difference between products and services

The Difference Between Products and Services: An SEO-Powered Insight


As consumers, we encounter various types of goods and services daily. However, not all of us recognize the difference between the two. According to Investopedia, a product is a tangible item or goods that customers purchase for their personal, business, or household use. On the contrary, a service is an intangible benefit or performance that one party offers to another in exchange for monetary compensation.

In this article, we will discuss in detail the difference between products and services to help you understand how they function in the market and how it affects your business.

1. Characteristics of Products

A product is a thing that you can touch, feel, smell, or see. It is a tangible item made for personal or business use. Products have the following characteristics:

  • Tangibility: Products are physical and can be touched.
  • Heterogeneity: There can be some variation between identical products, for instance, in color, size, and design.
  • Non-perishability: Most products can be stored and are not affected by time.
  • Value: Products’ value can be determined based on its market demand.

2. Characteristics of Services

A service is an intangible benefit that one party offers to another in exchange for money. Services have the following characteristics:

  • Intangibility: Services cannot be touched or seen but are experienced.
  • Inseparability: Service providers deliver services for customers to consume simultaneously.
  • Heterogeneity: Services are unique to each customer and situation, making them challenging to standardize.
  • Perishability: Services have a time limit and cannot be stored for future use.
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3. Market Approach for Products and Services

In terms of market approach, products and services differ. Product marketing focuses on promoting what the product can deliver for the customers using its features and benefits. In contrast, service marketing concentrates on the service’s process and experience of the customers throughout the service delivery.

Product marketing involves promoting the physical features, size, quality, color, and shape of the product to the customer. It takes into account product packaging, pricing, and targeted demographic groups for marketing strategies.

Service marketing includes various intangible factors to promote customer satisfaction, including customer service, service delivery, pricing, and promotions.

4. Role of SEO for Products and Services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential strategy for both products and services. However, the approach differs because SEO for products concentrates on the physical features, specifications, and pricing of the product. SEO for services concentrates on the service delivery process and experience for the customers.

It is essential to understand the difference between products and services to optimize your website’s content and implement SEO strategies accordingly.


In conclusion, the difference between products and services is crucial to understand because it impacts how they function in different markets. Understanding the characteristics, marketing approach, and SEO strategies can help you optimize your content to market either physical products or intangible services effectively. By implementing a strategic approach to each type of offering, you can ensure that your business is successful in whatever market you serve.

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Investopedia. (2022). “Product”. Retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/product.asp

Table difference between products and services

Products Services
Definition An item or goods that can be sold to customers An intangible activity that is provided to customers
Ownership Purchased by customers and owned by them Not owned by customers, but customers are entitled to use them
Tangibility Physical and tangible Intangible and cannot be touched
Production Produced before being sold Produced at the same time as they are consumed or used
Customization Difficult to customize to fit specific customer needs Easily customizable to fit specific customer needs
Quality control Quality control is easier as each product can be inspected and tested Quality control is more difficult as services are intangible and cannot be inspected or tested in the same way
Delivery Products can be physically shipped or picked up by customers Services are typically delivered in person or virtually