Da’wah: Definition of Several Types of Da’wah

Types of da’wah – Dakwah is the process of conveying religious teachings and inviting others to accept and practice them. In Islam, da’wah refers to efforts to spread Islamic teachings and invite others to become Muslims. This preaching itself can not only be heard in mosques, but can also be heard on electronic devices.

Apart from that, it would be even better if the preaching that had been conveyed by Islamic religious leaders, we practiced in our daily lives. Talking about da’wah is certainly very broad, even the da’wah itself is divided into several types. Then, do you already know about the meaning and types of da’wah?

So, so that we know what da’wah means, you can refer to this article, Sinaumed’s.

What is Dakwah?

Broadly speaking, the meaning of da’wah in Islam is the process of providing explanations and teaching about Islamic teachings, as well as inviting others to accept and practice these teachings. Da’wah in Islam aims to spread the truth, invite people to know God Almighty, and improve the quality of human life from a spiritual and social perspective. Da’wah is also a form of amar ma’ruf nahi munkar which is an obligation for every Muslim.

In general, the notion of da’wah has something in common, namely as a process of spreading religious teachings and inviting others to accept and practice them. However, the perspectives and approaches used in preaching can vary depending on the disciplines used.

Da’wah in Islam is an attempt to convey Islamic teachings and invite others to accept and practice them. The term da’wah comes from Arabic which means “to call someone to do something” or “to convey something to someone”. In the context of Islam, da’wah refers to the process of conveying Islamic teachings and inviting people to follow them.

Da’wah in Islam is not only carried out by the Prophets and Apostles, but is also expected to be carried out by every Muslim. This is because da’wah is a shared responsibility in disseminating Islamic teachings and enforcing Islamic law.

In general, da’wah is carried out by providing an explanation of Islamic teachings and their benefits, as well as explaining a way of life that is in accordance with Islamic teachings. Da’wah can also be done by being a good role model and establishing good relations with others.

Specifically, da’wah in Islam is an attempt to convey Islamic teachings revealed by Allah SWT to mankind and invite them to accept and practice them. This includes conveying religious messages, explaining religious laws, conveying moral teachings, and inviting people to change their behavior and way of life in accordance with Islamic teachings.

In addition, da’wah is also expected to achieve awareness and understanding of true Islamic teachings and improve the quality of one’s faith. In this case, da’wah must be carried out in a good and right way, namely by being polite, wise, and respecting the differences of opinion and beliefs of others.

Dakwah is also expected to improve one’s quality of life in the spiritual and moral aspects, as well as encourage positive social change. Therefore, da’wah must also be carried out with a holistic approach, namely by paying attention to the social, economic, political and cultural conditions that exist in society.

Types of preaching

As discussed earlier, in this article, we will not only discuss the meaning of da’wah and also the types of da’wah. In the following, the types of Islamic da’wah, which are commonly used.

1. Direct preaching

Direct da’wah is the process of conveying Islamic teachings directly to individuals or community groups, either through personal contact, meetings or lectures.

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2. Da’wah through the media

Da’wah through the media is the process of conveying Islamic teachings through mass media such as television, radio, newspapers and the internet.

3. Da’wah through education

Da’wah through education is the process of disseminating Islamic teachings through formal or non-formal education, such as schools, madrasas, courses, and da’wah programs.

4. Da’wah through coaching

Da’wah through coaching is the process of conveying Islamic teachings through fostering and developing the potential of individuals or community groups.

5. Da’wah through amar ma’ruf nahi munkar

Da’wah through amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, namely the process of conveying Islamic teachings through amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, namely by inviting people to do good deeds and prevent bad deeds.

6. Da’wah through social action

Da’wah through social action is the process of conveying Islamic teachings through social action that aims to improve the social welfare of the community.

All of these types of da’wah are forms of da’wah that were introduced in Islam, but basically all of them aim to convey the teachings of Islam and invite others to accept and practice them.


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How to Do Da’wah

Sinaumed’s, so that our discussion about da’wah becomes more complete, here, we will discuss about the activity of carrying out da’wah. Basically, in doing da’wah, there are several ways that can be done. Here are some ways to do da’wah that can be used.

1. Be a role model

Before conveying da’wah, one must be a good role model by practicing Islamic teachings in everyday life.

2. Use appropriate language

Use language appropriate to the audience that will be invited to accept Islamic teachings.

3. Convey in a simple way

Convey Islamic teachings in a way that is simple and easy for the audience to understand.

4. Be a good listener

Be a good listener to input and questions raised by the audience.

5. Convey in a positive way

Convey Islamic teachings in a positive way, without discouraging the beliefs of other religions.

6. Show evidence

Show evidence that supports the Islamic teachings conveyed.

7. Deliver with patience

Convey da’wah patiently and not in a hurry, because the da’wah process requires sufficient time to be accepted by the audience.

8. Establish good relations

Establish good relations with the audience before, during and after the da’wah process.

9. Cooperate with others

Cooperate with others in carrying out da’wah, because da’wah is a shared responsibility.

10. Be polite and friendly

Be polite and friendly in conveying Islamic teachings, so that the audience feels comfortable and not intimidated.

All of the methods mentioned above are several ways that can be done in carrying out da’wah, but the best way is in a way that is appropriate to the situation and conditions at hand. So, if you want to convey da’wah, you should read the conditions or circumstances first.

Criteria for Becoming an Ideal Preacher

To become an ideal preacher, there are several conditions that must be met, including:

1. Sufficient knowledge

A preacher must have sufficient knowledge of Islamic teachings in order to convey the teachings properly and correctly.

2. Trust

A preacher must be trustworthy and responsible for the mission he carries out.

3. Be patient

A preacher must be patient in facing challenges and obstacles in the process of preaching.

4. Firm and consistent

A preacher must be firm and consistent in carrying out his da’wah and not be easily influenced by situations and the environment.

5. Do good

A preacher must do good to others and set a positive example.

6. Respect differences

A preacher must respect the differences in religion and beliefs of others.

7. Be polite

A preacher must be polite and not belittle other people in conveying Islamic teachings.

8. Be a role model

A preacher must be a good role model by practicing Islamic teachings in everyday life.

9. Establish good relations

A preacher must be able to establish good relations with others.

10. Be grateful

A preacher must always be grateful and say Alhamdulillah for the blessings received.

All of the conditions mentioned above are some of the conditions that must be met to become an ideal preacher, but basically a preacher must always improve himself and get better from time to time.

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Do you already understand da’wah? No need to worry, through the book The Clever and Educating Da’wah Interpreter , you will learn more about da’wah. This book is perfect for serving as a guide for those who want to preach. Through this book, readers will find out that while there are many people who feel capable of preaching without learning what are the requirements for being an intelligent preacher and educating the people.

History of Da’wah in Islam

The history of da’wah in Islam begins with the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. At the beginning of his preaching, the Prophet Muhammad conveyed Islamic teachings in secret to his family and closest friends. However, after the sixth year of the first revelation, the Prophet Muhammad SAW began to preach publicly and invite people to accept Islamic teachings.

In the 13th year, the Prophet Muhammad and his companions left Makkah and migrated to Medina. In that year, Islamic preaching began to be carried out openly and received support from the Medina community. After migrating, the Prophet Muhammad and his companions carried out da’wah in different ways, such as direct preaching, preaching through peace treaties, preaching by force, preaching through education, and others.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his companions continued the preaching of Islam in the same way as the Prophet Muhammad SAW did. They spread Islamic teachings to various regions in the Middle East and North Africa, such as Egypt, Persia, Byzantium and India.

In the 7th and 8th centuries, the preaching of Islam in southern Spain and areas in Europe was carried out by preachers from Andalusia. At this time, Islamic da’wah was also carried out by preachers from India, China, and other regions in Asia. Da’wah of Islam continues until now and is carried out by various individuals and community groups throughout the world. However, at this time, Islamic da’wah was also expanded through various media and technologies such as the internet, television, radio, and others.

Preacher Figures in Islam

Famous and influential Islamic preachers in history are:

Prophet Muhammad SAW

As the main preacher in Islam, he conveyed Islamic teachings to mankind for 23 years and introduced Islam to the whole world through his preaching.

Abu Bakr As Siddiq

As the first friend and caliph after the Prophet Muhammad, he preached throughout the Arab region and expanded the Islamic realm.

Umar bin Khattab

As the second caliph after the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he carried out preaching and expanded Islamic territory to Egypt, Persia and other areas in the Middle East.

Uthman bin Affan

As the third caliph after the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he preached to areas in North Africa and strengthened his preaching in areas that had been controlled by Islam.

Ali bin Abi Talib

As the fourth caliph after the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he also carried out da’wah and expanded Islamic territory to areas in the Middle East.

Salahuddin Al Ayubi

As the leader of the Crusaders who succeeded in expelling Christian troops from Jerusalem in the 12th century, he also preached to areas controlled by Islam.

Hassan Al Banna

As the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood da’wah organization in Egypt in the 20th century, he carried out da’wah and fought for a comprehensive and thorough understanding of Islam.

Sayyid Qutb

As a Muslim intellectual and preacher in the 20th century, he wrote several books which became references for da’wah and promoted a modern and progressive understanding of Islam.

These figures are examples of influential preachers in the history of Islam, but there are many other figures who contributed to the preaching and expansion


The purpose of da’wah in Islam is to spread Islamic teachings and invite others to accept and practice them. The purpose of da’wah in Islam includes several things, including:

  1. Conveying religious messages revealed by Allah SWT and explaining the applicable religious laws.
  2. Delivering moral teachings taught in Islam and inviting people to change their behavior and way of life in accordance with Islamic teachings.
  3. Achieving awareness and understanding of true Islamic teachings and improving the quality of one’s faith.
  4. Improving one’s quality of life in the spiritual and moral aspects, as well as encouraging positive social change in society.
  5. Unite Muslims and unify the Muslim community around the world
  6. Invites mankind to follow the commands of Allah SWT and leave sinful acts.

Well, Sinaumed’s, our article regarding the meaning and types of da’wah has been completed, after knowing the meaning, types, history of da’wah, I hope all the discussion above will be useful for Sinaumed’s friends.

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  • https://www.merdeka.com/jabar/pengertian-dakwah-besert-tipe-dan-kaedahnya-dalam-islam-kln.html
  • https://www.detik.com/edu/detikpedia/d-5599206/pengertian-dakwah-menurut-language-dan-terms
  • https://www.liputan6.com/hot/read/4769793/ kinds of-dakwah-pengertian-dan-elemen-elemennya-dalam-islam