experienced by teenagers who are facing a period of hormonal changes, because it turns out that adults also experience this, you know… What ‘s more if someone doesn’t understand how to convey their emotions, so they will tend to choose to just pretend to be happy. Like the quote about “The person who laughs the most is the person who is hiding the most sadness” . Take a look at yourself, have you ever behaved this eccedentesiast, whether you were at school, working or hanging out with other friends. Take a look at your friend who laughs the most at trivial things , is he really laughing, or is he just hiding his sadness?

A common feature of someone who is experiencing this eccedentesiast behavior is losing interest in activities or things that were previously very popular. Why so? Because inside him there is a feeling of guilt for the incident that made him sad, so that it will continue to feel worthless to despair. I was so sad, the things I liked before couldn’t make me happy anymore.

The term accedentesiast is almost the same as smiling depression , which is a mental disorder and is often experienced by many people all over the world.

Impact of Eccedentesiast Behavior on Mental Health

Unfortunately, if done continuously, this behavior can affect mental health. This is because it can actually make themselves more depressed and not free to express the emotions they feel. When in fact, whether you feel sad or happy, everything should be expressed as well as possible so that it doesn’t ‘settle’ in the brain all the time. Without Sinaumed’s realizing it, mental health can also affect physical health, you know. So, here is the impact of eccedentesiast behavior that is so influential on mental health!

1. Puts More Pressure On The Inside

Actually, affirmation, aka giving positive statements to oneself, is an important thing and must be done. This affirmation can be considered as part of self-help done by oneself to oneself. Therefore, if Sinaumed’s often experiences anxiety or nervousness, for example before making a presentation in front of the class, it would be better if you give yourself positive affirmations that state that you can make the best of your presentation.

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Unfortunately, someone who is behaving eccedentesiast often realizes that these affirmations will not correspond to reality, so that his feelings will actually become negative. His subconscious seems to reject these affirmations and he will feel even more depressed.

2. Avoiding the Reality

Eccedentesiast is always concerned with fake smiles, so that it will become a pattern of avoiding the feelings that are actually experienced. It’s good if Sinaumed’s express how emotional today. It’s okay to cry, be angry, or be upset, because those are the emotions you feel.

3. Extending the Problem

This eccedentesiast behavior means that we will keep smiling (in a state of pretending) even though we are experiencing a problem. This actually makes it more difficult to solve the problem. This condition will hinder the people around who try to help you.

For this, it’s a good idea to tell the people closest to you how complicated the problem is, so that your heart, soul, and mind feel more ‘easy’ . Indeed, not all of these people will come to find a solution, but the most important thing is that you don’t have the problem alone.

4. Increases the Risk of Developing Bad Habits

Reporting from , it turns out that there is a study which shows that many employees are constantly behaving eccedentesiast throughout work, so that when they come home from work they will drink large portions of alcohol to vent their sadness. If this is done continuously, it will develop into a bad habit, right ?

5. Can Be Dangerous To A Relationship He’s In The Middle Of

Do you realize that Sinaumed’s if this eccedentesiast behavior continuously will actually make your relationship with your partner on the verge of collapse? Yep, hiding the sadness we experience will actually make our partner think that they are not good enough to be trusted by us. If that’s the case, your relationship with your partner will start to crack because you don’t trust each other, even though in a relationship, trusting each other is the key to the longevity of a relationship.

It will be painful and sad which is getting worse and worse if the complicated problems that are experienced have not been resolved, coupled with the tenuousness or breakdown of our relationship. As a result, our mental health will not be fine and you can experience quite severe depression.

Ego Defense Mechanisms in the Form of Pretending to be Happy

Actually, this eccedentesiast or pretending to be happy is not only experienced by teenagers, even adults can feel it too. Unfortunately, the eccedentesiast behavior carried out by teenagers will usually be considered as ‘alay’, even though teenagers can also experience problems and anxiety that are just as complicated as adults. Not only that, many people also unconsciously ignore and harbor the feelings they experience, because they think that things like that don’t need to be remembered and it’s enough to forget them. In fact, even though ignoring painful feelings will only make us more depressed and the problem will not be resolved.

Based on a research journal entitled “Ego Defense Mechanisms in the Form of Pretending to be Happy Among Generations Z and Y” by Hillary Wixie Reandsi et al, states that generation Z (currently under 26 years old) and generation Y (currently aged between 26 -37 years), actually pretending to be happy is a defense mechanism for their ego.

In fact, harboring painful feelings is normal and a form of adjustment to the situation or reality one is facing. However, if this is often done and even becomes a daily habit, it will actually make it a neurotic behavior. A little trivia, neurotic behavior is a disorder that is based on a weak element of anxiety or psychology so that it always behaves in defense of disturbances with the aim of avoiding or reducing anxiety.

According to the research journal, the term ego defense mechanism proclaimed by Sigmund Freud is a strategy used by individuals to defend against the expression of id impulses, as well as against superego pressure. This mechanism is later needed especially when the impulses of the Id conflict with each other or when the impulses conflict with values ​​and beliefs in the superego or when there is an external threat faced by the ego, thereby alleviating anxiety.

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Meanwhile, according to Clark, this ego defense mechanism is defined as an unconscious distraction from reality that aims to reduce painful effects and conflicts through automatic and habitual responses.

Ego defense mechanisms help individuals overcome anxiety and prevent ego threats. Ego defense or ego defense is normal behavior because it has adaptive value if it does not become a lifestyle in dealing with reality. The ego defense mechanism has two characteristics, the first is to deny reality and the second is to distort reality . This ego defense mechanism operates at the subconscious level and is manifested in the form of behavior.

The research journal uses descriptive research methods and is carried out by means of online surveys on several social media accounts. Since the research samples are those belonging to the Z and Y generations, the selection of online surveys on social media can be considered as a surefire way. Based on the results of the online survey , generation Y rarely realizes that they are feeling sad and rarely cry. Not only that, generation Z actually keeps more feelings of anxiety when they are experiencing problems, with a percentage of 40.50%!

The thing that proves that generations Z and Y often make eccedentesiast alias pretending to be happy as an ego defense mechanism is by answering ” It’s okay ” when they feel sad and a friend asks ” why “, is with a high percentage. For generation Z there is 71.40% while generation Y is 70%! Instead of telling the problem, they prefer to answer “It’s okay “.

The research journal also shows that as many as 51.20% of the total 84 respondents of generation Z are at the stage of sometimes realizing that they are feeling sad. Meanwhile, the respondents belonging to generation Y out of a total of 10 respondents had a balanced score between the points rarely realizing and often realizing as much as 20% each with points sometimes realizing and always realizing as much as 30% each. This can happen because there is the influence of individual development age maturity. Because at the age of adolescence until the transition to adulthood, a person tends to still be in a period of searching for his identity. So, it’s only natural that at the age of adolescence to early adulthood someone still often confuses feelings of sadness with other feelings.

From the results of several online surveys that have been conducted, it shows that the majority of respondents agree that the ego defense mechanism is something that is natural to do, because indeed it is innate from the human subconscious, it’s just that if it is done continuously, it will have an impact which is not good.

So, that’s a review of what is an eccedentesiast, aka pretending to be happy, which of course greatly affects mental health. If Sinaumed’s has a complicated problem, it’s a good idea to immediately tell it to someone closest to you . It doesn’t have to be family , it can also be with friends or partners, so that you can immediately get help to solve this problem. Even if the problem is not solved in an instant, the most important thing is that you feel relieved because you don’t keep too much burden on your mind. Don’t underestimate mental health problems , if you like, it’s a good idea to immediately consult a psychologist to get more guaranteed treatment.


Reandsi, HW, Lewoleba, MP, Sirait, YYT, & Situmorang, DDB (2020). Ego defense mechanisms in the form of pretending to be happy among generations Z and Y.

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