Basic Elements of Dance, Elements, and Functions, and Types of Dance

Basic Elements of Dance – Dance is a form of art and culture. In Indonesia itself has various types of dance from each region. You could say that every region has a different type of dance.

From the different types of dance that are owned by each region, it makes a unique culture and continues to be maintained today. Different types of dance can also be the identity of a region.

Maybe you have heard in school lessons that the art of dance has supporting elements in it. So, let’s learn together about all things related to the art of dance.

One of the discussions that will be explained in this article is about the basic elements of dance. Therefore, so that you also understand more about all things related to the art of dance, see the explanation below.

Definition of Dance

Simply put, dance is a movement of the whole or part of the body that is done rhythmically. Dance is also performed at certain times which can express a purpose, feeling and thought. In addition, dance can be performed with musical accompaniment or without using musical accompaniment.

In dance that uses musical accompaniment, the dancers will follow the rhythm of the music. This means that those who play the music will arrange all the dancers’ movements according to the rhythm so that the message, meaning and purpose can be conveyed properly to the audience.

Even though it has movements that are almost the same as everyday life. But actually the movements in dance are so different from the movements in everyday life. An example is the movement of walking and running in the art of dance will be different from the movements that are carried out every day.

It should be noted that in dance every movement is always very rhythmic. It can even be said that every movement in dance is an elastic and expressive movement. In addition, the movement in dance also comes from three elements, namely wiraga or body, wirama or rhythm and wirasa or taste.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), dance is an art that involves dancing or rhythmic movements. Then for the definition of dance in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is a rhythmic movement of the body (hands and so on), usually accompanied by sounds (music, gamelan, and so on). From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the element in the art of dance is the movement itself.

Basic Elements of Dance

In the art of dance there are basic elements. According to Eko Purnomo, the basic element of dance is motion. Where the motion includes space, time and energy. An explanation of the scope of the basic elements of dance is below.

1. Space

Space is an area that is used to perform dance movements. Whether it’s a closed room or open space, dance can be done. Some examples of spaces used for dance performances are stages, stages or other places that can be used for dance performances.

2. Time

Every move you make always takes time. Both aesthetic and functional movements always have their own time. Aesthetic movement is a movement that exists in the art of dance and is so pleasing to the eye. While functional movement is a movement that is usually done in everyday life such as walking and running.

In time there is a tempo. This means that each movement always has a different tempo. If the movement is done with a fast tempo. Then the time needed will also be less.

Meanwhile, if a vibration has a very slow tempo. Then the time needed for the movement will also be longer. In dance, tempo is used to create a dynamic impression. Of course this will also make the audience more comfortable enjoying the dance being demonstrated.

3. Energy

Every movement you make requires energy. In the art of dance, the energy used also includes several important things. Among them are as explained below.

  • Intensity related to the quantity of energy in dance and produces a certain level of tension in the movement.
  • Accents or pressure will appear when a dance movement is carried out suddenly and in contrast.
  • Quality relates to the energy used. Where when the dance moves have a high intensity. Then the power used will also be stronger and vice versa.
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Elements in the Art of Dance

As explained earlier, if there are several elements in the art of dance. These elements include hero, hero and hero. So that you also understand more about the elements. Here is an explanation of unusr in the art of dance.

1. Body or Body

Wiraga or raga element is one of the elements in the art of dance. The presence of this heroic element will show movements such as jumping, sitting, standing and other movements in the art of dance.

You could say that the element of wiraga is the main element in the art of dance. Because every dance art always has movements that are full of meaning. Every movement in the art of dance is usually known as the choreographer. The existence of the wiraga element makes the movements in dance look so beautiful.

2. Rhythm Or Rhythm

Next there is the element of wirama or element of rhythm. The element of rhythm in dance is created by the accompanists playing music. Basically the dancers must be able to adjust or adapt their movements to the rhythm of the music that accompanies them. Not only that, because the dancers must also be able to follow the tempo of the music.

3. Sense Or Taste

Lastly, there is wirasa or the element of taste. A dance art cannot be displayed just like that without an element of taste in it. When a dance art that is shown does not have a sense in it.

So the art of dance cannot touch the feelings of the audience. Because of this, the element of taste in dance is very important. The element of taste in this dance art can be shown by dancers through expressions and also rhythmic movements. The existence of expressions and rhythmic movements carried out by the dancers will make the audience able to be touched by the dance art that is being displayed.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the elements in the art of dance must exist. Every movement shown cannot be called a dance if it does not have these three main elements in it.

Supporting Elements in Dance

The art of dance does not only have main elements. But in it there is also a supporting element. Some of these supporting elements can make the audience so interested to see the dance which is full of rhythmic movements in it.

So that you also understand more about the supporting elements in the art of dance. Then the explanation below will help you more easily.

1. Accompaniment

The first supporting element is the accompaniment element. This accompaniment element can be from the music as well as the dancers themselves. The existence of musical accompaniment will be able to make every movement made by the dancers more rhythmic and more rhythmic.

The combination of musical accompaniment and dance will make the audience more interested in watching it. This is because the attraction given by this combination makes the art of dance more attractive.

Next is the accompaniment of the dancers themselves. An example is shouting, pounding, clapping and so on. The accompaniment of the dancers will make the art of dance look more beautiful to watch.

2. Costumes

Next is the costume which can be a supporting element of the art of dance itself. Each costume worn by the dancers must be adapted to the atmosphere and type of dance itself.

Even dance from each region also has its own costume. From the dance costumes that are different in each region, it will be able to show a more prominent regional element when witnessed by the audience.

3. Makeup

Makeup can also be a supporting element in the art of dance. When dancers don’t use maximum make-up. So there is a possibility that if the expressions shown by the dancers are not optimal at the same time the message and atmosphere of the dance performed will not be conveyed to the audience.

This means that the make-up used in dance must be in accordance with the dance to be performed. Make-up can be done by the dancers themselves or by using the services of a make-up artist.

4. Floor Pattern or Blocking

The art of dance which can always focus on rhythmic movements will make the dancers not only remain silent on the stage. The dancers will be able to move to and fro. Therefore it is very important for a dancer to be able to master the stage.

This is also done so that every movement made by the dancer is able to captivate the attraction of the audience. Mastery of the stage can be done in several ways such as rehearsals before performing, the position of the audience to the size of the stage or place.

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When a dancer can master the stage. Then the dance moves that he brings will be able to captivate the audience who witnessed his performance. Then when the dance moves are performed in groups, stage control must also be carried out more thoroughly. This is done so that the dance movements performed by the group of dancers can be seen even more optimally.

5. Movement

Finally, there is movement which also enters into one of the supporting elements in the art of dance. Every dance movement performed by the dancers can be combined with additional movements. Examples are claps, stomps and so forth.

The movements are not only from the hands and feet. However, facial expressions should also be paid more attention. When the art of dance is performed it can be combined with additional movements as well as facial expressions. Then the dance art will look more aesthetic and more stunning.

Dance Function

Dance performance on stage has several functions. You can read some of the functions of this dance in full as the explanation below.

1. Performing Arts

Dance can have a function as a form of performance from art performances, especially for regional arts. The existence of art performances that present dance can make people know the beauty of every dance movement performed by dancers.

Especially when the dance movements that are delivered are already conceptualized. So the art of dance performed by dancers can have its own charm. Even the audience can be more touched by the dance moves on the stage. Besides that, the existence of dance in art performances is also able to increase the tourism aspect of the local area.

2. Traditional Ceremonial Facilities

Indonesia is rich in culture such as dance which is displayed to coincide with traditional ceremonies. Even the art of dance is sometimes also displayed during certain religious rituals.

There are certain goals that are expected when dance is performed during certain traditional ceremonies or religious rituals such as asking for a smooth harvest, begging for rain and so on.

3. Entertainment Facilities

Spectators who watch dance art do not only want to get the meaning that the dancer wants to convey. But the audience also wants to get entertainment from the dance that is being presented before them.

Therefore dance also has a function as a means of entertainment, both for dance lovers and for the common people as well. The more interesting the art of dance that is displayed. Then the audience will be easier to entertain.

4. Association

The final function of dance is as a means of association. Where the existence of dance will facilitate association while increasing social relations from one person to another. Both for fellow dancers and those who help the success of the dance performance.



Types of Dance Arts

The types of dance are divided into two groups, namely types of dance based on the number of dancers and types of dance based on genre. The two groups are further divided into several other categories. So that you also know more about the types of dance. Then the explanation below will help you.

1. Types of Dance Based on the Number of Dancers

Types of dance based on the number of dancers can be categorized into three categories as explained below.

a. Single or Solo Dance

As the name suggests, this type of solo or solo dance is only performed by one dancer on stage, both male and female dancers.

b. Pair or Duet Dance

Next is the type of dance in pairs or duets. Where later two dancers, be it male dancers with male dancers, female dancers with female dancers or even male dancers with female dancers will bring dance art.

c. Group Dance or Group

Finally, there is the type of group or group dance, in which later dance performances will be performed by a group of dancers. In this type of dance can be done by anyone. This means that both male dancers and female dancers can perform dance performances.

2. Types of Dance by Genre

Types of dance based on genre are still divided into several categories as explained below.

a. Traditional dance

Traditional dance is a dance art that has existed in an area for a long time. Traditional dance arts will be passed on from one generation to the next continuously to create an artistic culture.

b. New Creation Dance

New creation dance is a dance art that keeps up with the times. Several new creations in the art of dance were created from traditional dances which were developed with choreographers who kept up with the current times.

c. Contemporary Dance

Finally, there is the type of contemporary dance. Where in contemporary dance art will use symbolic movements, have uniqueness and have certain meanings in it.

Thus a review of the basic elements of dance as well as the elements and various types of dance. Sinaumed’s can increase their knowledge about the art of dance by reading books available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides the best products so you have #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Hendrik