difference between rat and mouse

Difference between Rat and Mouse

When it comes to rodent pests, the two most common animals that come to mind are rats and mice. While these creatures may look similar at first glance, they have a number of differences that set them apart. Here are some of the most important distinctions between rats and mice.


One of the most obvious differences between rats and mice is their size. Rats are generally much larger than mice, with adult rats weighing between 11 ounces and 2.2 pounds, while adult mice typically weigh less than an ounce.


While rats and mice may look similar, there are some key differences in their appearance. Rats have longer tails and larger heads than mice, and their bodies are generally more robust. Mice, on the other hand, have smaller tails and heads and are more slender in shape.

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Rats and mice also have different behavior patterns, which can impact how they interact with people and the environment. Rats are generally more aggressive and territorial than mice, and may bite or attack if they feel threatened. Mice, on the other hand, are more timid and shy, and are more likely to try to avoid any confrontations.

Disease transmission

Both rats and mice can carry a number of diseases that can be transmitted to humans. However, because of their larger size, rats are generally more dangerous in this regard, as they are capable of carrying more pathogens and can cause more damage when they infest a home or building.


Finally, rats and mice have different lifespans. Rats typically live for around two to three years, while mice live for only one to two years on average. This difference can impact how quickly and effectively populations of these pests can be managed or eliminated.

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In conclusion, while rats and mice may look similar at first glance, they have a number of differences that set them apart. From size and appearance to behavior and disease transmission, understanding these distinctions can be helpful when dealing with a rodent infestation.

Table difference between rat and mouse

Property Rat Mouse
Size Medium to Large Small to Medium
Tail Length Long Short to Medium
Fur Texture Coarse Soft
Ears Small and round Large and pointed
Habitat Often found in urban areas Often found in rural areas
Diet Can eat a wide variety of foods Primarily herbivores