difference between electron proton and neutron

Understanding the Differences Between Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons

When we think about the world of atoms and subatomic particles, we often hear about electrons, protons, and neutrons. These are the three fundamental particles that make up everything we see around us. They are the building blocks of all matter and play a significant role in the behavior and properties of atoms. In this article, we will discuss the differences between electrons, protons, and neutrons.


Electrons are negatively charged particles that revolve around the nucleus of an atom in specific energy levels or shells. They are about 1836 times lighter than either protons or neutrons and are responsible for the electrical properties of atoms. Electrons are involved in the bonding between atoms to form molecules, which make up all matter. They have a negative charge and are attracted to positively charged particles such as protons.

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Protons are positively charged particles located within the nucleus of an atom. They are around 2000 times heavier than electrons, and their number in an atom determines the atomic number and ultimately the element’s identity. The positive charge of the nucleus is balanced out by the negatively charged electrons. Protons are held in the nucleus by a powerful force known as the strong nuclear force, which overcomes the electromagnetic repulsion between the positively charged particles.


Neutrons are electrically neutral particles located within the nucleus of an atom. They are about the same mass as protons but have no charge. The number of neutrons within an atom determines the isotope of the element. Isotopes are different forms of an element that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. Neutrons play a crucial role in the stability of the atom’s nucleus via the strong nuclear force.

In conclusion, electrons, protons, and neutrons are essential building blocks of all matter. They each play a crucial role in the behavior and properties of atoms. Electrons are responsible for the electrical properties of atoms and the bonding between atoms. Protons determine the identity of an element, and neutrons determine the isotope. Understanding the differences between these subatomic particles is essential in understanding the world around us.

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Table difference between electron proton and neutron

Here’s a sample HTML table that compares the differences between electron, proton, and neutron:

Particle Charge Mass Location in Atom
Electron negative (-1) 9.11 x 10^-31 kg Orbits around nucleus
Proton positive (+1) 1.67 x 10^-27 kg In nucleus
Neutron neutral (0) 1.67 x 10^-27 kg In nucleus