difference between face value and place value

The Difference Between Face Value and Place Value

When it comes to numbers, it is essential to understand the difference between face value and place value. Both these terms may sound similar, but they hold vital significance in math. In this article, we will explain what face value and place value are and how they differ from one another.

Face Value

The face value of a digit is the value of the digit itself concerning the number it is in. For example, if a number is 43, the face value of the first digit 4 will be 4, and the face value of the second digit 3 will be 3. In simple terms, it is the value assigned to a digit in isolation, without considering the position it holds in the number.

In the case of a currency note, the face value is the value printed on the note. For example, if you have a $100 note, its face value will be $100, irrespective of the year it was printed or the condition it is in.

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Place Value

Place value, on the other hand, is the numerical value assigned to the position of the digits in the number. In other words, it is the value given to a digit based on its position or place within the number.

For example, in the number 342, the place value of digit 3 is 300 (3 x 100), the place value of the digit 4 is 40 (4 x 10), and the place value of the digit 2 is 2 (2 x 1).

Unlike face value, place value changes depending on the position or place of the digit in the number.

Difference Between Face Value and Place Value

Now that you understand what face value and place value are let’s talk about the difference between the two.

Face value is the value assigned to a digit while considering it in isolation. Place value, on the other hand, is assigned based on the position it holds in the number. Face value, by itself, does not hold much significance when it comes to performing mathematical operations. Place value, however, is critical in math as it determines the actual numerical value of a number.

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In Conclusion, knowing the difference between face value and place value is essential in understanding and solving mathematical problems. Whether it is reading a currency note or solving complex mathematical equations, having a clear understanding of face value and place value will make the calculations more comfortable and accurate.

Table difference between face value and place value

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