difference between declaration and definition of function

Understanding the Difference Between Declaration and Definition of a Function

In the world of programming, functions play a vital role in achieving specific tasks. Functions are used to break down a program into smaller, more manageable components that can be reused, maintained, and extended over time. However, before creating a function, it is important to understand the difference between its declaration and definition.

What is a Function Declaration?

When you declare a function, you are telling the compiler that the function exists somewhere else in the code. In other words, the declaration is a way of introducing the function to the compiler so that it knows how to handle it when it is called later in the program.

Function declarations are generally included in header files, which are then included in the main code file. When the compiler reads the header file, it will recognize the function declarations and build them into its internal table of functions. This table of functions is used to check the validity of function calls made in the program.

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What is a Function Definition?

A function definition is where the actual behavior of the function is specified. In other words, it is the implementation of the function. When you define a function, you are providing the full details of how the function operates, including its input parameters, return type, and any internal routines it may use.

The definition is written in the body of the code file and contains the statements that the function executes when it is called. It is important to note that a function can only be defined once; attempting to define it multiple times will result in a compilation error.

Key Differences Between Function Declaration and Definition

The primary difference between function declaration and definition is that the declaration only provides the signature of the function, including its name, input parameters, and return type. The definition, on the other hand, contains the actual implementation of the function.

Another key difference is that function declarations are generally included in header files that are included in the main code file, while function definitions are written in the body of the code file.

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Lastly, you can have multiple function declarations for a single function, but you can only have one function definition.


In summary, the declaration and definition of a function play critical roles in programming. Declarations introduce the function to the compiler, while definitions provide the actual implementation. Understanding the difference between the two is essential for proper function design and reliable program execution.

Table difference between declaration and definition of function

Declaration Definition
An introduction of a function to the compiler The actual implementation of the function
The function prototype is included The function body is included
Does not require the implementation of the function Requires the implementation of the function
Used to inform the compiler about the function signature Defines the function signature and its behavior
Can be placed in a header file Cannot be placed in a header file