difference between function overloading and function overriding

Difference Between Function Overloading and Function Overriding

In object-oriented programming, function overloading and function overriding are two important concepts that are often used by developers in designing classes and methods. Although these concepts may seem similar to a beginner, they actually have distinct differences. Let’s explore the difference between function overloading and function overriding.

Function Overloading

Function overloading is the process of defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters in the same class. These functions can have different data types and can also differ in the number of parameters. When a function is called with the same name, the compiler checks the parameters passed and selects the appropriate function to execute based on the type and number of arguments.

Consider the following example:

class Math{
    int add(int a, int b){
        return a+b;
    float add(float a, float b, float c){
        return a+b+c;

In this example, the class Math has two functions with the same name “add”. The first function adds two integer numbers and returns the result, while the second function adds three float numbers and returns the sum. When the function “add” is called in the program with different arguments, the compiler selects the appropriate function based on the type and number of parameters.

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Function Overriding

Function overriding is the process of defining a function in the derived class with the same name, return type, and parameters as a function in the base class. This allows the derived class to provide its own implementation of the method and override the implementation provided by the base class.

Consider the following example:

class Vehicle{
    virtual void accelerate(){
        cout<<"Vehicle Accelerating"<

Here, the class Vehicle has a function "accelerate" that prints "Vehicle Accelerating". The class Car inherits this function but overrides it with its own implementation that prints "Car Accelerating" instead. When the function "accelerate" is called for an object of the class Car, the overridden implementation in the derived class is executed.


To sum up, function overloading and function overriding are both important concepts in object-oriented programming. Function overloading allows the developer to define multiple functions with the same name, while function overriding allows the derived class to provide its own implementation of a method defined in the base class. By understanding the differences between these concepts, developers can design their classes and methods more effectively.

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Table difference between function overloading and function overriding

Function Overloading Function Overriding
Multiple functions can have the same name but with different parameters. A derived class can have a function with the same name as a base class function.
Function overloading is done within the same class. Function overriding is done in different classes that have inheritance relationships.
Overloaded functions must have a different number of parameters or different types of parameters to be valid. Overridden functions must have the same signature as the base class function.
Function overloading is performed at compile-time. Function overriding is performed at runtime.
Function overloading does not depend on inheritance. Function overriding depends on inheritance.