difference between mass and weight

The Difference Between Mass and Weight Explained

What is Mass?

Mass is a fundamental physical property of any object that describes how much matter it contains. Mass is measured in kilograms, grams, or other units of mass. Mass is a constant quantity that does not change, no matter where the object is, or whether it’s in motion. Every object in the universe has a mass, and this is an inherent property, that cannot be altered or changed.

What is Weight?

Weight, on the other hand, is the force that gravity exerts on any object with mass. In simpler terms, weight is the measurement of the force that an object applies to the ground because of gravity. Weight is measured in Newtons or pounds.

Mass vs. Weight

It is essential to understand that mass and weight are not the same things, and you cannot use the terms interchangeably. Mass is a concisely defined physical property of an object, while weight is a force that is dependent on the mass and the strength of the gravitational field.

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Another essential point to consider is that an object’s mass cannot change, while its weight can. For instance, if you take a person weighing 100 kg on Earth, if they go to the moon, their mass remains 100 kg, but their weight would change as the gravitational force is different on the moon compared to the Earth.


In conclusion, mass and weight are two different physical quantities that describe different properties of an object. Understanding the difference between them is crucial as it can help prevent confusion when dealing with scientific measurements. Knowing the difference between the mass and weight of any object will enable you to understand the laws of physics better and how they apply to the real world.

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Table difference between mass and weight

Mass Weight
Mass is the amount of matter contained in an object. Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object.
Mass is measured in kilograms (kg). Weight is measured in Newtons (N).
Mass is a scalar quantity. Weight is a vector quantity.
Mass remains constant regardless of the location of an object in the universe. Weight varies depending on the strength of gravity acting on an object.
Mass is used to calculate the amount of matter in a substance or object. Weight is used to determine the force of gravity acting on an object on Earth or another celestial body.