difference between cow and buffalo

The Key Differences Between Cow and Buffalo

Physical Appearance

Cow and buffalo are two types of domesticated mammals that both belong to the bovine family. However, these two species have noticeable physical differences. The most obvious one is their size. Buffaloes are usually larger and more muscular than cows, with a tough body that is dark or black in color. In contrast, cows are lighter and slimmer with an angular head, and they come in a variety of colors, including black, white, and brown.

Regional Differences

Another significant difference is the region in which they both are typically found. In India, buffalo is a widely domesticated animal, and it is primarily utilized for milk and dairy purposes. On the contrary, cows were more popular initially, but their use has gradually declined in recent years. In the western part of the world, especially in Europe and the United States, cows are the most classically domesticated animal, used for meat and milk production, whereas buffaloes are not often domesticated.

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Nutritional Composition

There are some site of differences between the nutritional compositions of cow and buffalo milk. In comparison, buffalo milk contains a higher fat content than cow milk. The former usually contains 8-10% fat while the latter has just about 3.5 to 4.5 percent. Because of this, buffalo milk is much richer and creamier in taste compared to cow’s milk. Buffalo milk nutrition also includes higher levels of protein and calcium than cow’s milk, making it a preferable choice for people who need an additional calcium supply in their diet.


The temperament of both animals differs as well. Cows are social animals and have a tendency to be friendly with their handlers. Buffaloes, on the other hand, can be aggressive at times, making them challenging to handle in the fields. This is what makes buffalo rearing difficult and more labor-intensive than cow farming.


In conclusion, cow and buffalo are two closely related domestic animals with notable differences. They have different physical appearances, regional preferences, nutritional compositions, and temperaments. Knowing the differences between these two mammals can help people make informed decisions about which one to raise for horticulture or food purposes.

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Table difference between cow and buffalo

Cow Buffalo
Mostly bred for meat and dairy products Mostly bred for milking and as draft animals
Smaller in size and weight compared to buffalo Larger in size and weight compared to cow
Have a higher tolerance for colder climates Can withstand hotter climates and are better suited for swampy regions
Milk has lower fat content compared to buffalo milk Milk has higher fat content compared to cow milk
Have a docile temperament and are easier to handle Have a more aggressive temperament and can be hard to handle