difference between sort and sorted in python

The Difference Between Sort and Sorted in Python

Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages in the world. It’s known for its simplicity and readability, yet it’s still powerful enough to handle a wide range of programming tasks. One of the fundamental operations in Python is sorting. In Python, there are two primary methods for sorting data – sort() and sorted(). While they may seem similar at first glance, there are some significant differences between the two.

The Basics of Sort()

The sort() method in Python is used to sort lists in place. This means that the order of the list is modified directly. The sort() method does not return a new list, but rather sorts the existing list in place. The sort() method can be used to sort lists containing numeric, string, or tuple elements. The method arranges the elements of the list in ascending order by default, but you can also sort them in descending order.

Here is the syntax of the sort() method in Python:

list.sort([key=], [reverse=])

Key: A function that is applied to each element before sorting.
Reverse: A Boolean value that specifies whether to sort in descending order.

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The Basics of Sorted()

The sorted() method in Python is used to generate sorted lists in Python. Unlike the sort() method, the sorted() function returns a new list that contains the sorted elements of the original list. The elements in the original list remain unchanged. The sorted() method functions as a sorting algorithm, which can be used to sort lists containing numeric, string, or tuple elements.

Here is the syntax of the sorted() method in Python:

sorted(iterable, [key=], [reverse=])

Iterable: A sequence to be sorted (lists, tuples, dictionary, sets).
Key: A function that is applied on each element before sorting.
Reverse: A Boolean value that specifies whether to sort in descending order.

The Key Differences between Sort() and Sorted()

The main differences between the sort() and sorted() functions are:

– The sort() method sorts the list in place, while the sorted() method returns a new sorted list.
– The sort() method does not return anything, whereas the sorted() method returns a new list containing the sorted elements.
– The sort() method can only be used with lists, while the sorted() method can be used with a wide variety of data types, including lists, tuples, dictionary, and sets.
– The sorted() method is slower than the sort() method, as it has to create a new sorted list. The sort() method, on the other hand, only needs to modify the existing list.
– The sort() method is a bit more memory-efficient, as it does not need to create a new list.

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In summary, both the sort() and the sorted() method in Python are essential for sorting data in Python. It’s important to understand the differences between the two methods, so you can use the appropriate one for your project. The sort() method is ideal for sorting large lists, while the sorted() method is better suited for situations where a new sorted list is required.

Table difference between sort and sorted in python

Attribute sort sorted
Description Method used to sort a list in place Function used to return a sorted list without modifying the original list
Usage list.sort() sorted(list)
Side effect Modifies the original list Returns a new sorted list without modifying the original list
Return value None Sorted list
Efficiency Modifies list in place, so it’s more efficient for large lists Returns a new list, so it’s less efficient for large lists