difference between bfs and dfs

Understanding the Key Differences between BFS and DFS Algorithms

When it comes to traversing through a graph data structure, BFS and DFS are two of the most commonly used algorithms. However, while both methods serve the same basic purpose of searching through a graph, there are some fundamental differences between them. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between BFS and DFS algorithms and help you understand which one to use in which scenarios.

What is BFS?

BFS or Breadth-First Search is a graph traversal algorithm that traverses through a graph level by level, starting from the root or source node. The basic idea behind BFS is to explore all the vertices at the same depth level before proceeding to the next depth level. BFS uses a queue data structure to maintain the order of nodes that it must process.

What is DFS?

DFS or Depth-First Search is a graph traversal algorithm that traverses through a graph by exploring as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. In other words, it goes as deep as possible in a graph before backtracking to explore other branches. DFS uses a stack data structure to maintain the order of nodes that it must process.

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Key Differences between BFS and DFS

1. Algorithm: The BFS algorithm explores the nodes level by level, while DFS explores the graph depth-first.

2. Data Structure: BFS uses a queue data structure, while DFS uses a stack data structure.

3. Performance: BFS has a higher memory requirement as it needs to store all the nodes at each depth level. DFS, on the other hand, requires less memory as it only has to remember the path it took to reach a particular node.

4. Time Complexity: The time complexity of both BFS and DFS is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. However, the actual time taken by the algorithm may vary depending on the graph topology.

5. Applications: BFS is better suited for finding the shortest path between two nodes and can be used to solve problems like finding the minimum number of moves to solve a puzzle. DFS is better suited for exploring all paths in a graph and can be used to solve problems like finding all possible paths between two nodes or detecting cycles in a graph.


While both BFS and DFS algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages, the choice between them depends largely on the problem you’re trying to solve. BFS is better suited for problems related to shortest path finding, while DFS is better suited for problems related to exhaustive path finding. It’s important to understand the differences between the two algorithms and choose the one that fits your problem best.

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Table difference between bfs and dfs

| | BFS (Breadth-First Search) | DFS (Depth-First Search) |
| Approach | Explores all neighbor nodes at the present depth level before moving to the next level. | Explores branch as far as possible before backtracking. |
| Queue or Stack | Queue | Stack |
| Time Complexity | O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. | O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. |
| Memory Consumption | Uses more memory than DFS because it has to maintain a queue to store all the nodes at each level. | Uses less memory than BFS because it only has to keep track of the current path being explored. |
| Applications | Finding the shortest path between two nodes in an unweighted graph, finding all connected components in an undirected graph, and detecting cycles in a graph. | Topological sorting, finding strongly connected components in a directed graph, and solving mazes or puzzles. |