difference between boy and girl bumps

Understanding the Difference between Boy and Girl Bumps during Pregnancy

One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy is guessing the gender of the baby. While the ultimate determination can only be made through medical testing, many expectant mothers try to decode the gender by the way their bump looks. In reality, the appearance of the bump can vary between boy and girl pregnancies. Here’s what you need to know:

Bump shape and size

One of the most significant differences between boy and girl bumps is their shape and size. Generally, bumps of boys tend to be shaped like a football or a straight line along the belly, with a protruding belly button. On the other hand, the bump shape of a girl pregnancy tends to be rounded and spread all the way around the midsection.

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Bump position

The position of the bump is also a great indicator of the baby’s gender. The bump of a boy pregnancy sits lower and closer to the pelvis, while the bump of a girl pregnancy sits higher on the belly.

Bump complexion

Another difference between boy and girl bumps is their complexion. The bump for a girl pregnancy may appear to have a smoother complexion, while the bump for a boy pregnancy may appear to be rough to the touch due to the male hormones.

Bumping against old wives’ tales

While some people believe in the old wives’ tales that predict baby gender based on the bump shape or other traits, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. However, some expectant mothers swear by the tactics while many women have proved them to be untrue.

In conclusion, the difference between boy and girl bumps during pregnancy is mainly focused on the shape, position, and complexion of the bump. While it is understandable that expectant mothers are eager to know the sex of their child, it is important to note that the appearance of the bump may not be a reliable indicator. Only medical testing can provide a guarantee of the gender, and the best way to predict the future of your child is healthy eating, regular exercise, and regular visits to your obstetrician.

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