Bacon: The Manufacturing Process, How to Choose, and How to Cook It

Bacon is – Bacon or in English, bacon is a meat product made from pork . Bacon is made from several cuts of meat. Usually taken from the side and back of the pork. In the United States, bacon is almost always made from pork belly. This cut side then has more meat and less fat from the belly.

Bacon or bacon can also be cooked by roasting, boiling, frying, or cut into small pieces according to taste. To find out more about bacon , you can see a more complete explanation about bacon below.

About Bacon

Bacon is thinly sliced ​​meat then cured with salt. The meat used to make the bacon itself comes from the belly or back of the pig. Besides being able to be enjoyed as a snack with a salty taste, bacon is also often included in foods such as omelettes or omelets, sandwiches , soups, salads, burgers to ice cream.

In America, Bacon is very popular where it comes from the belly with a long layer of fat parallel to the skin. Meanwhile, in England there is Back bacon , which is the most common form of bacon, sometimes also called Irish or rasher or Canadian bacon in which the meat comes from the loin in the middle of the back of the pig. Back Bacon itself has a texture that is more like ham.

Even so, nowadays bacon doesn’t always have to be pork, there are also some bacon that comes from beef. Bacon made from beef is better known by Indonesian people as beef bacon .

Bacon Making Process

In the manufacturing process, the meat will be soaked in a solution of salt, nitrate, and sometimes sugar and sometimes smoked to get a distinctive smokey aroma. It is this layer of fat that will give the bacon a savory taste and also allow it to be cooked crispy yet tender.

The ratio of fat to lean meat is generally half to two-thirds fat to meat to determine the quality of good bacon . Another thing to consider when cooking bacon is not to cook it at high temperatures for a long time. High heat will convert nitrites into nitrosamines.

Bacon cooked in the microwave then contains less nitrosamines. Nitrates are used not only to preserve color, but also as a preservative to slow rancidity in fats and kill botulism bacteria. Nitrite is often the subject of controversy due to its role as a cancer-causing agent in animal studies, but the results have been inconclusive.

Currently, there are already nitrate-free bacon products on the market. In addition, food manufacturers have also started adding vitamin C during the curing process of meat, and this has contributed to lowering the nitrosamine content.

How to Choose the Best Bacon

Good bacon has alternating layers of fat and meat. Beef bacon is one of the most delicious dishes to eat, whether it is eaten cooked or raw. Apart from the quality of the meat, of course there are several other things that must be considered when using the meat. Here are three ways for consumers to choose the best quality Beef Bacon:


Good bacon will be taken from the beef or pork in the stomach area with a very distinctive aroma and does not give off a rancid smell .


Bacon also has a unique color combination, namely red and white, which looks natural and is not colored at all.


Bacon also has a thin shape because the slices are very careful and will not damage the meat fibers at all.

Bacon Cooking Steps

When you want to cook bacon , you can usually do it using cooking utensils, such as skillets, ovens , and microwaves . Everyone has their own taste in choosing bacon to cook with what cooking utensil.


Here’s a classic method, and ideal for then preparing six to eight pieces at a time. Remove the bacon from its package and let it come to room temperature (or about 20 minutes). Do not preheat the skillet, but place the bacon strips (without overlapping them) in the cold skillet and cook over medium heat.

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Then, turning as needed, cook for about 10 minutes. Drain the cooked bacon on paper towels before finally serving.


To cook bacon in the oven, place the bacon on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place it in the cold oven. Then preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for 17 to 20 minutes or until desired crispiness. No need to turn, but it’s best to drain the bacon using a paper towel before serving. This will prevent the bacon from getting too greasy.


Cover the microwave with several layers of paper towels, then place the bacon strips without overlapping them, and cover with paper towels again. Cook on high for four to six minutes, without turning.

7 Bacon Cooking Mistakes

Who can resist the delicious bacon ? Just the first bite, you will definitely feel addicted. So that the taste of bacon remains delicious and tasty, the cooking method should not be arbitrary.

If you feel that the bacon you are cooking doesn’t taste the same as the one in the restaurant, there may be an error in processing it. Below are some mistakes that you should avoid when cooking bacon :

1. Choosing the Wrong Bacon

Of the many types of bacon in supermarkets, of course, it will make us confused to choose. But be careful while choosing. Choose fresh bacon and the pieces are not too thick so that when cooked you will get a crunch.

2. Cooking Bacon While Frozen

Bacon as a type of meat, especially in the fat. If you then immediately cook it frozen, the bacon wo n’t be crispy. Wait at room temperature for 15 minutes, before finally cooking it.

3. Too Much Cooking in the Pan

If you want to cook bacon for the family, it’s best to avoid cooking everything in one pan right away . This will cause the bacon to pile up and stick together, so it won’t get a crunchy texture. So, you really have to be extra patient!

4. Cooking Using a Hot Pan

Well, this one mistake is definitely often done. Usually, we will heat the pan before using it. However, it is better to cook it on a pan that is still cold. Then start the fire from medium until finally the bacon is cooked and crispy.

5. Remove the Fat

It’s wrong if you cook bacon , but the fat is removed instead. It is precisely this fat that will be the most important part. The fat can be stored for cooking potatoes or by making other dishes. Guaranteed the taste will be more delicious later, because the oil is naturally produced from meat.

6. Too Often Flip Bacon

If you’re cooking bacon, it’s best not to turn it over often. Let the bacon cook on its own until one side is crispy, then you can flip the other side.

7. Cooking Bacon Only on the Stove

In order to produce crispy bacon , you don’t have to always fry it using the stove. You can also cook it in the oven . The result is no less crisp. Those are the seven mistakes that are often made when cooking bacon . Have fun practicing so you don’t get it wrong again!

Bacon Recipe

Bacon Fried Rice

Materials needed:

  • Prepare 2 tablespoons of butter or margarine
  • Also prepare 2 cloves of garlic after finely chopped
  • Prepare 20 g of onions, finely chopped
  • Prepare 5 pieces of beef bacon , roughly cut
  • Prepare 1 chicken egg, shake it
  • Prepare 300 g of cold white rice
  • Prepare 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • Prepare 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
  • Prepare 1 tsp salt
  • Prepare 1 tablespoon of mushroom broth
  • Prepare 1 tsp of sesame oil
  • Also prepare 1 stalk of green onion, then finely slice it

Garnish: coriander leaves

Steps to Make Beef Bacon Fried Rice:

  1. Melt the butter in a pan then sauté the garlic and onions until they become fragrant and wilted. Add beef bacon , then stir until it changes color and stiffens. Set aside to the edge of the pan. Pour in the egg and beat it down the side of the pan, stirring until it’s lumpy. Stir well.
  2. Also add white rice, soy sauce, pepper, mushroom broth, salt and sesame oil. Turn up the heat, then stir quickly until everything is well blended.
  3. Add the green onions, then stir briefly then remove from heat. Serve while warm with coriander leaves, if you like it to taste.
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Hunter-style Banana Skin Bacon

Materials needed:

  • Prepare 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • Prepare 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
  • Prepare 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder
  • Also prepare 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • Prepare 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt
  • Prepare 1 teaspoon of dark brown sugar
  • Prepare 1/2 teaspoon of liquid smoke
  • Prepare 1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika
  • Prepare 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper
  • Prepare 2 bananas, take the skin then cut into 4 parts
  • Prepare 1/2-3/4 tablespoons of avocado oil

Steps to make banana skin bacon:

  1. Scrape the pulp from the skin using a spoon, knife or spatula. Separate. Meanwhile, mix all the seasoning ingredients in a bowl. Dip the banana peel in the seasoning, then make sure all the skin is coated then leave it in the fridge for 2-4 hours.
  2. Prepare a frying pan with a little oil then put the banana peels. Leave some space so the skin doesn’t crowd the pan. It is better not to pour the seasoning into the pan to minimize rubbing the banana skin because it will knock the seasoning out.
  3. Then, turn on low to medium heat and let the banana peels begin to sizzle. When there is a splash within a few minutes, flip the skin over. Do this 2-3 times until finally the banana skin becomes dark and the spices are perfectly caramelized.
  4. Drain the skin and serve immediately while warm. If you want to store it, maximum banana skin bacon can be enjoyed in just 48 hours.
    Bacon originally came from pork, but over time, bacon came from beef. After knowing about bacon , are you going to try to process bacon at home?

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