difference between hens and chickens

The Difference Between Hens and Chickens: What You Need to Know

If you’re new to raising poultry, you might wonder: what is the difference between a chicken and a hen? Aren’t they the same thing? In fact, there are some key differences between these two related terms. Understanding these differences can help you become a more knowledgeable poultry keeper and ensure that you are providing the best care for your feathered friends.

What is a Chicken?

To begin with, let’s define “chicken.” This term is often used colloquially to refer to any bird that belongs to the Gallus gallus domesticus species. This includes both males (roosters) and females (hens) of this species. Chickens are domesticated birds that are used for their meat, eggs, and feathers. They are kept in many rural and urban environments throughout the world.

What is a Hen?

A hen, on the other hand, is a female chicken. Hens are typically smaller than roosters and have rounder, fuller bodies. They have larger combs and wattles than roosters, and lay eggs on a regular basis. Hens are usually much quieter than roosters and are generally considered to be the more docile of the two genders.

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Other Differences Between Hens and Chickens

There are a few other differences between hens and chickens that are worth noting. For one thing, hens tend to be more social than roosters. They are often kept in flocks, while roosters may be more solitary or may be kept in a group with other roosters. Additionally, hens tend to be more active during the day, while roosters are more active in the morning and evening.

In terms of care, hens and roosters have similar requirements. They both need a clean, dry coop to sleep in, access to fresh water and food, and protection from predators. Hens also require a nest box where they can lay their eggs, while roosters do not.


In summary, the difference between hens and chickens is that hens refer specifically to female chickens, while chickens can refer to both male and female birds. Understanding this difference can help you become a better poultry keeper, as you will be able to tailor your care to the specific needs of each gender. Whether you are raising chickens for meat, eggs, or simply as pets, knowing the difference between hens and chickens is an important part of successfully raising these fascinating and useful birds.

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Table difference between hens and chickens

Attribute Hen Chicken
Gender Female Both Male and Female
Egg Production Lays eggs Lays eggs
Meat Production Less commonly raised for meat Commonly raised for meat
Size Generally smaller and lighter in weight Generally larger and heavier in weight
Behavior More independent and less social than chickens More social and trainable than hens