difference between envy & jealousy

The Distinction Between Envy and Jealousy


Envy and jealousy are two terms which are often used interchangeably, as they both refer to feeling discontent about someone else’s achievements or possessions. However, there is a clear difference between the two.

Defining Envy and Jealousy

Envy is when we feel a sense of longing for something that someone else has. It often results from a feeling of inferiority, causing us to bitterly desire someone else’s possessions, recognition, or abilities. If someone envies another person, they might also feel upset about their own perceived lack of progress or success. For instance, a colleague may feel envious of another colleague who has just received a promotion, which they feel they deserve, but have not achieved.

Jealousy is the fear of losing something that we already have, such as a relationship, possession, or status. It often arises from insecurity and possessiveness, resulting in feelings of anxious concern about being replaced or losing that special position in our lives. If someone is jealous, they may feel a sense of threat or rivalry from another person, which can cause them to act in ways that are detrimental to their relationships or their own well-being.

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How They’re Different

Envy and jealousy are different in terms of the focus. While envy is focused on what someone else has, jealousy is focused on protecting one’s own possessions, position or relationship. Envy is often directed at strangers or acquaintances, while jealousy is aimed at someone we know.

Another significant difference between envy and jealousy is the emotion’s underlying motivations. Envy is mainly fueled by a sense of inferiority, focusing on wanting to be in someone else’s place, where jealousy originates from insecurity and fear of losing something we have.


In conclusion, envy and jealousy are two complex emotions that are often confused for one another, but they are different. Understanding the difference between envy and jealousy can be helpful in dealing with these emotions in ourselves and others. Although envy and jealousy can be painful, learning to identify and manage them can lead to a more positive and contented life.

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Table difference between envy & jealousy

Envy Jealousy
Feeling of desire for what someone else has Feeling of fear of losing what one has to someone else
Can be a positive motivator for self-improvement Can lead to insecurity, possessiveness, and controlling behavior
Usually about material possessions, social status, or achievements Usually about personal relationships or romantic partners
Can lead to admiration and respect for the person one is envious of Can lead to resentment and hostility towards the person one is jealous of
Can be overcome by focusing on one’s own goals and aspirations Can be overcome by building trust and communication in relationships