difference between brown bear and grizzly

Difference Between Brown Bear and Grizzly: Understanding the Two Rugged Species


Brown bears and grizzly bears are often confused with each other, but in reality, they are two distinct species. These iconic animals are found across North America and are known for their majestic appearance and ferocious nature. In this article, we will discuss the differences between brown bears and grizzly bears to help you better understand these fascinating creatures.

Physical Appearance

One of the key differences between brown bears and grizzly bears is their physical appearance. Brown bears are typically larger in size, with longer, shaggier fur that ranges in color from blonde to dark brown. They have a prominent hump above their shoulders, which is caused by their massive muscles that help them dig for food. Grizzly bears, on the other hand, have shorter fur that ranges in color from light brown to black. They are smaller than brown bears and have a more pronounced facial profile, which gives them a distinctive “grizzled” appearance.

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Habitat and Range

Another difference between brown bears and grizzly bears is their habitat and range. Brown bears are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, mountains, and tundra regions. They are widespread throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Grizzly bears, on the other hand, are found in western North America, primarily in Alaska and parts of Canada and the United States.

Behavioral Differences

While both brown bears and grizzly bears are known for their ferocious nature, there are some key behavioral differences between the two species. Brown bears are generally more tolerant of humans and are more likely to scavenge for food in garbage dumps and other human settlements. Grizzly bears, on the other hand, are more aggressive and have been known to attack humans who get too close to their territory or cubs.

Diet and Feeding Habits

Brown bears and grizzly bears both have a varied diet that includes berries, nuts, fish, and small mammals. However, grizzly bears are more opportunistic when it comes to their feeding habits and will often scavenge for food, while brown bears are more likely to hunt for their food.

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In summary, while brown bears and grizzly bears may look similar, there are significant differences between the two species. From their physical appearance to their habitat and behavioral differences, these two rugged animals are fascinating to study and observe in their natural habitats. Hopefully, this article has helped you better understand the differences between brown bears and grizzly bears, and the important roles they play in our ecosystem.

Table difference between brown bear and grizzly

Features Brown Bear Grizzly
Habitat Forests and meadows Mountains and tundras
Size Large – up to 9 feet and 1,500 pounds Large – up to 9 feet and 1,200 pounds
Appearance Longer, lighter fur with a grizzled appearance Short, grizzled fur with a hump on their back
Diet Vegetation and salmon Insects, rodents, and larger animals like elk
Behavior Less aggressive More aggressive and territorial