difference between meteorites and meteoroids

Difference Between Meteorites and Meteoroids: Everything You Need to Know

Are you fascinated by the mysteries of space and the objects that reside within it? If so, then you have probably heard the terms meteorite and meteoroid before. While they may seem similar, they are actually different in many ways. In this article, we will explore the differences between meteorites and meteoroids and provide you with everything you need to know.

What is a Meteoroid?

A meteoroid is a small rocky or metallic object that orbits the sun. They are typically smaller than asteroids and range in size from a grain of sand to a boulder. Meteoroids come from remnants of asteroids or comets that have broken apart due to collisions or gravitational forces.

What is a Meteorite?

A meteorite, on the other hand, is a meteoroid that has fallen to Earth. When a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it heats up and creates a trail of light in the sky known as a meteor or shooting star. If the meteoroid survives the heat and pressure of entry and lands on Earth, it becomes a meteorite.

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Differences Between Meteorites and Meteoroids

The main difference between meteorites and meteoroids is that while meteoroids orbit the sun, meteorites have landed on Earth. Meteoroids are also much more common than meteorites, as the majority of meteoroids burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere before they have a chance to reach the ground. Additionally, meteorites can provide valuable information about the history of our solar system, as they are often made up of materials that date back billions of years.


In summary, meteoroids are small rocky or metallic objects that orbit the sun, while meteorites are meteoroids that have landed on Earth. While they may seem similar, they serve vastly different purposes in the study of astronomy and the formation of our solar system. So next time you see a shooting star streak across the sky, remember the fascinating difference between meteorites and meteoroids!

Table difference between meteorites and meteoroids

Meteorites Meteoroids
Meteorites are pieces of asteroid or comet that have fallen onto the Earth’s surface. Meteoroids are small rocks or debris in space that may collide with planets or moons.
Meteorites can range in size from a small pebble to a large boulder. Meteoroids are generally smaller than meteorites, ranging from dust particles to small rocks.
Meteorites are often composed of iron, stone, or a combination of both. Meteoroids can be made of different materials, including rock, metal, or ice.
Meteorites have survived the journey through the Earth’s atmosphere and impact the ground. Meteoroids may burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere before reaching the ground.
Meteorites are often discovered by scientists and collectors, and can provide valuable information about the origin and composition of our solar system. Meteoroids are studied through telescopes and space missions, and can also provide information about the formation of our solar system.