Contravention is a Form of Dissociative Interaction in Society

Contravention is – In social life there are three forms of dissociative social interaction ranging from competition, convention, and conflict. Consider the meaning of these three forms of dissociative interaction along with the following examples in the social life of the community.

Contravention is a Form of Dissociative Social Interaction

Dissociative social interaction, also known as disintegrative or disjunctive interaction. Dissociative interaction itself is a social process which then leads to conflict and division. Either between individuals or between groups.

Not only conflict, there are several forms of dissociative social interaction which are also marked by physical contact, such as violence. This dissociative social interaction is further divided into three forms, namely competition, convention, and conflict. Below is a more complete explanation.

1. Forms of Dissociative Social Interaction Competition (Competition)

In general, competition as a process to achieve a victory or profit which is then carried out openly and closed without any elements of threats or elements of violence.

Meanwhile, with more significance in sociology, Soerjono Soekanto later revealed that competition is part of a social process. Which is carried out by individuals or groups and is characterized by seeking profit to become the center of attention. With procedures to sharpen social prejudice and without elements of threats and violence.

An example in the social life of society is competition in the industrial world by fast food companies, such as between KFC and MCd which are fiercely competitive.

Another example is the actions taken by political figures who compete in an area to then be able to sit in government offices in various ways in order to defeat their opponents.

2. Forms of Conflict Dissociative Social Interaction

Conflict is a social process that is usually carried out by individuals or groups which is also characterized by unequal mindsets and interests, which then lead to conflict and conflict.

This difference generally occurs because of a very fast social change. Conflict itself comes from the word “configure” which means hitting. So in the context of dissociative social interaction this is generally accompanied by violence, intimidation, rebellion, and various other forms of physical contact that occur between groups and individuals.

An easy example is in the school environment such as when going to a cultural parade. Of course from the many committees and the various opinions of each. For example, there are two camps, camp A which wants to raise the theme of the Province of Bali, while camp B wants Betawi Culture to be the parade this year.

Because they both defended their opinions, the two of them then fought each other using violence. Another example of conflict is the cultural conflict between the Dani and Moni tribes in Papua.

The disputes that have occurred repeatedly are themselves caused by the struggle for territory for the Trans Nabire road. In this conflict, each tribe then carried out a district war carrying arrows and bows that were ready to be fired at their opponents.

Another example of conflict is political conflict, namely during the 2017 meeting of DPR members to discuss the KPK’s inquiry rights. After the deputy chairman of the DPR, who at that time was Fahri Hamza, decided on the results of the plenary session, the Gerindra Party factions rushed to leave the room because they considered their decision to violate the rules.

3. Contravention Dissociative Social Interaction Forms

Contravention is a form of dissociative social interaction which is indicated by an attitude of rejection, dissatisfaction, distrust, and denial in society. Which then on the basis of this they carry out actions that cause divisions such as rebellion.

A real example in the social life of the community is the regent campaign period which is of course the dream of many people, not infrequently the election will then lead to tough competition. So that it justifies many ways, including convention.

Contraventions that are carried out by themselves can be by bringing down opponents by inciting the surrounding community, then providing incorrect information about opponents which is usually synonymous with negative news, as well as various other bad news.

Another, simpler example is that Nina often wins overall at school, but with this achievement her friends feel jealous and don’t believe that this achievement is actually the result of Nina’s learning. Based on this, Nino then intervened with his friends by spreading false information regarding Nina.

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Types and Forms of Contraventions

1. Type of Contravention

Types of Contravention have various types, so to be able to know what these types are usually then closely related to a generation that exists in society.

This itself occurs on a rapid scale of change, for example in children with parents. With the increasing age of the child, the social environment is increasingly widespread, causing parents to worry that the child will then make various deviations from tradition.

In addition there are also types related to sex. This type itself concerns the relationship between husband and wife and also their role in society, the last is the parliamentary type which is a contradiction that concerns the relationship between the majority and also the minority.

2. Form of Contravention

Contravention can be in the form of social interaction and is characterized by the lack of certainty about a person’s self and feelings of dislike that he has until then hidden.

Contravention is a part of social interaction, contravention is included in a form of social process that exists between competition and conflict.

Meanwhile, contravention has various symptoms with uncertainty about a person’s self or plans and feelings of dislike which are then hidden, as well as hatred and doubt about a person’s personality.

Contravention can also refer to a view, belief, thought, and also a plan that has been put forward by a group or person.

Leopold von Wiese and Howard Becker, as one of the social figures then described that in essence there are five forms of contradiction in social life.

The forms and examples of these conventions include the following.

  • Intensive, is a form that is carried out steadily or continuously and in practice this intensive intervention will then have a psychological impact on a social life.
  • Secrecy, is a form of implementation carried out secretly or clandestinely in a society’s life.
  • Tactical, is a form with a pattern of rules in its implementation so that in general this feature of convention is very difficult to get rid of.
  • General, is a form that is done in general in a social life. The general conventions here provide more of a focus point on the impacts and the intensity of their occurrence.
  • Simple is a form that is carried out within the scope of a small community. This convention itself does not have a broad impact because it is carried out between individuals or between groups in society

Contravention Impact

There are various impacts that are then produced in this convention, which include positive impacts and also negative impacts. The following is an explanation of the consequences caused by the convention.

1. Positive Impact

The result or positive impact of the existence of a convention, in general, is to encourage the occurrence of a social order in the social order.

For example, in scientific discussions and seminars on a particular problem, this difference of opinion is usually expected to see the weaknesses in an opinion so that choices are found in the course of a scientific process.

The positive impact of other conventions is as follows.

  • Providing strong unity or solidarity, this condition will then occur in convention if there is a group of conventions.
  • Be the driving effect of social change, with conventions that will directly change the policies and directives of conflicting parties.
  • Giving a sense of belonging, this itself is due to the presence of behavioral contradictions in an individual or group which indirectly shows their love for culture and conditions in society.

2. Negative Impact

The consequences or negative impacts that occur due to this convention include the following;

  • Encouraging the occurrence of social conflict, or the second negative impact of the presence of contradictions or encouraging the occurrence of other forms of social conflict which ultimately with this condition causes conflict in a social life.
  • Obstructing the mobility process in the community, the mobilization process in the community itself will be hampered by the occurrence of contradictions, this process becomes so important in efforts to encourage progress to become part of social life
  • Giving a sense of distrust in society, a sense of distrust in social life itself often occurs because of the conventions that are carried out in this social life. This in itself happens because the convention will give a sense of suspicion among the public.

Examples of Contraventions in Community Life

Examples of contravention in society, for example, in an event carried out through a demonstration by workers at a factory, this demonstration itself was carried out in an effort to straighten out government policies that were not in line with the expectations of the workers.

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The cause of this contradiction is more driven by policy, so that it is easier to accommodate the number of masses. The following are other examples of conventions.

1. School Environment

An example of an event that is included in a convention at school is at an educational institution. For example, with differences of opinion among students who carry out discussion assignments.

The implementation of this discussion is generally carried out by these students which in general will provide quite fierce differences, even though the scope of this convention is classified as a positive contradiction, because it stimulates self-confidence in the students themselves.

2. Religion

Another example is the contradiction in religion. For example, regarding the event of establishing Eid Al-Fitr, there are many differences in the month of Shawwal that also occur among fellow Muslims, this condition itself can be said to be an example of contradiction in religion.

3. Politics

Examples of contravention in political institutions, for example, when there is a dispute that is usually carried out by members of the DPR in the MPR or DPR building. This conflict can be based on differences in party coalitions and different views to achieve various goals.

4. Everyday Life

Consciously or not, in essence, in everyday life, there are often contraventions, for example, neighbors who socialize provide untrue news (slander), slander in this condition is then called intensive contravention.

From the explanation above, it can be said that the cause of contradiction is the difference in stance between a certain group and other groups in a society, or it could also be between the stance of one society and another.

What is certain is that in a convention, if good directions are not given, it will encourage conflict in a community’s life. That’s all the info about conventions, hopefully useful.

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