difference between grasshopper and locust

Difference Between Grasshopper and Locust


Grasshoppers and locusts are common insects found in grasslands and fields. They belong to the same family of insects called Acrididae. However, they are not the same and have distinct features that set them apart from one another.

What Is a Grasshopper?

A grasshopper is a medium-sized insect that can grow up to 2-3 inches long. Its body is cylindrical and ranges in color from green and brown to gray. Grasshoppers have long hind legs that are used for jumping and short antennae that help them navigate their environment. They also have wings that extend beyond their body when they are mature.

What Is a Locust?

A locust, on the other hand, is a type of grasshopper that has undergone a physical transformation. Locusts are larger than grasshoppers and can grow up to 3-6 inches in length. Their bodies are also more robust and have a range of color from pink to brown. Most significantly, a locust has the ability to change its behavior, undergoes swarming and has a different physical appearance from regular grasshoppers.

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Behavioral Differences

Grasshoppers are solitary insects, which means they live alone and do not form social groups. They are active during the day and feed primarily on plants. On the other hand, locusts are much more social and form huge swarms of insects that can number in the millions. They can travel long distances, and are known for their destructive feeding behavior that can wipe out entire fields of crops.

Physical Differences

While grasshoppers and locusts belong to the same family, there are some physical differences that set them apart. The biggest difference is in their wings. While both have wings, grasshoppers have narrow wings that fold over their body when not in use. Locusts, on the other hand, have larger wings that are folded along their body in a way that makes them appear to have a V-shape. The second difference is their color. A grasshopper is usually green while a locust is usually brown.

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Grasshoppers and locusts are similar in many ways but have some distinct differences in their physical appearance and behavior. Grasshoppers are solitary, feed on plants, and have narrow wings that fold over their body. Meanwhile, locusts are social, travel long distances, and have much larger wings that fold along their body to create a V-shape. Understanding these differences is important for farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in the health of our ecosystems.

Table difference between grasshopper and locust

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