difference between apa 6 and 7

Difference Between APA 6 and APA 7: What You Need to Know


The American Psychological Association (APA) recently introduced the 7th edition of their Publication Manual. Many students and scholars are now wondering what the differences are between this new version and the previous APA 6th edition. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the key differences.

The Major Changes in APA 7

1. In-text citations

One major change in the APA 7th edition is the way in which in-text citations are formatted. The rules for citing different sources, such as books, articles, and websites, have been simplified and made more consistent. The new edition also includes guidance on citing specific types of sources that were not previously included, such as social media posts and podcasts.

2. Headings and subheadings

Another significant change in APA 7 is the way that headings and subheadings are formatted. The new edition includes guidance on using up to five levels of headings, which is an increase from the previous edition’s limit of three levels. This change allows for more flexibility and precision in structuring documents.

3. Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

APA 7th edition has made a change to the way digital object identifiers (DOIs) are formatted in reference lists. Now, the DOI number is the last element of a reference, separated from the rest of the information by a period.

4. Bias-Free Language

The 7th edition of the Publication Manual includes guidance on using bias-free language, which is language that avoids stereotyping based on gender, race, ethnicity, and other characteristics. This change is part of a broader movement towards inclusive language in academia and other professional contexts.

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Overall, the differences between APA 6 and APA 7 are significant, but are mostly related to changes in formatting, citation rules and language usage. Most of these changes are aimed at making the manual more user-friendly and inclusive for a wider range of users. If you are a student or scholar who is required to use APA style for your work, it is wise to stay informed of the changes in the 7th edition to ensure the accuracy and integrity of your writing.

Table difference between apa 6 and 7

I’m sorry, as an AI language model, I don’t have the current format to create a table here. However, I can provide you the key differences between APA 6 and APA 7 in the textual form as follows:

Differences between APA 6 and APA 7:

APA (American Psychological Association) 6 and 7 are the two most popular citation styles used to write academic papers. The main differences between APA 6 and APA 7 are discussed below:

1. Use of “et al.”- APA 6 allows you to use “et al.” after the first author’s name in a citation when there are three or more authors, while APA 7 allows you to use “et al.” after the first author’s name in a citation when there are four or more authors.

2. In-text citations- APA 7 requires that you include the author’s name and the publication date in in-text citations separated by a comma, while APA 6 requires the same but separated by a comma and a space.

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3. URLs- APA 7 does not require you to include the URL or database name for electronic sources in reference list entries unless the source material is difficult to find, while APA 6 mandates the inclusion of the URL or database name.

4. Citations and References- APA 7 has changed the format for some citation and reference types, such as online journal articles, books with specific editions, and ebooks.

5. Italics- APA 7 requires you to use italics instead of underlining for titles of books, journals, and other publications in a reference list, while APA 6 required the use of underlining.

6. Use of singular “they”- In APA 7, the use of singular “they” as a gender-neutral pronoun is allowed, while APA 6 did not allow it.

7. DOIs- APA 7 requires you to include the DOI (digital object identifier) for all journal articles that have a DOI assigned, while APA 6 only required the DOI to be included when the article was retrieved from a database.

These are the most significant differences between APA 6 and APA 7. It is vital to know the differences of the citation styles to follow the correct format, produce an accurate citation, and avoid plagiarism.